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Magisterium and Theological Research - Coursework Example

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The author of the "Magisterium and Theological Research" paper delves into the roles of the magisterium and theological research in the Catholic Church. It has also elaborated on the relationship that exists between the two in service to the church. …
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Running Head: MAGISTERIAL AND THEOLOGICAL RESEARCH Title Insert Name Task Tutor Date Magisterium and Theological Research Introduction The magisterium is the teaching authority in the Catholic Church. The authority to teach is embodied within the episcopacy. The episcopacy is an aggregation of all bishops under the leadership of the Pope who carries authority over bishops and all Catholics. The magisterium can teach and interpret the word either fallibly or infallibly. “The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that the interpretation of the word of God is the role of the magisterium in church. This is basically the people and those bishops cooperating with him. Magisterium comes from magister in Latin which refers to the office of a ruler, instruction, advice or teaching1” (Theological research on the other hand is a rational and systematic studying of religion, how influences people and the religious truths. According to the Catholic church Jesus was the word made flesh and he became the originator of divine revelation. All the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church are based on sacred scripture and sacred tradition. Magisterium is made of the infallible teachings in church alone. In this paper the roles of the magisterium and theological research will be examined together with the relationship of the two 2). Role of magisterium The role of the magisterium is basically to teach and the teachers here are the bishops and the pope. The Popes are the ones who have succeeded the apostles and they have the authority to judge what agrees with the word of God and what does not. The teaching of the magisterium is the thing that sets the standard. As the bishops and pope formulate their teachings they depend on the theologians all of them not bishops to help them. After formulation all kinds of teachers can explain it. Whenever any teaching has been given out by the Catholic Church, then it is the magisterium that is responsible for offering such teaching on behalf of the whole church3. Magisterium teaching reaches the church in diverse ways. There exists a difference between the universal and local magisterium. Local bishops normally teach every day and issue pastoral letters to the church.At times they can meet with other bishops in conferences like the ‘national bishops conferences.’ The documents that are issued form such places are exercises of the local Episcopal magisterium. The teachings of bishops all over the world have more weight because it expresses the Universal Episcopal magisterium. The Pope is responsible for the Roman local diocese and has also succeeded Peter. Owing to that he holds a unique authority and responsibility of feeding the whole flock in the rest of the world. Every teaching he gives therefore is an exercise of the Universal magisterium . The teaching of the papal magisterium takes many forms. It has the daily audiences, homilies and allocutions or addresses. There exist many documents of other different types. Others are produced by the Pope himself like apostolic letters, encyclicals as well as apostolic institutions. Some originate from the departments of his administration or curia like the congregation for the administration of the faith4. All these express the universal magisterium of the Pope and therefore carry a lot of importance. The various forms help to show the various levels of importance. For example when Pope John Paul II presented the catechism of the Catholic Church to the world he did this through the apostolic constitution showing the supreme role of the catechism in expressing the catholic faith5. “Magisterial documents cover a wide range of subjects. The church has a bout 1 billion people. There are rules that maintain the smooth running of affairs. Some rules do not come form God but are created by the head to maintain law and order. In the catholic community these things are called matters of discipline. Liturgical matters for example when people stand or kneel at mass, fats and abstinence rules, holiday obligations and the celibacy of priests are classic examples of discipline. Such practices since they originated with man they vary form place to place among the Catholics Alfaro6.” Doctrine on its side talks about teachings concerning God and the plan he has over peoples lives which trickles down through divine revelation. Teaching and doctrine that pertains to morals and faith affects our salvation directly. It does not originate with man but is obtained directly form God even if people express it in human words. 7The truth of God is not changeable. The magisterium has no authority to add to or subtract from the true doctrine of God. They can also defend it, pass it on and give explanations of it . Role of theological research         Theological research which is carried out by theologians has a responsibility of revealing the word of God to the teachers who are responsible for giving it to the flock. Bishops and popes rely on these theologians to do their research concerning the word and tell them what they understand from it. Bishops and the pope may not be in a position to study deeply, understand and explain the meaning of the word. This responsibility is therefore left to the scholars of theology who have the time to delve into the books and dig out what the magisterium can accept as doctrinal truth to be given out to the Catholic Church Alfaro. Theological research in other words is responsible for defining what the doctrine of God should look like. This will happen in agreement with the magisterium. The doctrine which is obtained through divine revelation may be complex and therefore demand extra effort in searching and interpreting the word of God. Theological research carries out most of this work on behalf of the magisterium 8.        Relations between magisterium and theological research Theology and the magisterium of the church have different functions and gifts but their goal at the end is the same. Their chief goal is to preserve the people of God in truth that can set them free and enable them to become the light of the nations. This responsibility to the ecclesial community makes the magisterium and theologian to have a reciprocal relationship. The magisterium teaches in an authentic manner the Apostles’ doctrine. It benefits from what the theologians do and with knowledge acquired refute distortions of the faith and objections on the same faith. Using the authority given by Jesus Christ, it promotes new and in-depth understanding, application and clarification of the doctrine that has been revealed. Theology gains through reflection. This is a very deep comprehension of God’s word seen within the scripture and passed on faithfully through the tradition of the church with the oversight of the magisterium. Theological research does everything possible to clarify the revealed teaching in light of reason and gives a systematic and organic form to it. Collaboration between the magisterium and theologians can take place in a unique manner when the canonical mission or teaching authority is granted to the theologian. In some sense this kind of collaboration happens to be a participation in the Magisterium’s work and is linked by a juridic bond. 9The code of conduct of the theologian which originates in the service of God’s word has its reinforcement in the theologian’s commitment of accepting the office, professing the faith and ‘taking the oath of fidelity.’ Form this time onwards the theologian officially receives the obligation of presenting and illustrating the faith doctrine with accuracy and integrity. Whenever the magisterium has mad a pronouncement that is infallible and makes a solemn declaration that a doctrine is obtained in revelation the theologian is responsible for giving the assent needed to that declaration. This level of adherence has to be given also to the teachings of both the universal and ordinary magisterium whenever it gives a proposition for the belief of a doctrine on faith as revealed by God10. Whenever the magisterium gives a proposition definitively truths about morals and faith which may not necessarily be revealed in a divine way have a strict and intimate connection with revelation, they need to be accepted and held firmly. When the magisterium without the intention of definitive action gives a teaching to help in understanding revelation and make its contents clear or to remember how a certain teaching conforms to the truths of faith or even to watch against ideas that are not compatible with such truths it is the response of the religious submission of the will and intellect that is required. This response is never disciplinary or exterior but must be perceived through the logic of faith and within the desire to obey the faith. For there to be maximum service to the people of God through warnings about dangerous moves that can cause error, the magisterium may join in discussions involving questions which may have to do with solid principles and various contingent as well as conjectural elements. With passing time a necessity for distinguishing between the contingent and the necessary. It is a rule that people should submit in a loyal way to the things taught by the magisterium on those matters that cannot be reformed. It is possible for a theologian to ask questions about timelines, contents and form of the interventions of the magisterium11. In such a case the theologian must first make an accurate assessment of the authoritativeness of the intervention that may become clearer from the documents, the emphasis that a teaching comes with and the way of expression of the teaching. When it borders on interventions in the order of prudence, it is possible that certain magisterial documents may not be free of every deficiency. Bishops together with those who advice them do not immediately consider seriously all the aspects or the total complexity that a question may have. However it would be against the truth if bearing in mind a specific case one should conclude that the magisterium of the church can habitually make mistakes in its judgments or lacks divine assistance id performing its roles. As a matter of fact, that theologian without the ability to pursue his discipline in a good way without some competence in his history knows well the filtering that takes place as time passes. ‘This should not be received in relativization of the tenets of the faith.’ The theologian understands that certain judgments made by the magisterium may be justified for the time of their creation since those that had true proclamations and those that had some uncertainties were both connected inextricably. It is only with time that discernment can be done and the progress of true doctrine attained. Even with the existence of collaboration in the best conditions it cannot be ruled out that disagreements can arise between the magisterium and the theologian. Such tensions have their meanings and occur in certain spirits which do not indicate indifference. Whenever tensions do not come from contrary and hostile feelings they could as well become dynamic factors to stimulate the theologian as well as the magisterium to perform their respective responsibilities in the course of holding dialogue. “In the dialogue a rule that is two-fold must be allowed to prevail. When a problem arises about the ‘communion of faith’ then what will apply is the ‘unity of truth’ principle. When there are indifferences that do not interfere with the communion then what is safeguarded is the ‘unity of clarity’. Even when the Christianity doctrine is not being discussed the theologian cannot bring forth his divergent hypothesis or opinions as if they are conclusions that should not be argued out12.The discretion is necessary for the respect of people and God’s doctrine. Because of this the theologian will not publicly express on them without good timing. Preceding considerations can have as specific application to the theologian’s case that may have hard times for well founded reasons according to him in accepting a magisterial teaching that is irre-formable.” If the theologian makes an effort in loyalty but the difficulties do not end, then he can inform the magisterium about the issues in the teaching, in the justifying arguments made about it or even its form of presentation. He had to do this in a spirit of evangelism and with a good intention to solve the problems. His objections can then bring about true progress and stimulate the magisterium to give the teaching to the flock in depth and also present the arguments in clearer way. Conclusion In conclusion, This paper has delved into the roles of the magisterium and theological research in the Catholic Church. It has also elaborated on the relationship that exists between the two in service to the church. The magisterium is the one responsible for teaching while the theologians have the responsibility of elaborating the meaning and interpretation of doctrine to the magisterium and the rest of the church. The collaboration between these two is of paramount importance in the maintenance of the right doctrine inspired by the divine and the whole faith in people. Each of them has to play their role in the right way, maintain dialogue and preserve the right teachings for the church to function properly. Reference  Alfaro, J. (1982) "Theology and Magisterium," in Rene latourelle & Gerald O'Collins, eds. Problems and Perspectives in Fundamental Theology. New York: Paulist Press, pg. 340- pg. 356.  Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Donum veritatis. Instruction on the Ecclesial Vocation of the Theologian,  Dulles, A. (1995). The Craft of Theology: From Symbol to System. New expanded edition. New York: 90.  Gaillardetz, R.(2003).What Authority? A Primer on Scripture, the Magisterium, and the Sense of the Faithful. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press. Pg. 101. p 200. Read More

