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In What Ways Has the United Nations Organisation Influenced the Conduct of Diplomacy
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper discusses the conflicts of various countries which lead to a lack of humanitarianism and the inability to resolve issues.... The need to create a sense of peace and diplomacy in nations continues to be redefined by changing policies to resolve conflict.... ... ... ... According to the paper monitoring the needs of countries and ensuring assistance and changes is influenced by governmental groups is one of the focuses to bring peace to a nation....
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Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Essay
This paper 'Vicarious Liability and the Close Connection Test' will attempt to establish that the rules of vicarious liability are applied too arbitrarily for a third-party to know what will happen in a given case, and that employers should be liable in more circumstances.... ... ... ... The author states that while the old test states that employers are generally no liable for their employees' intentional acts, this has been evolving....
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Bram Stokers Dracula (1897): A Modern Novel of its Time
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The novel Dracula (1897) by Bram Stoker became highly influential as a piece of literature for film and novels in the 20th century.... The character of Dracula became an engaged member of the contemporary society from the time period in which the novel was written.... .... ... ... However, his character is developed through a sense of 'otherness' which means that he is outside of the human condition, not only for his affliction of vampirism, but for his nature for being foreign....
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Germany and the Germans
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Nationalistic Traditions Fueled Nazi Rise to Power Instructor name Date The people of any country, even when from different ethnic backgrounds, often feel a strong bond to each other.... These nationalistic feelings are in regard to the country and its symbols.... ... ... ... The cultures and traditions are regarded as belonging to all of the people....
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Should abortions be legal
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
SHOULD ABORTIONS BE LEGAL?... Author Institute Part I: Thesis The development of the human mind has made mankind move ahead from the era of ignorance to a period of enlightenment where every individual has started to recognize their wants and rights.... ... ... ... Matters that were not considered to be significant have now become subjects of arguments and debate....
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Pride and Prejudice
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the time period of Austen's Pride and Prejudice, the roles for men and women were clearly delineated.... Gender roles were rigid.... The expectations for women were quite conservative.... A man searching for a wife would be seeking a woman who was well-mannered, with a good reputation.... ... ...
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The Correlation of Emotional Intelligence to Job Performance
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
The author concludes that emotional intelligence has been found to be a predictor of work performance.... This study has demonstrated the relationship between emotional intelligence and work performance.... Hiring individuals with higher levels of emotional intelligence are associated with financial gain....
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Moral Problem Paper
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Introduction The concept of morality is one that is divided according to both circumstances and the identity of an individual.... When looking at specific situations, one is able to identify the main attributes which are associated with morality.... A relationship that is a part of this comes from businesses that are associated with ethics and how this pertains to the work that is done....
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Gender, Madness and Class in Jane Eyre
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
In her novel Jane Eyre, published under a male pseudonym Currer Bell, Charlotte Bronte uses plot and form compositions used by her male contemporaries to transmit the reality with which all women of her era had to struggle with.... ... ... ... In many aspects, her protagonist's fate denotes a dream of many 19th century women who desired to be self-sufficient, who dreamt of the power to be the maker's of their own life....
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The Power and the Glory and The Road Compared
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Graham Greene, author of “The Power and the Glory”, tackled faith in this book.... There are some excerpts from the novel that will be discussed in this paper and the perceived meaning of his writing them.... .... ... ... Graham Greene, author of “The Power and the Glory”, tackled faith in this book....
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The Sovereign Community and the Future of Public Administration
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The issues presented point out a definition of what the sovereign community is and how it relates to the past.... How have other countries handled sovereignty regarding their borders and activities within?... What is the new concept of governance vs.... government and the sovereignty of the international community....
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The Opponents of the Euthanasia and a Major Essentials of Human Life
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The paper describes the practice of passive euthanasia.... It is legalized across the countries of the United States.... In some cases, the incurably ill patients decide on taking away their life intentionally by taking on active measures with the assistance of their physicians.... ... ... ... Active again euthanasia stands classified into another three types: the voluntary euthanasia where the euthanasia is conducted with an appeal from the patient- here the medical support is withdrawn with the consent of the patient, the involuntary euthanasia which is also known as 'mercy killing', refers to the taking of the life of the incurable patient....
