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Catastrophes as Turning Points: Therac-25 Radiation Therapy Failure
8 pages (2220 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Between 1985 and 1987, this type of error did take place, resulting in the loss of 6 People (Leveson & Turner, 1993).... Between 1985 and1987, this type of error did take place, resulting in the loss of 6 People (Leveson & Turner, 1993).... When the problem was finally realized, it was too little too late, given that six People had already lost their lives....
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Ethical Side of the Business World
9 pages (2570 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
On this, it should be acknowledged that since an organization is not living creatures by itself; corporate ethics is normally developed and sustained by its People.... rom utilitarian ethics theory perspective, an action is deemed ethical if it leads to the happiness of the majority of People (Jones, Will and Gregory 2007, 138).... For this reason, a decision to uphold high health & safety standards and ethical business practices is one that leads to the happiness of the majority of People; thus should be upheld over others....
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Operations Managers in Spice Village Restaurant
7 pages (2009 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
For example, the Chinese People are not targeted as the employees, and the owners of the restaurants do not understand the Chinese language.... In addition, Pakistani People usually do not prefer alcohol.... Generally speaking, the paper "Operations Managers in Spice Village Restaurant" was about addressing the strategic and operational aspects of Spice Village....
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Book Censorship in Schools and Public Libraries
8 pages (2256 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Oppenheim says that in the event that certain materials are to be removed from the library simply because it does no sound well to a given class of community or class of People, the materials could be other peoples favourite.... Another reason against censorship is the imposition of certain beliefs to other People....
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The Toy Manufacturing Industry: Mattel Inc and Branded Toys
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
These strategic flaws cause People to doubt the ethical accountability of the firm as well as the effectiveness of current regulations.... People must promote only the firms that strictly comply with legal and ethical norms.... This paper will analyze to what extent Mattel Inc demonstrated its legal and ethical responsibility while responding to the issue....
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Innovation Management Technology
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
First it was the successful development of the product which required a certain degree of technological sophistication and than the involvement of People like Nicholson who ensured that the product is successfully marketed to the already identified niche market by 3M.... It was due to this reason that People like Silver got the opportunity of successfully experiment with new tools and techniques to find out the ways which can improve the overall product offering of the firm....
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The Importance of Marketing in the Twenty-First Century
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Its purpose is to let the People know that an organization exists and that they have a specific service or product they carry and offer to the market.... Its purpose is to let the People know that an organization exists and that they have a specific service or product they carry and offer to the market.... Because of the sweet and unique taste of the product Coke, People would always want to have it.... In this way, People would be able to satisfy their wants (Byrnes 2003)....
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Hog's Breath Cafe: Online Shopping in the Market
9 pages (2680 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The question that should worry many People is, “What is the impact of electronic shopping over the traditional distribution.... This case study "Hog's Breath Cafe: Online Shopping in the Market' focused on current market distribution across the world.... The study was carried out through literature materials based on a case study of Hogs Breath Café in Australia....
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Combining Industry and Social Responsibility
6 pages (1556 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Those searching for information on the right choice of cars received the message that Porsche was more than a utility car that People could use in accomplishing daily tasks.... People associated the available vehicles with the utility function.... The innovation on the model also made other People who had initially hated the original model like it.... In addition, there are People or departments responsible for product innovation in every firm....
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Infant Mortality among Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders Communities
9 pages (2797 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
ccording to the World Health Organisation (WHO, 2012), “the social determinants of health are the conditions in which People are born, grow, live, work and age, including the health system” (para.... ), there is a proven link between income levels, how People spend their incomes, and their health outcomes.... Another study (Beck, 2001) found a link between economic status and sense of self-worth, whereby, People on the lower side of the economic well-being were less likely to have a high sense of self-worth when compared to their economically well-to-do counterparts....
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Contract Law: The Case between Atkins vs Secretary of State Transport
6 pages (1796 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Besides, the fact that most of the People using the documents are engineers and project managers substantiate the claim considering that they lack legal background (Rameezdeen & Rajapakse, 2007, 735).... "Contract Law: The Case between Atkins vs Secretary of State Transport" paper analizes the case in which the dispute for the claim is centered on the extra payment enshrined in clause 60....
