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Cities, Family Occasions, Work and Social life, Climate in Germany and the US - Case Study Example

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The paper "Cities, Family Occasions, Work and Social life, Climate in Germany and the US" compares both nations' lifestyle, the role that Germans and Americans assign to holidays, religious worship, social traditions. The author clearly sympathizes with the Germans…
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Cities, Family Occasions, Work and Social life, Climate in Germany and the US
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The climate is more welcoming than the cold polar climate of America that is characterized by snow and extremely low temperatures and frozen soils with the coldest months having as low as -3oC while warm months may have temperatures as low as 10oC (Mendelsohn, 66). Germany's CitiesGerman cities are characterized by beautiful forests that purify the environment, which would otherwise be stuffy due to the high level of industrialization. The trees sequester the greenhouse gases emitted by industries and automobiles while on the other hand give cities such as Frankfurt fabulous scenery (Tomalin, 59).

On the contrary, cities in America are characterized by sprawling sky scrappers with no forest cover in their neighborhood. Besides the lack of attractiveness that would be derived from forests surrounding cities like New Yolk, the greenhouse gases emitted from the industries and automobiles are released into the environment, thereby posing imminent danger associated with climate change (Mendelsohn, 66).Family OccasionsIn Germany, Christmas is a special day for a person to meet with members of the immediate family.

This helps in maintaining strong bonds between members of a nuclear family by meeting to address their common needs. In contrast, Christmas in America is thought to be an occasion for the extended family, which leaves little room for the immediate family members who might have common problems (Tomalin, 60).Religion in GermanyThe mandatory church tax in Germany is remarkable because it promotes the involvement of churches in charitable activities that are meant to meat to provide humanitarian services.

This ensures that the needs of the populace are taken care of by each person who associates him/herself with religion. On the other hand, such practices are uncommon in America and hence the government has a difficult task of meeting all the humanitarian needs during the crisis (Tomalin, 62).Work and social life Germans are good at building strong friendships that last long. They value friendship than the Americans and are able to separate friendship matters from work-related issues. The Germans value private life while on the other hand, they are hard-working, which is the reason that they separate the two aspects of life.

The Americans, on the other hand, are swift in developing friendships that do not last long and are also free in engaging in social issues while in the workplace. It is, therefore, better to engage in a slow-growing but long-lasting friendship with Germans than a fast-developing but short-lived friendship with an American (Tomalin, 64).

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