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Maintenance to Corrosion in Bearings
12 pages (3431 words) , Download 0 , Report
The report "Maintenance to Corrosion in Bearings" critically analyzes how corrosion in bearings leads to their mechanical failure or poor performance.... It also looks deeply into lubrication practices that can combat corrosion in bearings and how lubrication enhances bearing performance.... ... ...
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Carbon Emissions
14 pages (3970 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''Carbon Emissions'' tells that Carbon dioxide as it was called by then was identified in the 1750s by a Scottish chemist and physician, Joseph Black.... Carbon oxide is currently referred to as a molecule with the formula CO2.... ... ... Apart from playing the important role of photosynthesis in plants, it is also a weighty component in the adjusting of the globe's temperatures in what is commonly referred to as the greenhouse effect....
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Production Management: Definition, Function
4 pages (1104 words) , Download 0 , Report
nother example pertains to the service sector.... The country's police department can also be an example of the production system.... An example of it could be the production of automobile manufacturing which has standard measures to produce each car.... An example of it is the production CD/DVD.... A popular example of it is the manufacturing of garments....
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Concept of Encapsulation and Data Abstraction
9 pages (2180 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example, in a banking system, some of the entities involved are customers, account, loan, etc.... For example, in the above diagram, the data involved for the customer object would be customer id, customer name, customer address, customer contact number, customer email, etc.... Though there are many data/methods involved in real scenario for each object, only few are shown in figure as example.... For example, in order to create a new customer, we create a new instance of the CUSTOMER class and call its Add_Customer_details method to add the details of the customer....
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Music Culture in Japan
7 pages (1905 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, Shomyo which has it origin from India and was brought to Japan during the country's Nara period; Shomyo is a type of Buddhist song that is known for being a melody that is added to a sutra.... Musical theater played a part of Japanese music culture, one such example is Noh which arose out of many popular Japanese traditions, and by 14th century Noh had developed into a highly refined art in the Japanese music culture.... For example, in mainland Japan a person is more likely to hear "a sore!...
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Literacy Improvement Program for the Horace Mann School
15 pages (3881 words) , Download 0 , Report
The data collected will be written on a note book and later summarized and stored in a folder with a strong password to prevent it from being accessed by third parties.... The data collected will be written on a note book and later summarized and stored in a folder with a strong password to prevent it from being accessed by third parties....
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Facilitating Health Behavioural Change
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 0 , Report
From the example adopted in the discussion, cigarette smoking which increases the chances of lung cancer can be overcome through behavior change.... For example, a woman smoking during pregnancy may expose her to higher risks of disease than is the non-smoker. ... Taking the example of the behavioural risk factor of smoking in relation to lung cancer, it was discovered that smoking as a single behaviour was linked to a large number of chronic disease outcomes such as lung and laryngeal cancer as well as chronic bronchitis. ...
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The Qualities of Ideal Leader, Heros in Trojan War: Hector versus Agamemnon
5 pages (1450 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "The Qualities of Ideal Leader, Heros in Trojan War: Hector versus Agamemnon" discusses leadership styles and an example is World War 2, and 1.... ue to bad leadership styles, many tragic events have occurred in the world, and an example is World War 2, and 1.... For example, while going out in battler, Hector fights for his father, his nation and himself.... or example, the Iliad denotes that when the battle was in favor of the Trojans, Agamemnon could not stand his ground, and he ordered his soldiers to run away, since they could not win the battle (Bryant, 32)....
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Socio-Cultural Approach to Teaching Writing
7 pages (1765 words) , Download 0 , Report
An example is a child who spends time watching cartoons at home.... An example is a child who spends time watching cartoons at home.... From this example, literary practices and context of situation shapes how children execute their reading and writing role.... From the example given to demonstrate the model, the content was a reading on domestic animals.... A common example of subject matter or rather content in a writing class for children is identification of diagrams by labelling them with their respective names (Luke, 2000)....