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History and Business Growth of Natura
8 pages (2077 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The partnership created by three main People namely: Luiz Seabra (founder/president), Guilherme Leal (CEO/president) and Pedro Passos (COO/president) ensured that the company grew exponentially to where it is today.... At the same time, inflation was reduced and this led to the emergence of new middle class People who spend more on cosmetics hence increasing Natura's productivity.... atura's nature of recruitment Hiring from within the company has been Natura's policy of recruiting new People to join the workforce....
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The Challenges of France and England
7 pages (2195 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In England, the constitution was based mainly on the traditions of the People and the principles that made up what was known as common law.... In France, the modus operandi is more democratic, with the system being a government that is elected by the People and for the People....
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Air Pollution in America
8 pages (2484 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
There are various wellsprings of air pollution today and specialists keep on looking for approaches to battle both the issue and its impacts on nature and the People.... Natural techniques change a significant part of the stored mercury into methyl-mercury, a strong neurotoxin that People and different life forms promptly ingest....
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The Concept of Open Book Costing
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
First is to make the package attractive to suppliers, and then second, get the People in the organization understand the financials necessary in tracking business performance.... Thus purchasing People should be trained to understand costs and expenses in order to be ready for negotiations. ... o Evaluate and Assess the Statement 'Purchasing People are the last People that sales professionals approach when they are looking for business from a company' ...
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Pakistan Drought Hit Thar Desert
9 pages (2556 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper will extensively cover the causes of increasingly drought conditions in Thar desert, the effect of the established water projects in People's lives, demonstrate institutional failures and corruption of Thar government and how they have led to distrust in the public and my opinion to reduce such occurrences.... Lack of proper rain for the last three years has affected People and livestock greatly.... An interview with one of the residents of Thar parkar region in Pakistan indicates that drought has left nothing edible for People and livestock....
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Strategic Analysis of Airbus
8 pages (2632 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The huge base of 52000 employees from different origins is considered as the most valuable asset of the organization and the employee base consist of People from more than 85 nationalities (Airbus-d, n.... Airbus- Corporate information- People and Organziation- Centre of Excellence.... om/en/corporate/People/centres_of_excellence [Accessed on April 15, 2010]. ... Corporate information- People and organization- Airbus Military programmes....
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Analysis of Yakka Tech Inc
8 pages (2276 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
presents an insight into the People and their jobs in YakkaTech Ltd.... his report aims to offer an insight into the People and their jobs in YakkaTech Ltd.... According to the theory, “if the People expect a positive and desirable outcome, they will usually work hard to perform at the level expected to them” (LACPA, n.... Every time, any single client can be expected to be catered by difference People....
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The Effects of Early Administration of Dolasetron on Postoperative Nausea
7 pages (2228 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Due to the fact that the PONV can be considered a common effect of surgical procedures, the continuous exploration of the most effective medications and interventions is one of the priorities of the People in the field.... The paper "The Effects of Early Administration of Dolasetron on Postoperative Nausea" states that the ethical concerns are important specifically due to the fact that the research to be conducted is a double-blinded process that involves the study of the reaction of the patients to the medication....
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Psychological Profiling: Crime Scene Assessment
12 pages (3241 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The dead body was found at Water ship Common which is a locality about fifteen miles away from her house and where a fire was reported on 17th July, 2008 on Thursday, and since the fire was located just thirty yards away from the road People around the area were apprehensive that the fire could get out of hands but earlier than it was too late the authorities came and took concern of it and that is when the dead body of Jane Smith was exposed harshly charred and without any clothes on....
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Foundation of Marketing of Pure General Insurance
6 pages (2165 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Ps: prefer to do 7Ps: Product, Price, Promotion, Place, People, Physical evidence and Process (you have to match ideas) ... In this context, it could be stated that the majority of the firm's customers are expected to be People of middle and low income.... The author of this case study "Foundation of Marketing of Pure General Insurance " analyses the marketing plan of the company....
