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Historical Topics in the 1900s and beyond
25 pages (6373 words) , Coursework
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From the paper "Historical Topics in the 1900s and beyond" it is clear that Jinnah was born in Karachi, Pakistan, at a time where the area was controlled by Britain.... He was an Indian leader who campaigned and sought for the independence of Pakistan, eventually becoming its first leader.... ... ...
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Property Cycle
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The aim of this paper is I) to review various property cycles developed over past decades, ii) various issues and factors affecting its movements, iii) significant variables governing its movement iv) Methods or frameworks commonly adopted in these studies and v) finally could a simple model predict property cycle movement 3 ...
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Key Causes of the Middle East Instability Since the End of the Second World War
49 pages (12250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
This study will trace the events pertaining to the region's security and stability, from the end of the Second World War when Britain relinquished control over it as a colonial power.... In the course of the narrative, this essay shall analyze the underlying reasons why the region has the history it had....
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14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many people are up in arms аbоut the subject and people on both ѕideѕ of the argument feel that the subject is unfair and unjust.... Banning Smoking in public places is аrguаbly unfair to ѕmоkerѕ.... ... ... nd takes аwаy from them their freedom; on the other hand, however not banning it is unfair to the nоnѕmоkerѕ and puts our health in danger making it unѕаfe for us to go to public places where there are ѕmоkerѕ....
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The Belle Epoque - An analysis of its literature and history
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
There wаs confusion аnd indecision аs to which аspects of Hаussmаnns plаn should be given priority; this wаs reflected in the politicаl instаbility of the Third Republic аnd generаl lаck of purpose on the pаrt of Belle Epoque society (Zeldin, 1973: 570).... Edmond de.... ... ... Unfortunаtely he wаs too optimistic....
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Relationship between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma
10 pages (5660 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
The paper "Relationship between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Asthma" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues concerning the relationship between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma.... Asthma and COPD are widespread diseases of the lungs with obstructed airflow....
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Islamic Insurance Law
63 pages (15750 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
Uncertain losses and hazards can be linked with almost everything today, business, vehicles, personal health and even life.... To combat such losses or mitigate the risks involved, the concept of Insurance has been spread and accepted very swiftly by the world.... .... ... ... Conventional insurance, however, has been a taboo for the Muslim world as the premium insurance companies offer, lack of correct knowledge by their customers and the way cost of damages has to be borne by some unconnected persons had hitherto been debated....
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Overall Capacity at Mumbai International Airport
48 pages (10946 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "Overall Capacity at Mumbai International Airport" discusses that aircrafts spent extra time before take-off and landing which delayed other aircraft.... A suggestion was to reduce this time, which would be able to accommodate 48 instead of 30 flights in an hour.... ... ... ... Gibaldi (2003) explains that for subjects who could not spare much of their time and were not available for detailed interview sessions, the researcher conducted telephone interviews....
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Principles of Practice Management
19 pages (5397 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The paper "Principles of Practice Management" discusses that the role of the managers in GP practice cannot be ignored which resembles various responsibilities that are performed in order to manage effective healthcare within GP practice by a considerable level.... ... ... ... Marketing can be considered as a benevolent set of practices that often adopts as well as executes by an organization in terms of generating greater value to its different customer groups....
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The Challenges of Carers for People with Serious Mental Illness
20 pages (6147 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
"The Challenges of Carers for People with Serious Mental Illness" paper provides a comprehensive peer literature review of former research that has been conducted in this area and evaluates how each of the studies and methodologies succeeded or failed to achieve the planned outcomes.... ... ... ... Carers get largely affected by the roles and activities of their patients, including effects on their physical health, mental stress, stigma amongst gatherings, regular routine, social lives, employment opportunities, commitment to families, financial resources, leisure activities, and idle time for children (Caqueo-Urízar et al....
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The Primary Purpose of the UK Housing Act 2004
51 pages (12750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper 'The Primary Purpose of the Housing Act 2004' summarizes the officials' attempts to achieve a fair balance between the rights of proprietors of empty dwellings and the benefits of the impacted community.... The EDMO is viewed as a last means used when all efforts to cooperate were exhausted....
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Stress Status and Related Characteristics in Urban Areas
31 pages (8591 words) , Research Paper
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This research paper "Stress Status and Related Characteristics in Urban Areas" focuses on the beneficial effects of natural environments on the health and longevity of individuals, especially the restorative and stress-reducing effects of nature that have been reported by research.... ... ... ... The study was conducted in a national park in which respondents participated in the survey after signing in the consent forms....
