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Constitutional Amendment - Assignment Example

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The requirements include a person having to be a natural born United States’ citizen. The person must also have lived in the country for at least…
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Constitutional Amendment
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Constitutional Amendment Immigrants Right To Presidential Office Sections of the Amendment Section A proven citizen of the United States shall qualify for the office of PresidentSection 2. One must live in the States for at least 10 yearsSection 3. The amendment would go into effect 2 years after its ratification.Amendment Explanation The Article II of the United States defines the requirements a person should have to be eligible for the office of the president. The requirements include a person having to be a natural born United States’ citizen.

The person must also have lived in the country for at least 14 years to be qualified as a candidate. He or she must also have the minimum age of 35 years old (U.S Constitution, 2015). Apart from the qualification age, the rest of the requirements serve to discriminate and prevent the immigrants to become the president of the United States. Our nation is a country known and respected worldwide for its freedom and democratic advances; however, these sections do not suggest so. There have existed many people who are highly qualified for the office of president position, but have been denied the chance to lead the country on the basis of them not being natural born citizens of the United States.

Among such people are notably Elaine Chao, Madeleine Albright, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Jennifer Granholm. The minimum age of 14 years also restricts not only immigrants but native citizens who seek personal developments such as educational and career advancements abroad. This amendment is particularly important to eliminate the ‘natural born citizen’ clause from the Article and to reduce the age that limits the United States citizens from running for the presidency. ReferenceU.S. Constitution (2015).

Constitutional topic: Citizenship. Retrieved from

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