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Biological Terrorism
9 pages (2641 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Developing bio-weapons require only basic education in Science and less investment that extends the danger of attracting terrorist group in choosing biological warfare.... The development of Science and technology and new fields like genetic engineering, gene transfer technologies has amplified the threat of developing new efficient biological agents.... National Centre for case study Teaching Science....
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The Nature of Surveillance within the Context of Privacy Issues Associated with CCTV
6 pages (2150 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
World Academics Science Engineering Techechnology, 4(4):254–259 ... Computer Science Journal, 3285, pp.... The paper 'The Nature of Surveillance within the Context of Privacy Issues Associated with CCTV' presents Surveillance that can be defined as the activity of watching over information, people, property, and behavior with an aim to protect, maintain, influence, or offer directions....
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Was Freud a Crazy Theoretician or a Genius
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Without a doubt, Fairbairn continued Freud's legacy by adding new ideas and helpful techniques to it which are now hold a very important part in the field of psychoanalytic therapies even after a half century later in a time when Science and technology has elevated to a very high level.... Critics have been arguing about many aspects of psychoanalysis including whether or not it is a Science?...
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Classical and Systematic Approaches in Samsungs Strategy
5 pages (1306 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
?Management Science, 24(9), pp.... The paper 'Classical and Systematic Approaches in Samsung's Strategy' is a thoughtful example of a management case study.... Samsung was founded in 1938 as a trading company and comprises many subsidiaries.... The company branched into the electronics industry in the 1960s and since then they have increased their global activities in electronics....
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Food and Drink in Society
7 pages (2308 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Science daily: Science news.... Wiley series in crop Science.... The paper "Food and Drink in Society" presents that The history of rice reaches back as far as the history of agriculture.... Humans have been cultivating rice for many, many generations, creating a large genetic history, as well as an agriculture history....
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Marketing Strategy: University of Greenwich, Brunel University, Middlesex University
10 pages (2892 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
otal – non-Science subject areas ... ndergraduate students on non-Science courses (Berka, 2009) ... he number of students on non-Science course increased over time ... usiness studies were the most studied non-Science subject. ... reative arts and design was the second most popular non Science subject ... Hershey PA: Information Science Reference, Internet resource. ...
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Integrated Marketing Communication
10 pages (3200 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26(4), 293-306. ... This case study "Integrated Marketing Communication" is about it is a concept designed to give users of the marketing mix an opportunity to make use of all aspects of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and direct marketing a unified force....
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Ballistic Analysis of Crime Scene
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
iological Evidence examinations; this would largely focus on the DNA Science that would reveal any biological evidence present in the crime scene.... Forensic Science handbook.... This paper ''Ballistic Analysis of Crime Scene'' tells that from the description of the crime scene, the firearm that had been used to inflict the bullet wounds on the victims was recovered at the scene....
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The State of the IT Job Market in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2527 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Labour experts were concerned that Saudi education was not focusing on marketable skills such as business information technology, computer Science and business information systems which could offer students and employees capacity and opportunity for innovation.... ource: (Data Science Central 2015)9 ... However, the few universities offer related course which are majorly Science in Information technology, computer engineering and computer Science....
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Project Management for Glasgow Tower and the World Trade Centre
13 pages (3382 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Glasgow Tower, which is a part of the Glasgow Science Centre, is one of the tallest buildings in Europe.... Glasgow Tower, which is a part of the Glasgow Science Centre, is one of the tallest buildings in Europe.... the IMAX Theatre, the Science Mall, and the Glasgow Tower.... the Glasgow Science Centre and the WTC cleanup projects, have many similarities identifiable in relation to the communication techniques used and the project management phases....
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Implications of Diversity in the Economy of Roseburg
5 pages (1329 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Sociology 14 December Implications of Diversity in the economy of Roseburg, Oregon Audience and Purpose Sociology and anthropology are two distinct bodies of Science that both deal primarily with the society (Merriam-Webster 864) and human beings in relation to many different aspects of his life like his origin, races, social relations and culture (Merriam-Webster 37)....
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A Students Experience in University Accommodation
9 pages (2969 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Such fundamental decisions represent assumptions on how Science should be conducted.... Such fundamental decisions represent assumptions on how Science should be conducted, what makes up solutions, criteria of proofs and legitimate problems.... Surveys correspond to one of the most universal types of social Science, quantitative research.... Contemporary philosophy of social Science: a multicultural approach....
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The Role of Communication in the Daily Nursing Practice
6 pages (1888 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Nursing Science Quarterly, vol.... This paper "The Role of Communication in the Daily Nursing Practice" tells that communication is significant in everyday life.... In many cases, this concept is simply overlooked.... However, the capability for individuals to communicate efficiently is vital to transfer one's thoughts to other people....