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Allegory and Symbolism in The Post Office
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Essay
The essay "Allegory and Symbolism in The Post Office" explores the allegory and symbolism in play 'The Post Office', a splendid tale to lure the minds of children but the deeper implication of the play transports the readers into an aura hallowed by the spirituality.... ... ... ... The study leads to the conclusion that the implementation of symbolism as a device has deviated in the play, 'The Post Office' to a large extent from its predecessors like 'Sanyasi', 'Red Oleanders' and 'Chitra'....
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Social, Economic and Family Impact of Elderly Sexual Abuse in the U.S
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Elderly sexual abuse is not a new concept but it is underreported.... Many elderly people do not speak up or are unable to do so because they are frail or have psychological problems.... ... ... ... Social, Economic and Family Impact of Elderly Sexual Abuse in the U.... .... ... lderly sexual abuse is not a new concept but it is underreported....
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Social Welfare Dependence of Single Mothers
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
From the paper "Social Welfare Dependence of Single Mothers" it is clear that these mothers need more support from all sources including their own effort at helping themselves through joining hands under mutual help umbrellas.... They need financial, organizational and management assistance.... ... ...
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History And Political Science: The Era of American Enlightenment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
This assignment provides a comparative analysis of the ongoing debates in the light of American Enlightenment.... The writer attempts to conduct the analysis through an evaluation of the main ideas of the American Enlightenment and the proposed reforms in the debates.... ... ... ... The American Enlightenment (AE) is a period in the 18th century that for the most part connects to the American uprising....
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Hobbes and Absolute Sovereignty
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Hobbes and absolute Sovereignty Hobbes and absolute sovereignty Thomas Hobbes has been considered a great philosopher among the England philosophers.... Born in April 5th, 1588 and died in December 4th 1679.... During this period Hobbes made revolutionary advancements in the field of philosophy.... ...
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World Trade Organization Benefits
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Assignment
The World trade Organization as its name implies is an international organization that specializes in dealings pertaining to trade and other mutual exchange.... The scope of W.... .... is very broad and it enables the trade and exchange between the neighboring countries as well as those that are million miles away in different continents....
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Effect of Gender Imbalance on Women's Status in the Colonail Period in New France
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Effect of Gender Imbalance on Women's Status in the Colonial Period in ‘New France' Women have mostly been a victim of gender imbalance in the course of history.... They have been adjudged as the ‘weaker sex' based on their physical frailty as compared to men.... ... ... ... However, in all other aspects, women have attempted to tip the balance scale in their favour in order to achieve gender equality with their male counterparts....
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Management Theories
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Running Head: Management theories Management theories Name Tutor Course Date Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management Introduction Taylor's Theory of Scientific Management was developed before the invention of machines that are used in today's industries.... ... ... ... This implies that most of the work in industries was done by the people....
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Application of Organizational Behavior Concepts
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper analyses the process of identifying the causes of the high turnover at Healthcare Inc.... and discusses at least three causes of high turnover.... Also, the paper discusses the relationship between the three causes and the concept of job enrichment.... ... ... ... Organizational behavior refers to the study of human behavior in an organization and their impact on respective individuals, groups, or structures....
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2007 financial crisis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Through asymmetric information hence adverse selection, financial crisis was caused by the action and inaction by the government, which created a platform over which both banks taking excessive risks specifically in the mortgage backed security market .... ... ... 1.... What happened in the 2007 financial crisis?...
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The economy of U.S.A
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The United States of America's economy reigned in propulsion since the 1980s until 2008-2009 when it suffered from adverse recession, and increased unemployment.... The U.... .... experienced a dwindling rate of economic growth following the period of recession.... ... ... ... The economy of U.... ....
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Wittgenstein picture theory
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
QUESTION 1: Defend or criticize the view that propositions are pictures of states of affairs.... Explain Wittgenstein's picture theory of meaning and how the theory applies to what Wittgenstein calls propositions or propositional signs.... .... ... ... Name Course Tutor Date of submission QUESTION 1: Defend or criticize the view that propositions are pictures of states of affairs....
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4RFUTURE Organization
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
4RFUTURE is the only organization that is using a social marketing campaign with a focus on overpopulation and resource depletion.... Also the only organization traveling across the nation with that focus, targeting students between the ages of 18-25.... .... ... ... Many students are negligent about their impacts on the environment and how they ultimately affect the issue of resource depletion....