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Witchcraft in the Middle Ages
5 pages (1401 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper seeks to address the uses, punishment, perception, and trials and example of witchcraft in middle ages. ... For example, they were believed to be able to raise and prevent storms at will (Mastin 1).... A classical example is in England where there was a belief that the “imp” carried out the witches command (Sommerville 1).... The other example is meeting in covens on the Sabbath to celebrate black masses (Sommerville 1)....
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Apple Inc - Changes in Organisational Structure to Regain Its Market Position
21 pages (141 words) , Report
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The paper 'Apple Inc - Changes in Organisational Structure to Regain Its Market Position' is a valuable example of a management report.... The paper 'Apple Inc - Changes in Organisational Structure to Regain Its Market Position' is a valuable example of a management report.... The paper 'Apple Inc - Changes in Organisational Structure to Regain Its Market Position' is a valuable example of a management report....
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Investigation of the American Culture
5 pages (1465 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, if researcher considers the pop culture among the Americans, semiotics will enhance in understanding the culture towards the exact group of interest for pop culture.... An example of an American myth refers to the civil war that Americans hold as a moral imperative that aimed at putting an end to slavery while on the contrary an archetype is represented by The Genteel Patriarch (Sonia and Solomon 200).... With Dove soap as the leading example, Twitchell categorizes consumers in VALS2 paradigm that separates different customers into categories and further sub-categories of lifestyles that represent consumer personalities....
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Solving the Household Food Insecurity Problem in Missouri
5 pages (1716 words) , Download 0 , Report
example, in year 2012, the annual average rate of unemployment in Missouri was only marginally below the United States annual average rate which was eight percentage proportion of the population (Feeding America n.... Food pantries and emergency kitchens are operated as individual organizations or as a part of a larger set of services provided to the low-income people example, Open Door Service in Sedalia provides a food pantry to the community and also assist them in shelter, clothing, utilities, transportation, medical and work related matters (Open Door Ministries n....
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Modelling Enterprise Architectures
12 pages (3269 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Modelling Enterprise Architectures" analyzes Valentinos, a 'Personal Information Agency' which assists people to find suitable partners.... It provides matching solutions for professional singles since people are usually busy in their work and social life.... .... ... ... The personal information agency business has gained much popularity in the present-day context with increased business opportunities....
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The BREEAM Ratings
10 pages (2738 words) , Download 1 , Report
This work "The BREEAM Ratings" describes a necessary benchmark rating that allows stakeholders to ensure buildings meet the sustainability performance of the non-domestic buildings.... The author outlines that the construction of all buildings locally and internationally; residential and non-residential meet the requirements that BREEAM demands....
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The Development of E-democracy Models in Australia
8 pages (2291 words) , Download 0 , Report
ee, C & Chang, K 2011, ‘Public Administration review, Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.... This paper ''The Development of E-democracy Models in Australia'' tells that Democracy refers to the free will on the people to express their views either directly or indirectly; it is the basis of nationhood in the modern-day world....
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Lateral Ankle Sprains
6 pages (1865 words) , Download 0 , Report
A systematic review on ankle injury and ankle sprain in sports.... The paper "Lateral Ankle Sprains" discusses that ankle sprain injury has been identified as a common occurrence among soccer players and other people who are actively engaged in sporting activities.... However, the paper has clarified that the level of a sprain may vary....
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Aristophanes and Robert Solomon: Concept of Love
5 pages (1327 words) , Download 0 , Report
Robert Solomon is also a philosopher who has written many text and book on love and emotion.... The writer of the paper 'Aristophanes and Robert Solomon: Concept of Love' states that love can be infatuation and excitement of meeting attractive people.... Infatuation is a totally different form of love....
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The European Aviation Safety Agency -Federal Aviation Administration Argument
4 pages (1165 words) , Download 0 , Report
Kritsis (2010: 893) writes in his book that, “Maintenance training has been acknowledged as of critical importance for industry to be able to effectively apply adequate practices in maintenance”.... This report "The European Aviation Safety Agency -FAA Argument" tends to argue that the EASA maintenance training requirements are comprehensive yet not excessive, and do not place an unnecessary additional burden on EU operators competing against those operating under FAA regulations....