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Challenges Faced by a Physically Handicapped Student Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School
8 pages (2623 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Santa, Rosa: Informing Science.... Social Science & Medicine 64(7), pp.... The paper 'Challenges Faced by a Physically Handicapped Student Transitioning from Primary to Secondary School' seeks to critically examine the challenges faced by a student with a physical handicap associated with cerebral palsy as he transitions from primary school to secondary school....
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Pathophysiology of Clinical Manifestation
11 pages (3218 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal Diabetes Science and Technology, 3(4), 914-923 ... The paper "Pathophysiology of Clinical Manifestation" states that the patient displays poor glycemic control and his health is deteriorating at an alarming rate.... Given his age, it is evident that the death of his wife has taken a toll on him and he has not been able to cope with the whole situation....
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The Cause for the Dominance of English in Australia
14 pages (3894 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Our curriculum recommends the study of Science, mathematics, English, geography, and history among the year 10 Australian students.... For example, when a child takes more than four languages in addition to mathematics, English, Science, and history as required by the curriculum, he learns more information compared to one who just takes the compulsory subjects.... Moreover, incorporating language into the syllabus will improve performance of the kids in other subjects such as mathematics, Science, or even history thereby ensuring attainment of good and worthier grades in academics (Merit, 2013)....
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Bioethical Consideration of Maternal-Fetal Issues
6 pages (1647 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Social Science & Medicine, 56(10), 2045-2057. ... The paper "Bioethical Consideration of Maternal-Fetal Issues" highlights that medical doctors need to observe the ethical concerns of the diagnostic procedures.... Such issues may include respect for the patients' autonomy for cases that medical concerns differ with what the patient requires....
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Organisational Choices : Structure
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Subject: Business Organizational Choices – Structure: A Case Study on Rebuilding ABB (A) Name: Class: Presented to: Date: ABB was established in 1988 after a merger and is one of largest and global industrial engineering companies.... The company operated under the traditional complex model where it registered rapid growth in Asia and US at the beginning before a decline in growth....
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Environmental Awareness - Welsh Assembly Government
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
limate change is directly related to the physical Science.... d=Science-behind-climate-change, 2009).... he tidal energy is related to the basic Science and engineering of tapping tidal waves, as density of sea waves is 832 times to the air.... ontaminated land and its reclamation are engineering related issues of environment Science and technology.... asic Science confers huge advantages on tidal energy.... he Physical Science behind Climate Change....
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The Importance of Advertising Design in Creating Brand Personality
59 pages (10363 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "The Importance of Advertising Design in Creating Brand Personality" states that in the case of brands, there are many issues that need to be taken into consideration before developing a plan of action (referring to the promotion of brands within a foreign market).... ... ... ... The responses of employees in the luxury car market are at the same level with those of customers – apart from the fact that customers state their view using very specific pieces of advertisement (in fact photos) that are related with the products/ cars of the 5 firms examined through current study....
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Enron Case and Whistle-Blowers in Australia
17 pages (4987 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
New York, Nova Science Pub. ... The study "Enron Case and Whistle-Blowers in Australia" critically analyzes two ethical cases, namely the impact of fraud and lack of ethics in business by focusing on the events that led to the bankruptcy of Enron; and the form and level of current institutionalized whistle-blower protection in Australia....
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Political Movements and Theory of Participation
10 pages (2891 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
etz, R 2014, The role of political movements in democracy, Institute for Political Science, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.... ochira, A 2011, Deliberation and protest: A closer look at social fora dynamics, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 1(8), 1-24. ...
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Role of Technology in Modern Organisations - Wal-Mart, Samsung Electronics Company
10 pages (3144 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In the first stage of Samsung Electronics Company's Science and technology policy adoption and implementation, the company focused on purchasing technologies from overseas.... In the last stage of the adoption and implementation of Samsung Electronics Company Science and technology policy, acquisition of design technology was based on technical information from advanced companies, reverse engineering, as well as other relevant DRAM designs.... Journal of Applied Research Science, 7, (1): 11-17. ...
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Chernobyl Tragedy - Insight into Engineering Disaster of the Past
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Science and technology, thus, share a large credit for our today's development.... The paper 'Chernobyl Tragedy - Insight into Engineering Disaster of the Past' assesses the reasons for the accident of a nuclear reactor - the lack of quality control of the used parts of turbines and fissile material, lack of verification mechanism after the end of the operation cycle....