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Improving Sleeping Quality
6 pages (1602 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It is important for effective brain functioning because it facilitates People to work optimally, aiding all the cognitive functions such as sleep, memory, learning, and critical thinking, learning.... It is important for effective brain functioning because it facilitates People to work optimally, aiding all the cognitive functions such as sleep, memory, learning, and critical thinking, learning.... Research has proven that most People do get adequate sleep to function well, particularly college students....
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Business strategy case analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This strategy analysis is about the old and very popular "video format war" between Sony's Betamax and JVC's VHS technologies.... Betmax failed in the market although it was the first of such innovative technologies and VHS won the war.... This war is now a major case study in marketing studies.... ...
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The Second Amendment of the US Constitution
11 pages (3143 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In the proposal it was agreed that further restrictive clauses and declarations that will improve the People's confidence in the government be implemented.... According to the founding fathers, the original intent of the Second Amendment was simply to keep power in the hands of the People.... It meant that the government had no power to limit gun possession by the People.... ?? This request was backed up by an almost similar request from anti-federalists who proposed “That the People have a right to bear arms for the defence of themselves and their own state, or the United States, or for the purpose of killing game; and no law shall be passed for disarming the People or any of them, unless for crimes committed, or real danger of public injury from individuals…” should be agreed upon....
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Causes of Poverty in Saudi Arabia
5 pages (1372 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The imagines of Saudis on television and other media platforms indicate luxury lifestyle in deserts environment but outside the main cities, poverty has affected many People.... The People of Saudi Arabia can be viewed from two angles: the rich who rule the country and the others who work towards fulfilling the requirements of the rich (Atinmo et al.... Saudi Arabia as a community understands the importance of pride, and some of the People in Saudi Arabia do not want to discuss anything about poverty....
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Anthropological Analysis of Obamas Speech on Syria
12 pages (3280 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
In this case, he is determined to convince the American People that action on Syria is a must after the regime used chemical weapons on its own People.... Anthropological Analysis of Obama's Speech on Syria Introduction In a fight for supremacy and subsequent public opinion, People utilize an array of methods to win.... However, People also win in imaginary fights by the appropriate selection and use of language.... cene, People Involved, Situation, and Context of the Speech on Syria ...
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Animal Rights and Experimentation
4 pages (1333 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Critics say that animals need to have as much right as People to enjoy their lives until they die naturally (Santos, 2011).... If animals fail to enjoy the same rights as People, it is only acceptable to use them for experimentation (Cochrane, 2012).... He describes "Principle of Equal Consideration of Interests" as giving equal weight in People's moral deliberations to the interests of beings affected by People's actions (Levy, 2012). ...
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Five Clinical Vignettes for Diagnostic Purposes
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Paranoid personality is characterized by suspicion and general distrust of other People.... In Axis I Diagnosis, it is evident that that patient is suffering from 293.... 3 substance induced mood classified disorder.... This is collaborated by the fact that her moods shifted from elation to utter lethargy and despondency in a moment....
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The Companys Vulnerability of Information Leakages in BioMed Devices
12 pages (3184 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
It was concluded that there should be restriction on the number of People that should have access to certain information.... Not all People should have access to certain information, as they would spread the information unnecessarily.... se a special team of People to make the plans and manufacture the new product. ... Therefore, several countermeasures such as use of crypt cell mobile, encrypting codes and lastly phoning trusted People only....
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Training and Development in ABC Transport PLC in Nigeria
12 pages (4354 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
On top of its poor service related to delay in transport caused by engine failure (Nairaland Forum, 2012, 2010), there are some People who lost their loved ones due to the numerous road accidents ABC Transport has been involved with in the past (Nairaland Forum, 2012).... Because of the number of road accidents and delay in transportation services, a lot of People in Nigeria have lost their confidence in this particular bus transportation company in Nigeria (Nairaland Forum, 2012)....