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Why University Students Plagiarize
4 pages (1223 words) , Download 0 , Report
Plagiarism also appears in students work if the work done was of help from a friend who could have given exactly what was in the book.... This report "Why University Students Plagiarize" presents plagiarism that is increasing due to the presence of digital sources.... These sources are accessible to students anytime anywhere....
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Fair Trade vs Free Trade Analysis
7 pages (1993 words) , Download 2 , Report
For example requiring European consumers to pay attention to the certification of “Alternative trading organizations” of their counties is a normative economic principle.... For example the associated benefits of free international trade include international specialization of resources including labor, comparative cost advantage and higher productivity.... For example those agricultural producers in Latin America and Africa have benefited much from this facilitation despite their inability to meet the ever increasing demand for higher standards in the consuming nations....
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Effect of Medical Waste upon the Environment
11 pages (2772 words) , Download 0 , Report
This was actuated by the UK Stern review, and the ANF asked the Australian Government to undertake measures to reduce climate change, which had the potential to cause significant harm to the health of the populace (Barlow, 2008, p.... This was actuated by the UK Stern review, and the ANF asked the Australian Government to undertake measures to reduce climate change, which had the potential to cause significant harm to the health of the populace[Bar081]....
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Timelines of World History
12 pages (3039 words) , Download 4 , Report
For example, the French went to the aid of America during the American Revolution and in fact they had great impact on the outcome.... For example, the French Revolution started almost immediately after their participation in the American Revolution. ... For example, colonies of the British Empire such as India, Canada, and others in Africa where all the major affairs pertaining to this colonies were controlled from London.... For example, British's control in Egypt was a protectorate form of imperialism where it took control of the Suez Canal but left native leaders with some power. ...
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Music Therapy Center
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 1 , Report
This report "Music Therapy Center" entails designing a center or space that could help the client achieve better adjustment, physically, psychologically, and socially.... The center to be designed in this regard is a center for music therapy that would be the consolidated program.... .... ... ... Music therapy program has been found to be effective in treating various problems that range from social, psychological, to biological disorders/disease....
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Ethnocentric Behavior in Business World
7 pages (1904 words) , Download 0 , Report
ets take the example of one of these companies i.... For example English has become a medium of trade internationally, so if a business entity is reluctant to adopt English as mode of communication it may not be able to develop relationships with international partners and clients. ... For example, entering into a Muslim country without understanding their traditions and selling wine may not be a suitable idea for any company.... Let us take the example of oil companies....
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Organizational Behavior in the United States Army
14 pages (3722 words) , Download 1 , Report
“Organizational Socialization and the Profession of Management”, Industrial Management review, 1968 vol.... This report outlines the HR problems in the US army.... The U.... .... Army is that branch of the U.... .... armed forces that is charged with land-based military operations....
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Solution to Juvenile Delinquency Caused By Family Context
10 pages (2971 words) , Download 1 , Report
?? Socio-Legal Studies review (2012): 1, 65-92.... This report "Solution to Juvenile Delinquency Caused By Family Context" discusses juvenile delinquency in various states and nations.... However, it is considered that both ADP and ART can become an ideal solution in creating a better environment for juveniles in society....
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Thorpe Park marketing and operations management analysis
9 pages (2701 words) , Download 2 , Report
A critical review of approaches to measure satisfaction with destinations.... This report "Thorpe Park marketing and operations management analysis" focuses on challenges that Thorpe Park faces, the focus would be on two departments; marketing and invest in new products and analyze their impact on the overall performance per given period....
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Data Protection Issues
1 pages (316 words) , Download 2 , Report
This report "Data Protection Issues" discusses threats relating to cloud computing that is falling under external threat whereas the other threats will be falling under internal threats.... Cloud computing involves data stored in different jurisdictions.... ... ... ... Windrush ventures should see that it does not locate its data center in the earthquake or flood-prone areas....