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Employee Turnover in the Hotel Business
6 pages (1756 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
New York: Springer Science.... eadership, Gender, and Organization (Issues in Business Ethics) Springer Science, New York: Springer Science.... The paper "Employee Turnover in the Hotel Business" describes the existing problems and issues of contention between the management and the workers that have led to the large turnover rates in the firm....
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Magnetic Field Tomography Based On Magneto Eencephalography
8 pages (2177 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Investigation into different tasks this project hoped to accomplish over passing years helps one to realize how far BBP has come in revolutionizing Science.... This paper "Magnetic Field Tomography Based On Magneto Eencephalography" focuses on the fact that finite element method or FEM is basically a numerical technique that is used to solve different kinds of equations like a differential or integral equation....
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Medias Role in Social Violence
9 pages (2812 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Media Violence Effects and Violent Crime: Good Science or Moral ... The paper "Media's Role in Social Violence" justify that the media could be an accomplice to social violence, but not the only source orchestrating this vice.... Personalities and upbringing are other factors that ought to be included in the demonization of sources of violence....
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Callister Roys Model of Adaptation
2 pages (767 words) , Download 8 , Case Study
The paper "Callister Roys Model of Adaptation" highlights that generally, Eddie's values were that he should be the one providing for his family and not the other way round, though he understood that it was could not because of his current condition.... ... ... ... Generally, when assessing an individual self-concept mode, it is essential to hear words from their own mouth as the self-concept mode is all about how individuals view themselves....
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Gladwell's Concept
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
However, the advances in Science have not resulted in visible improvements in solutions to problems associated with human behavior such as crime, etc.... In this study, the author demonstrates the influence of the environment on the person and the extent of this influence on his behavior....
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Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials
7 pages (2051 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Springer Science & Business Media. ... The paper 'Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials " is a great example of a management case study.... Corporation venturing is considered an important tool for innovation.... ... ... ... The paper 'Opportunity Development through Corporate Venturing - 3M Construction Materials " is a great example of a management case study....
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The Palm City Company Administrator
8 pages (2345 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(13), 234-250. ... Its annual capital of £205 is equally distributed among its five shareholders.... It is a company whose leadership is done by the shareholders coming.... ... ... The paper 'The Palm City Company Administrator" is a great example of a management case study....
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Caterpillars Resilience for Strategic Change Management Process
15 pages (4329 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These above mentioned lines are not only mere scholarly jargon or illusion used by some well known academic scholars but the lines are truly reflecting the core essence of change management.... In such context, Zajac, Kraatz & Bresser (2000) pointed out that the question is not.... ... ... The paper "Caterpillar's Resilience for Strategic Change Management Process" is a perfect example of a case study on management....
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Clinical Psychology: Severe Depression
8 pages (2169 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Clinical psychology is an area in psychology that deals with the use of clinical knowledge, Science, and theory handle psychological discomforts including severe depression.... Clinical psychology is an area in psychology that deals with the use of clinical knowledge, Science and theory handle psychological discomforts including severe depression.... pplied behavioral Science: ... linical Psychology is the most applicable behavioral Science in this case....
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Application of Social Learning Theory to Explain a Criminal Behavior
7 pages (1881 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Understanding behaviorism: Science, behavior, and culture.... The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology and behavioral Science.... The paper "Application of Social Learning Theory to Explain a Criminal Behavior" highlights that Bert developed a behavior related to crime mainly stealing which can be explained by family models in social learning theory....
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How the Metropolitan Police Service Benefit From International Relations
10 pages (2715 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Even though some practitioners categorize international relations as a section of political Science, educationists treat it as one of the interdisciplinary areas of study.... The positivist theory had an objective of replicating the natural Science methods through the analysis of the effects of material forces (Bodycott, 2000).... It rules out the neo-realism central ideas like the theory of rational choice, on the basis that a scientific method may not be applied to the social world, hence an international relation Science is impossible....
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Learning Practice and Leadership Capacity at Hail University School of Education
16 pages (4656 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Beginning by offering three year associate degree programs, the college soon expanded to include Bachelor degree programs in a number of areas including Business administration, applied electrical engineering, management information systems and computer Science.... In June 2005, University of Hail consisting of five colleges (including the College of Medicine, College of Science, College of Pharmacy, Community college and the College of Computer Science & Computer engineering) was officially launched by a Royal Decree....
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Implementing Total Quality Management in the Higher Education Sector
25 pages (7358 words) , Case Study
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As part of the tradition of the school in maintaining high standards in both academics, personality training, and discipline, the College of Economics and Political Science, which is the setting for this case study, have had several modalities aimed at ensuring that there is quality in all areas of the college's management.... n this case study, quality in management at the College of Economics and Political Science at Sultan Qaboos University in Sultanate of Oman is taken from the conceptual perspective of total quality management (TQM)....