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Strategic Human Resource Management
5 pages (1821 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Strategic Human Resource Management" focuses on how SHRM influences the overall performance of an organization.... The CIPD defines SHRM as, 'all those activities affecting the behavior of individuals in their efforts to formulate and implement the strategic needs of business' (2009).... ...
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Personal and Social Context of Agnes Price
7 pages (2043 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Agnes continues to work on grief issues resulting from her husband's recent death from cancer and she has problems communicating with People who do not speak her first language, which is Welsh.... Often People feel distant or disconnected from their families, but this is more feeling than fact.... Family members so profoundly affect each others thoughts, feelings, and actions that it often seems as if People are living under the same "emotional skin....
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Health Education Case Study
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
People feel eustress when they have experience, time and resources to handle a situation, however, stress becomes undesirable when People cannot manage the demands that are put on them.... It greatly depends on the perception People have on a situation and their actual ability to handle and cope with such situations.... Relationships are major causes of stress to many People.... This is because of the nature of such relationships of bringing People of different backgrounds and various diversities....
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Chronic Respiratory Disease
9 pages (2912 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Carissa also expresses that she often felt embarrassed by her condition because while walking or going up stairs, she would cough and the sound of her coughing was obviously filled with phlegm and she felt the eyes of People on her; she even could see them visibly trying to avoid her vicinity, she assumed, because of fear of being contaminated by her bacteria.... This made her feel like a social outcast, and in order to avoid awkward situations with other People, she has more or less resorted to avoiding interactions with other People....
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The US Contract Law: The Objective Standard of Agreement
15 pages (4008 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Contracts have been upheld when People have spoken one thing while actually not meaning what they did (Ian Ayers, Richard E.... Contracts have been upheld when People have spoken one thing while actually not meaning what they did (Ian Ayers, Richard E.... The author of the paper titled "The US Contract Law: The Objective Standard of Agreement" discusses the statement that the objective standard of agreement is a stand that makes it impossible for a defendant to plead a mistake as an excuse for non-performance....
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Expanding Starbucks Coffees to Trinidad and Tobago
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper involves the external environment analysis of Trinidad & Tobago so as to conduct a feasibility study for recommending Starbucks Corporation, whether to enter the markets of Trinidad & Tobago or not.... The scope of this report is to conduct an in-depth cultural analysis of the country....
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Solar Energy Development in Sultanate of Oman
13 pages (4224 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Many projects have failed due to lack of understanding among the People, which led to resistance (Jervase & Al-Lawati, 2012); for instance, a Biomass project in Germany, utility-scale solar in California, and the use of CFL bulbs. ... he Biomass undertaking in Germany was not interesting at all to the People of Germany.... Most People argue that the biomass plants are "prone to keep individuals away" when "palls of smoke and poisonous toxins fill the region....
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The Australian Influenza Control Border Plan
10 pages (3188 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
An epidemic is an infectious contagious disease that has thrived over many People exhibiting hardcore characteristics in the prevention and treatment.... An epidemic is an infectious contagious disease that has thrived over many People exhibiting hardcore characteristics in the prevention and treatment.... An epidemic is an infectious contagious disease that has thrived over many People exhibiting hardcore characteristics in the prevention and treatment....
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The Demand and Supply of Oil Commodity During the Period 2000-2005
7 pages (2074 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
When a commodity is inferior, People purchase more and more of the item to throw lesser impact on their real income so that ultimately, higher the price gets, higher goes the demand of the commodity (Anderton, 2000).... The paper "The Demand and Supply of Oil Commodity During the Period 2000-2005" states that the law of demand essentially rules the quantity being demanded as inversely related to the price of the commodity in question owing to negative income and substitution effects....
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Can You Motivate the Unmotivated: Male University Students in Saudi Arabia
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
For example, we can see the powerful integrative motive and high motivation to learn English language among Chinese People in mainland China, who most probably do not interact with any native English speakers most of their lives.... All around the world, millions of People have failed to have a command in second language; a lot of People have failed which provides this theory a good ground for L2 motivation among the learners.... Some People see the learning of English as L2 as merely for educational and instrumental purposes while maintaining their local heritage and cultural norms and values (Jenkins 2008)....