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The Impact of Technology in Education
12 pages (3387 words) , Download 3 , Report
This report "The Impact of Technology in Education" presents technology in education that has had a great impact on teaching.... Access to information has been enhanced and students can be connected with another learning institution that is far away and be able to share learning materials.... ... ...
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The Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organization
14 pages (3829 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper ''The Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organization'' is a wonderful example of a Marketing report.... The paper ''The Role of Strategic Marketing in an Organization'' is a wonderful example of a Marketing report.... For instance, the Coca-Cola Africa Foundation is considered to be the ideal example which was established in order to manage and provide fund support to the community initiatives in the African continent.... For example, young children who could acquire some health problems from taking the company's products are not controlled....
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Quality and Safety Issues in the Medical Tourism
6 pages (1660 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, a medical specialist travels abroad to deliver a lecture regarding his/her latest discovery in the treatment of cancer which he made as a result of his years of research in the subject.... For example, the treatment offered in developing countries might be influenced by the social, political and economic upsets the country might be going through.... For example, in cases of emergency, the patients usually die in the course of travel, even if the shortest possible means was chosen in terms of travel time....
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Do Welfare Handouts Motivate People to Be Lazy
5 pages (1527 words) , Download 0 , Report
For example, women and ethnic minorities rely on welfare than men and people belonging to ethnic majorities (Browne, 2006).... For example, Mooney, David & Caroline (2010) state that poor people are labeled as lazy, unmotivated, immoral, and irresponsible.... For example, while the whites in the United States find it relatively easy to find a job, their African, Asian and Hispanic counterparts form the bulk of unemployed citizens (U.... For example, getting an illiterate unemployed youth off welfare handouts will only lead to delinquency....
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A Modern Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building
11 pages (3207 words) , Download 0 , Report
The paper will examine the Empire State Building as a practical example of how energy efficiency can be attained in a building and the benefits gained.... As a case study, the discussion will examine empire state building as an example ... The paper "A Modern Energy Efficient and Sustainable Building" describes that energy efficiency measures and sustainability should be recognized by the law and be made part of it....
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Pharmaceutical Commercial
5 pages (1240 words) , Download 0 , Report
Cocaine for example was prescribed as a cure for any number of things.... This commercial is an example of how regulated the industry has become but yet how sneaky it can still be.... This is one of the reasons, for example, when you see a drug commercial on TV and many happy people having a picnic or an older couple walking romantically along the beach there is also a voice that says, “Warning!... For example, restless leg syndrome—a....
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Managing Leadership and Inclusion in Schools
13 pages (3876 words) , Download 0 , Report
rg/sites/default/files/inclusive-education-and-effective-classroom-practice_IECP-secondary-Literature-review.... This report "Managing Leadership and Inclusion in Schools" discusses inclusion that has both positive and negative influences on the teaching and learning of students....
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Should Men Get Paternity Leave from Work
5 pages (1302 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Should Men Get Paternity Leave from Work" discusses the paternity leave that works to good effect for the sake of the employees who look up to their seniors in order to move ahead further.... In essence, the employees deserve paternity leave whenever they have a newborn at their place....
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Overview of the Microsoft Corporation
5 pages (1492 words) , Download 3 , Report
For example Windows Server OS, SQL, Enterprise Services and Visual Studio etcetera. ... For example, Microsoft usually advertises its product through various channels including electronic media, print media etcetera. ... For example, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer has recently introduced their new search engine, Bing, at the D conference (Burrows, 2009). ... For example, Microsoft maintains a website to showcase its products.... For example, Microsoft maintains a website for its press release, viewable at http://www....
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Sociology of Food
6 pages (1604 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, while hamburgers, French fries and coke are still iconic staples of American culture, there is a growing concern in the public of the harm that over consumption of such products can cause to both individual health and society at large as well.... For example, I believe chop suey was actually invented in America by the Chinese immigrants rather than by the native Chinese.... For example, in Jamaica one will see American style Kentucky Fried Chicken and Burger King outlets....
