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How To Attain The Level And What Are The Steps Necessary, Where Women Are Social, Legal And Spiritual Equals Of Men - Essay Example

The author of the "How to Attain the Level and What Are the Steps Necessary, Where Women Are Social, Legal and Spiritual Equals of Men" paper states that instead of wasting the energies whether men and women are equal or not equal, it is to wise to take the position that men and women are different.  …
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How To Attain The Level And What Are The Steps Necessary, Where Women Are Social, Legal And Spiritual Equals Of Men
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Order 284385 Topic: FORMING YOUR OWN POINION Introduction: You have, perhaps, never come across a discussion or symposium on the topic “Men-their role in the society.” The discussion is always about women. Men have, perhaps, no role! Can men not do some of the jobs normally done by women? They can! The best chefs anywhere in the world are men! The never-ending talk of giving equal rights to women goes on unabated. The Acts of Parliaments in all the countries put together, will not bring equality for women unless the change is achieved within-by both men and women. How can you give equal rights to women? God has created her given her the status of more equal! Nobody has the power to take that right away. It is the mother, who gives protection for the initial nine months to the divine creative force of the future- male or female! But in many societies even today we find that the female child is victimized at every step of life, from the moment of birth. In her essay “Are men smarter than women?” Marilyn vos Savant goes to the fundamentals as she tries to provide answer to the controversy of supremacy between males and females. She demolishes the myth that men are more intelligent than women. Daphne Labua in her essay, “My brain has a sex?” categorically states that ‘no distinction should be made between boys and girls when it comes to education and other forms of socialization.’ Definite procedures will have to be found out to end this discrimination between the two sexes once for all. Now, the question is: How to attain the level and what are the steps necessary, where women are social, legal and spiritual equals of men! Are men more intelligent than women? Gender has nothing to do with the intelligence level. Let us assume that there are three children in a family-2 male and 1 female. Even though they have been brought up in almost similar circumstances, we find that their traits and intelligence levels vary. One of the boys may be brilliant; the other may not be interested in the studies at all. The girl may be extraordinary brilliant. The gender gap that exists in different occupations is due to a variety of reasons. Marilyn vos Savant goes to the fundamentals as she tries to provide answer to the controversy of supremacy between males and females. “Even professionally administered IQ tests are primitive measures of intelligence. Intelligence tests are fine for practical purposes, but not for analytical ones. Too much unavoidable bias (not prejudice) is present: Any test-maker (not just IQ test-creators) must first develop standards upon which the test-takers will be judged. In other words, to test intelligence, the designer must formulate a definition of intelligence.” (Savant, Marilyn, vos, 10/27/05) When this procedural lacuna is attended to properly, it will be an important step to remove the impediments to secure social, legal and spiritual equality for women. If the question is put-- are women less bright than men? The answer is no! There is no concrete evidence that men are more intelligent than women. So also, there is no evidence that women are inferior to men. Yet for no reason, the controversy on the issue continues, knowing fully well that arguments and counterarguments are not going to provide the permanent solution to this vexed issue. It is accepted in most of the societies all over the word, that women are handicapped by their upbringing and social pressures. At several platforms they are discriminated by men. The inborn nature of women (this is the statement of fact; women can not be sympathized or condemned for the state of affairs) is to take active interest in family issues. They are not interested in outside work and the society approves this arrangement. Any top responsibility in an organization requires fulltime attention, and sometimes extensive tours from the station of posting. This is a difficult position for the women. However, do not mistrust their skills and abilities. Only the fair division of ‘labor’ for smooth functioning of the society is the issue. Well, what if the women do not agree for this arrangement? As things stand today (this was not the position some decades ago) they have the full legal rights to do what they please and what they consider is in their best interest. If the woman thinks that there is discrimination, she has the legal remedies to rectify the situation. Such legal remedies and the progress that women have made in the field of education to empower themselves have gone a long way to secure equality for them at all levels. Bright people, both men and women, are spread over, in all the occupations. But certain occupations are temperamentally and from the practical consideration, are suited to women. Teaching profession for example! Women choose this occupation deliberately so that they can spare more time for their children at home. Fatherhood is synonymous with responsibility. Motherhood is synonymous with love and affection! Moreover, teaching involves lots of talking which women by their inborn nature love! Instead of wasting the energies whether men and women are equal or not equal, it is to wise to take the position that men and women are different. Just like apples and oranges! Both are tasty, good for health and attractive in appearance and yet they are different. High achievers and world renowned personalities belong to both the sexes. For example, Women: Maya Lin (Architect), Bette Davis (Actress), Marie Curie (Physicist), Martha Graham (Choreographer), Mary Matalin, (Political consultant) Men: Frank Gehry(Architect),Albert Einstein(Physicist),Bill Gates(Computers),Mike Nichols(Director), Johnny Carson(Talk-show host). The essential ability differences between female and male exist--In her article “My Brain Has a Sex?” Daphne LaBua agrees on this vital point. But she drives home the issue that apart from the innate sex differences, the root cause of the malady is customs and prejudices, social discrimination, and mainly education. She is quite vocal when she avers, “Men and women are equal, and therefore, women should have all of the same rights as men. Because of this, no distinction should be made between boys and girls when it comes to education and other forms of socialization. Isnt that what women have been fighting for since winning the right to vote in 1920? Its been a long struggle, and we are achieving our goals. Women are going places their predecessors never thought they could.”(LaBua, Daphne, 10/27/05) Thus they have achieved, to a great measure, what is due to them from the social and legal points of view. The above reads like the final judgment, without any scope for revision. But she cautiously retraces and modifies her arguments when she offers further explanations on the subject. Evidence has been found that boys’ and girls’ brains learn and react differently. It has been found that “Men are more jealous over sexual infidelity, while women care more about emotional betrayal.” (LaBua, Daphne, 10/27/05) Just because men and women are legally equal with the right to enjoy equal opportunities, it does not mean that men and women are the same. Men and women’s brains are different. “Granted, it must first be universally and unconditionally recognized that "different" does not mean "less capable." (LaBua, Daphne, 10/27/05) Conclusion: In fine, the problem has to be viewed from all angles, social, legal and spiritual to remove the imbalances. The age old controversy between him and her has to be amicably settled once for all, in the pursuit of happiness for humanity. Whether male or female, I think we need to discuss and understand the issue from the point of view of ending discrimination, provide education and equal opportunities to the girl-child. No sane individual desires that there should be discrimination in the society, at any level, male, female, children and old people, workers or physically challenged. With the attempted change in the perspective, the thought process changes and the individual— male or female will change. Such changed individuals will be able to form a society free from all sorts of negativities. The pages of human history daubed in bloodshed with violence including physical abuse and denial of rights related to women, ask the crying question. How to make this Planet Earth heaven-like? The answer is simple and straightforward. Eyes full of understanding, hearts full of love and life that refuses conflicts and discrimination-enough, these alone are enough! Man and woman are alternative beats of the same heart and it is the encouraging sign that imbalances are diminishing and one day they will totally disappear from society. =========== Works Cited: Savant, Marilyn vos. PARADE Magazine Article: Are Men Smarter Than Women? Are Men Smarter? Publication Date: 07/17/2005. - 60k -Retrieved on March 27, 2009 LaBua, Daphne. Tufts Daily.Article: My brain has a sex? Issue date: 10/27/05 Section: Viewpoints - 38k - Cached –Retrieved on March 27, 2009 Read More
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