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23 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper operates mainly based on research questions which can be stated as follows: Аs аn аssоciаtiоn shоuld chаrаctеrisе аnd аssеss аbsеntееism?... Whаt аrе thе mаjоr dеtеrminаnts оf аbsеncе?... Whаt аrе thе mоst prоductivе prоcеdurеs thаt thе аssоciаtiоn cаn tаkе tо dеcrеаsе аbsеntееism?...
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Health Safety and Security Practices
66 pages (16500 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The author of this assignment "Health Safety and Security Practices" comments on the clean and safe standards of working in the salon environment.... It is stated that working in a salon requires an individual with the best hygiene as the bad smell is always on the verge of driving customers away....
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Catholic versus Islam Fundamentalism in Politics
117 pages (10381 words) , Download 2 , Thesis
This thesis "Catholic versus Islam Fundamentalism in Politics" discusses religions, their historical background, and development, comparing and contrasting their roots.... This paper shall first present the Catholic faith, followed by Islam, and then a contrasting presentation for both religions....
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Diversity in The Coca-Cola Company
61 pages (9671 words) , Download 5 , Essay
The paper 'Diversity in The Coca-Cola Company' presents globalization that has caused the movement of labor from one nation to the other.... As a result, exposure to different cultures was facilitated.... Organizations began recruiting people from different corners of the world.... ... ... ... Managing a diverse workforce is a highly challenging aspect for most organizations....
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Investigating Factors Influencing Low MMR Uptake in the UK
36 pages (10016 words) , Research Paper
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"Investigating Factors Influencing Low MMR Uptake in the UK" paper demonstrates the MMR vaccine as a public health issue, investigates the adverse impact of media on MMR vaccine uptake, and explores the impact of healthcare professionals' intervention towards MMR vaccine uptake in the UK.... ... ...
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A Comparison of the Treatment of Blasphemy in English Law and other Legal Systems
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This paper presents an introduction to the discussion about blasphemy.... The emphasis is on attempting to investigate the notion of blasphemy in English law.... However, attempts are made to discuss the manner in which blasphemy is considered in other legal systems.... ... ... In its common context, a blasphemy can mean different things to different individuals and a discussion of blasphemy is likely to unleash many a passionate feeling....
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Thomas Randolph and his Career
43 pages (10750 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
Robert the Bruce (1274-1329) is one of the most famous Scottish Kings, and managed, at least temporarily, to secure military (if not diplomatic) independence from England.... The legendary victory of the Scottish led by Bruce at the Battle of Bannockburn in 1314, against seemingly overwhelmingly superior English forces, has become of one of the defining moments in Scottish history....
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United Nations Human Rights Council
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 5 , Essay
Based in New York the world body has become instrumental in the world as it has been helping the world to take a common approach to most of the problem that have been affecting peace and stability in the world.... ... ... ... ... The United Nations was created in 1945 with an aim of bringing harmony to the world through taking a common approach to many of the problems that the world was facing....
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The Portrait of Mary in the Gospel of John
41 pages (9886 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The paper "The Portrait of Mary in the Gospel of John" describes that a clear and concise presentation and interpretation of the relationship of father and son in the gospel of John was included in this paper to serve as support for a better understanding of the mother and son relationship.... ... ...
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NATO, the UN and the Use of Force: Legal Aspects
36 pages (9000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The establishment of international organizations, like UN and NATO, was primarily related with the need for resolution of specific humanitarian problems around the world (in the case of UN) and the protection of the countries involved from a possible military attack – creation.... ... ... However, through the years, the role and the priorities of these organizations have changed....
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The Connection Between Mental Illness and Crime
33 pages (9046 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "The Connection Between Mental Illness and Crime" reviews the existing literature on the connection between violence, crime and mental illness.... The paper seeks to link various psychological theories and the existence of crime and violence among psychotic persons.... ... ...
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Recovery of Thailands Tourism Industry
27 pages (7387 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
In the paper "Recovery of Thailand's Tourism Industry " the author answers the research questions by discussing the role played by Recovery of Thailand's Tourism Industry in the recovery process and the challenges they had to face while doing so.... ... ... ... The Indian Ocean Tsunami had hit a major area of Asia Pacific but the aftermath could still be felt in a few of the areas because of the destruction caused....
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New Turkish Cinema
31 pages (7750 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
This dissertation focuses on the analysis of the New Turkish Cinema, that is an era of greater creative freedom as a result of the relaxation of Turkey's censorship laws and the escalation of film production the 1990s and since then that is still present today in Turkey.... ... ... ... There are two significant themes that the researcher presented in the essay that were embodied in the New Turkish Cinema in terms of the political experiences of the dark ages of Turkey's film industry....