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Causes, Effects, Solutions, and Potential Benefits of Reduction of Global Warming
6 pages (1690 words) , Download 1 , Report
At home, for example, cooking using liquefied petroleum gas or charcoal leads to the production of carbon dioxide.... The recession of ice and snow in such places as Arctic regions has, for example, lead to the reduction in the number of polar bears and may possibly lead to their extinction (Ruddiman, 2005, p.... For example, it has been noted that the production of such food crops as rice, maize and millet has dropped in different countries as a direct consequence of global warming....
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Programming Using C++
1 pages (282 words) , Download 0 , Report
In this code, we have utilized the push and pop mechanism in c++ to either add or remove elements in a stack, for example, ... In this case, this code could create anything, for example, a list of natural numbers, integers, phonebooks among other things.... This report "Programming Using C++" presents data structures in computer science....
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The Description of Light
5 pages (1333 words) , Download 1 , Report
For example, light produced by a laser of wavelength of 650 nm appears red. ... Light produced in this manner is called incandescent light for example light produced by a candle or a tungsten lamp. ... For example of why objects have colour is the picture of a ripe tomato in Figure 4.... A ripe tomato is a good example of reflective light (the shiny bit) and Absorbed light (the red colour) ...
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The Differences and Similarities between Wal-Mart Stores and Target
6 pages (1581 words) , Download 0 , Report
This paper ''The Differences and Similarities between Wal-Mart Stores and Target'' tells that This is a comparative study between the two stores and, as such, will delve into the history and culture of the two companies, as well as the business and commercial interests that the two companies are engaged in at present....
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Slavery and the Underground Railroad
6 pages (1582 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Slavery and the Underground Railroad" discusses a transportation system established for the escaped slaves of South America.... The Underground Railroad had many pivotal participants including John Fairfield.... He was the son of a slaveholding family and helped to rescue many slaves in Ohio....
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Social Services and Disabled Children
7 pages (2007 words) , Download 2 , Report
Introduction “Every individual is unique and hence ‘special,'” wrote Reddy and Sujathamalini (2006) in a book about children with disabilities (p True, children naturally have basic needs that must be provided for them to survive.... This report "Social Services and Disabled Children" investigates the policies of social services that provide support for children with disabilities in the UK....
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Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis
8 pages (2064 words) , Download 1 , Report
Jaipur, India: Oxford book Co.... This paper ''Thermodynamic Cycle Analysis'' tells that In thermodynamics, a heat engine is a system that performs the conversion of heat or thermal energy to mechanical work.... It does this by bringing an active substance from a higher state temperature to a lower state temperature....
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Economic and Social Effects of Chinas One-Child Policy
7 pages (2120 words) , Download 0 , Report
act book.... The paper "Economic and Social Effects of China's One-Child Policy" critically analyzes the economic and social impact of the "one-child policy" on the economy and social life of China.... The introduction of the one-child policy in China in 1979 has caused the nation to experience unprecedented effects....
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California Laws on Meals and Breaks
9 pages (2824 words) , Download 1 , Report
This is an example of many cases that have come against organizations who fail to ensure that their workers adhere to the California Labor Laws (Dearen, 2012).... Consequently, it has become a difficult task on the part of the government to bring to book organizations that violate the California working hour laws (Martucci & Zheng, 2006)....
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Cornish Villages 4G Trial
10 pages (2862 words) , Download 2 , Report
An example would be the chance to make available the e-book versions of even rare literary works, and open them for public view.... This report "Cornish Villages 4G Trial" presents technical aspects, the social and user background, and the legal and policy frameworks that support and impact upon the UK broadband connectivity project....
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Should Abortion be Legalized
6 pages (1775 words) , Download 0 , Report
This report "Should Abortion be Legalized" presents the subject of legal abortion that has lead to a nationwide, often emotion-filled, debate that has endured for many years and will for many years to come.... People are decidedly in either in the 'pro-choice' or 'pro-life' camp.... ... ... ... There are no compromises to be negotiated: one concerned with the life of a child; the other, the freedom of choice, and the woman's health....
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