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Violence in Sports - On and Off the Field of Play
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Dunning (2005) further argues that “all sports are inherently competitive and concerned with dividing People” (p.... This would suggest that certain types of sports, namely those that involve contact or violence, can result in inappropriate aggression and violence against other People....
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Marketing Program of Mazda
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
That group of People has retired and is retiring in a completely different way than any other group before them.... Many of the People that are within the targeted age group have young children and though they want a young car, they have a need for a car that they can put the child seat in the back seat.... Most People have experienced something that would fall under the Zoom Zoom brand even as adults but certainly as children.... This would indicate to the company as well as the public that Mazda is a fair and honest company which can only improve how People think about the brand....
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The Trade of Human Organs - Pros and Cons
5 pages (1353 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
There are more than 4,000 People waiting for a transplant in Canada and some of them are forced to go to India or other regions in order to find individuals from which they can buy organs.... In the UK, there are 6,000 People on the waiting list for a kidney while less than 2,000 transplant procedures take place in any given year (Economist, 2006). ...
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Investigation of a Hospitality Operation
12 pages (3489 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The restaurant offers stylish foods with modern menus suitable for working People and professionals.... The restaurant offers stylish foods with modern menus suitable for to the working People and professionals.... Most of the People who dine in the restaurant are Sri Lankan, although there is intense marketing and word of mouth to ensure a global face in the consumption of food in the restaurant.... tarting a new restaurant is challenging especially bearing in mind that the People have their preferences with the existing restaurants in the area....
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Steps in Introducing a New Product in the Market
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The first step is idea generation which is followed by concept screening which is related to conducting surveys about the purchasing behaviour of the targeted People.... The main issue in this essay "Steps in Introducing a New Product in the Market" is related to the measures that ought to be taken when a company intends to introduce a new product in the market....
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What Is Intellectual Disability
14 pages (3976 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Challenges Encountered by People with Intellectual Disabilities ... There are three domains that are affected by intellectual disabilities; the three domains determine how the People with the intellectual disability cope with life.... There are different types of mental disabilities that affect People at different stages of life; this paper focuses on Down Syndrome, its challenges among the adolescents and ways to overcome the challenges.... The researches have also shown that the cases of Down syndrome that are genetically inherited are very few, Morris & Alberman noted that the People with down syndrome have the genetic condition from the time of conception which later affects the development in various life stages. ...
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Stress at the Job
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
She is doing all the right things by keeping the pressure up on other People in the system to improve critical services which enable the nurses to do their jobs well.... The nurses should perhaps spend some of their group consultation time agreeing what an acceptable service is, and setting boundaries for that so that People do not feel stressed out reaching for the impossible....
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Prospect of Buying Southwest Airlines
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Charles OReilly (2005), Hidden value: how great companies achieve extraordinary results with ordinary People.... The paper "Prospect of Buying Southwest Airlines" states that driven by the notion that customers can be attracted without forcing them to consider any expensive options has worked wonders for the company and has helped it step the toes of many other bigger airlines....
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A Non-Religious Ethical Theory
8 pages (2172 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
For instance, a poor man steals something from a rich one, which enabled him to buy food for his whole family of five People; then this will be an ethical act according to the theory of Utilitarianism, its major complication.... The paper entitled 'A Non-Religious Ethical Theory' presents ethics which has remained an imperative component of every society that has resulted in the formation of a set of rules and regulations that exist as norms and values in different civilizations....
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Common Law of Misrepresentation
6 pages (1654 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
However, in Butcher v Lachlan Elder Realty Pty Ltd (2004) 218 CLR 592, we find that if the conduct is done to specific People, the whole conduct is relevant to the case considering the nature of transaction and parties involved.... The paper "Common Law of Misrepresentation" highlights that Taran and Monica suffered both injury and losses due to the use of Alive products....
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