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Management & Organisational Behaviour - The Change is Coming
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
MANAGEMENT & ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR - THE CHANGE IS COMING [Your name goes here] [Your class name goes here] [Due date of the paper] Introduction According to Richards (n.... .... , change is vital for the success of any company because without it, businesses fail to meet the needs which results in losing the competitive edge....
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Protecting IT: A Roadmap for Securing the Enterprise
8 pages (2153 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This paper ''Protecting IT: A Roadmap for Securing the Enterprise'' discusses that the modern times are driven by technological devices and information enabled setups.... Almost all enterprises and business environments are being dominated and run by computer enabled tools and utilities.... ... ... ...
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Global Marketing Strategy
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Essay
This paper reflects the impact of strategic global marketing and a holistic approach the marketing dynamics in the international marketplace.... Global marketing is rapidly changing.... The traditional perceptions towards customers are being replaced with modern day approaches.... .... ... ... As this paper says marketers who view customers as mere consumers and not members of the community are said to be myopic....
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Evaluate Sainsbury plc's Financial Strategy
9 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research delves on the company's historical financial statements.... The company's head office is strategically located in Holborn, UK.... The research delves on finding the appropriate types and amount of funds needed to increase compliance with the government's business and other related laws....
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Domestic Violence
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
The paper "Domestic Violence" discusses that domestic violence affects inhabitants of all socioeconomic setting and teaching levels.... Domestic brutality arises in both same-sex, and opposite-sex relationships and can occur too close partners who are living together, married or dating.... .... ... ...
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Consequences of Childhood Obesity
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This essay describes the health consequences of obesity and the reasons for the disease.... Obesity in early years of life is a matter of concern because of potential health consequences that can occur like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, and etc.... .... ... ... It has been estimated that 7% of the population in the world suffer from obesity....
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Multinational Corporation Subsidiaries
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The essay proffers a comparative analysis of selecting to transfer to a multinational corporation (MNC) in either India or the Philippines after conducting an extensive research on the MNCs operations, human resources, scope and locations of operations, types of positions available.... ... ... ... This research will begin with the statement that the constellation of economic, political and sociological events in many countries has created a significant impact on the values and attitudes of any workforce....
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The Impact of Chronic Diseases on Children and Their Families
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This report has been undertaken to provide crucial data for caregivers and health professionals caring for children, as well as their families on the current practices and problems encountered in managing and improving the health of chronically ill Australian school-age children.... .... ... ... This paper shall discuss the important responsibilities which nurses play within the purview of primary health care, in terms of education, advocacy, and partnerships....
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Enron's Collapse and Ethical Framework
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the paper 'Enron's Collapse and Ethical Framework' the author analyzes using the mark-to-market valuation for evaluating the value of Enron's assets.... This made Enron the very first company in such volatile business climate to use this kind of accounting system.... .... ... ... The author of the paper states that the new system required to value all investments to be written as a present value of future cash flows....
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Is There an Inherent and Morally Required Connection Between Love and Sex
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Running head: PHILOSOPHY OF LOVE AND SEX Is There an Inherent and Morally Required Connection Between Love and Sex?... [Author's Name] [University] Abstract The connection between sex and love has always been a matter of hot philosophic debates.... In the era of postmodernism, sex is becoming one of the most popular objects of philosophic analyses....
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UKs Policy on Training and Development
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The policy of the United Kingdom on training and development is reflected in the document, Further education-new horizon: Investing in skills for sustainable development, produced by the United Kingdom Department for Business, Innovation & Skills or BIS.... ... ... ... One important feature of the UK government policy is that “the case for state investment is strongest for young people and those with low skills” (BIS 2010a, p....
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A Model of Person-Organization Fit
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
The paper presents Joe Salatino who could offer a training workshop for those who want to become a top salesperson and think they have what it takes.... He could ask a couple of top salespeople to explain how they foster intimacy with a customer by subscribing to their hometown newspapers.... ... ...
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Two State Comparison Finance of Higher Education
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Comparing Arkansas and Tennessee in Financing Higher Education Government support for higher education is an important concern.... On one hand, a sector of American society is advocating higher government financing of higher education.... At the opposite extreme, however, are advocacies for privatization of education services....