Local bishops normally teach every day and issue pastoral letters to the church.At times they can meet with other bishops in conferences like the ‘national bishops conferences.’ The documents that are issued form such places are exercises of the local Episcopal magisterium. The teachings of bishops all over the world have more weight because it expresses the Universal Episcopal magisterium. The Pope is responsible for the Roman local diocese and has also succeeded Peter. Owing to that he holds a unique authority and responsibility of feeding the whole flock in the rest of the world.

Every teaching he gives therefore is an exercise of the Universal magisterium . The teaching of the papal magisterium takes many forms. It has the daily audiences, homilies and allocutions or addresses. There exist many documents of other different types. Others are produced by the Pope himself like apostolic letters, encyclicals as well as apostolic institutions. Some originate from the departments of his administration or curia like the congregation for the administration of the faith4. All these express the universal magisterium of the Pope and therefore carry a lot of importance.

The various forms help to show the various levels of importance. For example when Pope John Paul II presented the catechism of the Catholic Church to the world he did this through the apostolic constitution showing the supreme role of the catechism in expressing the catholic faith5. “Magisterial documents cover a wide range of subjects. The church has a bout 1 billion people. There are rules that maintain the smooth running of affairs. Some rules do not come form God but are created by the head to maintain law and order.

In the catholic community these things are called matters of discipline. Liturgical matters for example when people stand or kneel at mass, fats and abstinence rules, holiday obligations and the celibacy of priests are classic examples of discipline. Such practices since they originated with man they vary form place to place among the Catholics Alfaro6.” Doctrine on its side talks about teachings concerning God and the plan he has over peoples lives which trickles down through divine revelation.

Teaching and doctrine that pertains to morals and faith affects our salvation directly. It does not originate with man but is obtained directly form God even if people express it in human words. 7The truth of God is not changeable. The magisterium has no authority to add to or subtract from the true doctrine of God. They can also defend it, pass it on and give explanations of it . Role of theological research         Theological research which is carried out by theologians has a responsibility of revealing the word of God to the teachers who are responsible for giving it to the flock.

Bishops and popes rely on these theologians to do their research concerning the word and tell them what they understand from it. Bishops and the pope may not be in a position to study deeply, understand and explain the meaning of the word. This responsibility is therefore left to the scholars of theology who have the time to delve into the books and dig out what the magisterium can accept as doctrinal truth to be given out to the Catholic Church Alfaro. Theological research in other words is responsible for defining what the doctrine of God should look like.

This will happen in agreement with the magisterium. The doctrine which is obtained through divine revelation may be complex and therefore demand extra effort in searching and interpreting the word of God. Theological research carries out most of this work on behalf of the magisterium 8.        Relations between magisterium and theological research Theology and the magisterium of the church have different functions and gifts but their goal at the end is the same. Their chief goal is to preserve the people of God in truth that can set them free and enable them to become the light of the nations.

This responsibility to the ecclesial community makes the magisterium and theologian to have a reciprocal relationship.

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