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Finding Gravity Using a Simple Pendulum
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
oshi, D 2006, New living Science physics for class 9 with more numerical problems, Ratna Sagar, New Delhi.... This paper ''Finding Gravity Using a Simple Pendulum'' tells that The study aims at determining the acceleration due to gravity using a simple pendulum.... Data is collected on the pendulum's time to make an oscillation, and theory is used to determine the acceleration due to gravity....
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Threats for NASA
5 pages (1351 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
1), “NASA's Science Mission Directorate conducts scientific exploration that is enabled by access to space.... From space, in space, and about space, NASA's Science vision encompasses questions as practical as hurricane formation, as enticing as the prospect of lunar resources, and as profound as the origin of the Universe....
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Evaluating Adolescents With Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts
10 pages (2564 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
History reports, the field of cognitive psychology has been supplemented by the interdisciplinary field of cognitive Science.... Cognitive Science focuses on the collected knowledge of several academic specialties on the same theoretical issues.... This case study "Evaluating Adolescents With Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Thoughts" introduces a brief window into the field of cognitive psychology and its related topics....
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Pathways to War in Democratic Transitions
7 pages (1864 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
oyle, M 1986, ‘Liberalism and World Politics', American Political Science Review ... University of Science and Technology Press and Scholarly Open Press ... From the paper "Pathways to War in Democratic Transitions" it is clear that although there are some notable exceptions and certain 'grey areas' regarding the role of non-democratic institutions, commonly democracies appear to be avoiding wars with fellow democracies....
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Reviewing the Marketing Mix Based on Ironman and TransRockies
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Conclusion: Therefore, it can be concluded that this for-profit event is unique, iconic, and different from other non-serious sports and that it has dealt with marketing as a means of Science (Jones and Monieson, 1990).... The current paper critically analyzes Ironman's use of the marketing mix and examines its application in comparison with TransRockies....
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Agricultural Knowledge and Information System
9 pages (3107 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "Agricultural Knowledge and Information System" discusses the rapid growth of technology around the world that has led to the development of innovative plans and techniques in all industrial sectors in order to meet the increased demands of customers in all markets internationally.... ...
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The Impact of Competition on Air Travel Services of Virgin Atlantic
7 pages (2398 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
415, Aviation Competition Restoration Act: Hearing before the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, One Hundred Seventh Congress, first session, March 13, 2001.... The purpose of this study "The Impact of Competition on Air Travel Services of Virgin Atlantic" analyzes how the entry of new airlines into the international airline alliances affects the operations of Virgin Atlantic Airlines....
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Understanding Nursing Procedures
8 pages (2300 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Operations Research and Health Care: A Handbook of Methods and Applications (International Series in Operations Research & Management Science).... This case study "Understanding Nursing Procedures" contains answers to questions related to nursing, in particular care procedures, especially in the transition period....
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CaseStudy Paper
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Complications: A Surgeons Notes on an Imperfect Science.... The hospital is well known for hernia operations.... Shouldice hospital applies the natural tissue, tension free, method developed by Dr.... Edward Shouldice (Robert & Richard, 2011).... The centre is the property of Shouldice....
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The Effect of Defendants Socioeconomic Status
9 pages (2208 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Robert Cialdini, in Influence: Science and Practice, recapitulates: ... A review of social Science theory and research.... The paper "The Effect of Defendants Socioeconomic Status" states that there is no significant difference in the decisions made by the jurors despite the different socioeconomic status of the defendant....
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The Online Education Program
8 pages (2552 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
offers a BA in English language due to the consideration of English as the language of Science and technology and the fact it is the most widespread international language.... The paper 'The Online Education Program' focuses on is a phenomenon that has sparked the education world due to its feature of flexibility and adaptability offering nature to the students worldwide....
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Benefits Law Advice
11 pages (3350 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Scandinavian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports, 13, 3-8. ... "Benefits Law Advice" paper looks into the examples of how decisions are made to decide who gets what types of benefits for DLA, Attendance Allowance, and other forms of services from the government due to their disabilities....
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The Experiences of Boys and Girls in the Context of a Romantic Relationship
17 pages (5060 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'The Experiences of Boys and Girls in the Context of a Romantic Relationship' presents physiological responses to romantic relationships, emotions that are manifested during romances, social implications or consequences of engaging in romantic relationships.... ... ... ... Studies on romance include the studies of social scientists who unearthed evidence of physiological responses manifested by heightened hormones in new romances....
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