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Discuss the Role of Exchange Traded Currency Options in Risk Management
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Topic: Discuss the role of exchange traded currency options in risk management Institution Affiliation: Date: Contents Trading Currency Options 7 Currency volatilities and the underlying risks 8 Interest rate consideration 9 Hedging with Options-Risk Management Factor 10 Conclusion 11 References 12 Introduction Exchange traded currency options make use of contracts that are standardized, given the specific currency underlying in such exchange transaction....
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Strengths Perspective and Solution Focused Perspective
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The main aim of the following research "Strengths Perspective and Solution Focused Perspective" is to represent a discussion about two models of social work.... Therefore, the paper will reveal the general concept of both models along with describing its special features.... ... ... ... The Strengths perspective is a model of practice which is a part of the field of social work....
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African Geography and Growth
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The geography of Africa has to a large extent shaped the kind of economic opportunities available for the African countries and, thus, impacted on the economic development of the continent in general.... ... ... ... Therefore, the implication of geography on the economic development can be used to explain why the rate of economic growth in Africa is relatively slow....
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On Kenzaburo Oe's A Personal Matter
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
On Kenzaburo Oe's 'A Personal Matter' Table of Contents I.... Introduction 3 II.... Discussion 3 III.... Conclusion 7 Works Cited 9 I.... Introduction Although there seems to be an essential conflict between a man's personal freedom and happiness on the one hand, and a man's responsibilities towards his family and towards society, that conflict can be transformative and thus have redeeming value, because of the way the conflict forces a man to face himself and re-examine his condition in light of what freedom and happiness can really mean....
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Long-term psychological development of identical twins separated at birth
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
The debate of nature versus nurture in identical twins has generated a lot of interest and curiosity in the scientific and psychological worlds.... Nature is the one's inherited qualities that are a function of genes, while nurture is experiences encountered in individual's life.... .... ... ... Many studies have been conducted to assess whether the environment contributes the behavioural characteristics that are not seen in the foetal development of identical twins....
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Why Was the Nile River Important for the Rise of Successful States in North Africa
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Many people describe river Nile as a unique river.... Upon the mentioning of River Nile, what comes into the mind is the Egyptian civilization.... Most of the history of Nile River has a connection to Egyptian civilization.... .... ... ... Name: Tutor: Course: Date: University: Why was the Nile River important for the rise of successful states in North Africa?...
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Do Animals Feel
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Date Do Animals Feel?... Animals were termed as the “boatmen's” in 19th century specifically the donkeys, mules and the horses because they are used as canal boats.... The said animals are best of choice during the British Army a hundred years ago because of the animal power, sizes, required food, and sensitive, intelligent and of course responsive....
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Hydraulic Fracturing & Policy Actions in New York
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
Possessing an internally-produced natural gas deposit and domestically processed petroleum products are great advantages for a certain country particularly the United States which has one of the highest energy and oil consumptions in the world.... .... ... ... This particular study focuses on the pathway of the states of New York alongside Pennsylvania in the writing of parametric policies that will regulate the oil-drilling operations and at the same time to protect the public safety by ensuring prevention of contaminating the water supplies and precluding some other side effects of Hydraulic Fracturing from taking place....
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The Major Effects of the Recent Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami on the Wold Economy
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Essay
This paper "The Major Effects of the Recent Japanese Earthquake and Tsunami on the Wold Economy" focuses on Japan experiencing both earthquake and tsunami, because of which there were certain repercussions in the economy of Japan as well as in the world economy.... It was expected by most of the economist that Japan would fall into recession....
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Alcoholic Drinking Age
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
The debate regarding the minimum alcohol drinking age has been in the limelight for the past few decades.... The discussion here will take place with the view that “lowering the drinking age in the United States where the minimum drinking level currently stands at 21 years is the need of time.... ...
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Unethical Business Behavior (Monastato company)
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Essay
The implications with ethics often lead to difficulties and problems with corporations.... There are a variety of companies that have established corrupt systems or which move beyond ethical boundaries because of the main structure of the organization.... ... ... ... The implications with ethics often lead to difficulties and problems with corporations....
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Contemporary Theories of Political Economy
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 3 , Essay
Name 27 November 2011 Assignment Answer to question number 1: The United States of America has always maintained an iron fist when it comes to globalization as well as the spread of industrialization around the world.... In the modern day and age, the economy of America has witnessed numerous downfalls as well as recoveries however it all began in the period of industrialization when Americans began to give rise to machines and tools for the purpose of replacing human labour with capital labour in order to being about immense changes within the world....
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