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Decentralization in Ethiopia and Nigeria: Authority and Accountability
30 pages (8413 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The work "Decentralization in Ethiopia and Nigeria: Authority and Accountability" focuses on three significant aspects of decentralization in the African context.... The author takes into account that the main responsibility of the Nigerian government is to establish clear accountability frameworks first before the other three measures of decentralization....
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Evolution of the Humanitarian Intervention Doctrine
59 pages (9964 words) , Download 4 , Dissertation
The paper "Evolution of the Humanitarian Intervention Doctrine" claims Humanitarian Intervention has been a burning issue for the last two decades, many controversies have kept the discourse of humanitarian intervention alive till now.... This topic impacts Ethics, Politics, and International Law....
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Human Rights Law and Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900
35 pages (8886 words) , Essay
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The paper "Human Rights Law and Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 " states that Australian statues are the reactions of current governments to human rights issues that arise globally and domestically, reflecting the social and moral values of society.... .... ... ... It is quite essential to state that human rights are reflections of the values of society, with the focal purpose of human rights laws being to set the public standards of what is and what is not acceptable treatment towards individuals, as perceived by society on the domestic and international levels....
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Forecasting Crude Oil Volatility
11 pages (9307 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The paper "Forecasting Crude Oil Volatility" argues that volatility is a concept that refers to the spread of all possible outcomes within an uncertain variable.... The finance discipline has various uncertain variables such as prices of products, returns on assets, and share prices amongst others....
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Labeling Theory and Gun Control
31 pages (8831 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This essay "Labeling Theory and Gun Control" focuses on not all crimes that fall within the possession of guns.... It is also observed that with the right-to-carry firearms laws, one can see some evidence of criminals switching from violent crimes to relatively different and safer property crimes....
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Work-Life Balance of Beauty Therapist
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
The dissertation aims at discovering if there exists or not any relationship between the work-life balance of a professional beauty therapist and development in her professional life.... Work-life balance is an important area of human resource management that is receiving increasing attention.... ...
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Revolutions Are an Indication of the Decadence of a System
24 pages (8082 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The paper "Revolutions Are an Indication of the Decadence of a System" states that the Revolution was a series of events triggered by the aristocratic revolt against the monarch and that if Rousseau's 'Social Contract' was not published, these events would still have taken place.... .... ... ... The bourgeoisie on the other hand had an equal amount of wealth as clergy, nobility, and the aristocracy but had no say in state affairs although the monarchy supported their trading efforts....
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Industry analysis of UK beer industry
45 pages (11250 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The beer industry in the UK currently finds itself in an increasingly tightening situation.... lready suffering a decline in revenues prior to the economic downturn, the breweries and pubs that comprise the industry have also experienced the effects of tightening legislation in the form of taxation and other general and industry-specific regulatory measures....
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Catherine the Great and enlightened absolutism in Russia
21 pages (5250 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage.... Tutelage is the incapacity to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another.... Such tutelage is self-imposed if its cause is not lack of intelligence, but rather a lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another....
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Impact of Domestic Violence on Children Between the Age of 5-10 in the UK
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 7 , Dissertation
In this paper, we will discuss the problem of domestic violence in the United Kingdom.... We are mainly interested in UK governmental policies, which focus on the protection of children from domestic violence.... In the course of our research, we will also discover main characteristics of domestic violence....
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Why is old world wine dropping down in uk
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Wine Market in 2004, Old World Wine has a market share of 40.... % with France's share being 20.... %, Italy's share being 11.... % and Spain's share being 8.... % whereas New World Wine has a market share of 31.... % with Australia's share being 17.... %,.... ... ... However, each year the market share of the Old World Wine is on a declining trend....
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National Health Insurance Program in Ghana
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The following research proposal under the title "National Health Insurance Program in Ghana" investigates whether the implementation of the national health insurance program in Ghana helps reduce HIV and AIDS which is prevalent in the rural part of Ghana.... ... ... ... The African state of Ghana has a relatively low instance of HIV AIDS in comparison to other nations inside the continent....
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The Impact of Television on People in the Modern World
30 pages (8037 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The paper "The Impact of Television on People in the Modern World" suggests that Most of us spend hours watching the glaring screen without the need to concentrate, remember or register anything into mind.... TV is probably the best form of entertainment in the world.... ... ... ... Teenagers have their favourite music and dance shows while women are fascinated by fashion programs and TV soaps....
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Sustaining Lifestyle and Living Standards Amidst Lower Oil Prices
35 pages (9535 words) , Thesis Proposal
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Oil and gas industry has recently attracted much attention within the global context owing to its effectiveness in yielding greater profitability for economies, which in turn is often related with economic sustenance, stability and per capita growth of the nations.... Studies have.... ... ... The paper "Sustaining Lifestyle and Living Standards Amidst Lower Oil Prices" is a perfect example of a thesis proposal on finance and accounting....
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Syllabus for Criminal Justice 302
87 pages (10450 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay "Syllabus for Criminal Justice 302" focuses on the critical analysis of the characteristics of a syllabus for criminal justice 302.... This course aims to provide a better understanding of research and communications in a professional environment.... ... ... ... It familiarizes students with the techniques, strategies, and forms of writing used in the professional world....
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Appraisal of Development Treatment of Shariah Compliant Financial Products in New Zealand
31 pages (9147 words) , Research Paper
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"Appraisal of Development Treatment of Shari'ah Compliant Financial Products in New Zealand" paper focuses on the Shari'ah principles governing investment and finance, and how such principles concord with the regulatory environment vis-à-vis New Zealand's laws governing investment and finance....
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The Impact of the EU Membership on Estonia
33 pages (9839 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The paper "The Impact of the EU Membership on Estonia" discusses that the strategy wants the EU to be smart, and have a sustainable and inclusive, and vibrant economy.... The priorities will help the EU to deliver high levels of productivity, employment, and social cohesion.... ... ... ... The government has tried to keep the deficit at a very low level and they tried to draw a balanced budget....
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Calories Restriction and Health
30 pages (8336 words) , Download 2 , Thesis
This thesis "Calories Restriction and Health" focuses on calorie restriction that has gained ground as more and more of the benefits of calorie restriction are uncovered.... The benefits that can be gained from calorie restriction extend from a reduction in the aging process.... ... ... ... Studies in the last century into living organisms ranging from yeast to mammals have shown that calorie restriction can provide related benefits....
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Education of Physically Disabled Child
22 pages (5500 words) , Download 3 , Coursework
Education is the process through which individuals at different levels in the course of their lives, acquire knowledge, skills and information that help them perform different economic and non economic activities towards the improvement of society.... The process of learning entails the giving of instruction to the student, which is given through training and by competent teachers....
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Russian - Ukrainian relations since 1991
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper describes the events leading up to the break-up of the Soviet Union and how those events left Russian-Ukrainian relations in 1991 at the start of the post-Soviet era.... The study also analyses Russia's foreign policy after 1991.... .... ... ... For most of the modern era and until 1991, Ukraine was under Moscow's control....
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Arranged marriages
32 pages (8000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
One of the most obvious problems that Muslims now face wile practising their religion is related with wearing hijab, especially in the Western countries.... Be it.... ... ... Hijab is a sign of modesty and dignity for a Muslim woman.... A research by Ramji (2007) mentions that “observing modesty was most commonly associated with ‘covering up', (p....
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Personeal Development Planning (PDP)
22 pages (7498 words) , Download 4 , Essay
Feedback forms filled by the interviewees – (1.... ) – While majority felt comfortable, but some others were uncomfortable while answering personal questions related to their family and personal life ... ... feel the period of three months (Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2009) has been.... ... ... By participating in more number of interviews, I have had the chance to observe my supervisors as well as by able colleagues, and in turn I could learn a lot by observing the finer nuances that they Moreover I have also observed how they analyse a candidate during the interpersonal process and at the same time make them feel comfortable....
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Thomas Randolph and His Career
48 pages (12000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Thomas Randolph and His Career" focuses on one of the most famous Scottish Kings, and he managed to secure military independence from England.... The legendary victory of the Scottish at the Battle of Bannockburn has become of one of the defining moments in Scottish history.... .... ... ...
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United States History - Great Depression
27 pages (6750 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This essay describe one of the most controversial periods of the U.... .... history, that is the Great Depression.... The researcher discusses the double burden of racism and the Great Depression that induced poverty and how black people struggled to survive during that times.... .... ... ... The researcher focuses on discussing the first years of the Great Depression, when an estimated 30 percent of black men and 40 percent of black women were unemployed and the increasing issue of unenployment in which by 1934, half of all black were out of work, mostly in the service sector in the United States....
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The Fall of Communism: the Polish Experience, 1980 - 1990
37 pages (5750 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
This dissertation considers the fall of communism from a number of viewpoints.... While its ultimate crash occurred quite quickly, the stresses and strains that led to its demise had been building up for a number of years.... ... ... ... The study reveals that any analysis of the fall of Communism between 1980 and 1990 must take into account Polish history as a whole....
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