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Religious Symbolism - Research Paper Example

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Religion also warrants people to socialize and it is the nature of people to socialize. It has also been known that religion is behind a good psychological health mostly due to the idea of socializing. This takes place because there are designated places of prayer for various religions…
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Religious Symbolism
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Religious Symbolism It has been known for a long time that religion plays a critical role in the existence of human beings mainly because of helping people to connect with others and with a higher being. Religion serves many human needs that are aimed at helping people in dealing with mortality. Specifically, it helps in answering most of the questions that are beyond the human understanding that include but not limited to the afterlife and the soul (Molloy 9-10). The questions that underlie the idea of death are beyond human understanding and religion comes in to answer most of these hard to proof questions. These answers help in comforting people. Religion also warrants people to socialize and it is the nature of people to socialize. It has also been known that religion is behind a good psychological health mostly due to the idea of socializing. This takes place because there are designated places of prayer for various religions; take for instance Christians go to churches for prayer while Muslims go to mosques. Such congregation brings the aspect of socializing which improves the human psychology. Religion is also responsible for ensuring that people have belonging and an identity. This is very important because people’s mental health also rely on identity. When people belong to a group, that group provides a specific form of fulfillment. In order to express themselves, human beings have a need that prompts them to create artistic forms. As such, religion stimulates art, dance, and music. In fact, religion has been behind an inspiration to create the most fascinating buildings or structures of art in the world today. This brings out the issue of symbolism in religion. A symbol is a representation of something as it pertains to a specific field. As for symbols in religion or religious symbols, these are representations of certain aspects of a specific religion. For instance, in religion such as Christianity, the cross is a symbol of belonging and faith in that specific religion. As mentioned earlier on the aspect of belonging and identifying oneself with religion, the cross is a way of showing that one belongs to the religion. On the other hand, for the Muslims, crescent and the stars are symbols of their religion. This is the key reason as to why these symbols appear in flags of countries dominated by Muslims. These examples can be used to mean that different symbols exist for different religions and have diverse meanings. The main aim of having symbols in religion is to pass a meaning and to ensure that people have a close touch towards the religion aspect in question. This implies that the symbols make the meaning of the hidden aspect more understandable explaining the reason why known objects and things are used in symbolism. For instance, the Christians and Muslims use water as a symbol. As is known among people, water purifies and plays a similar role when used as a symbol in baptism for Christians where it purifies an individual off of sins (Molloy 10). This is a clear indication of the fact that symbolism in religion connects people to the aspect of religion. Religious symbolism also plays the role of expressing the truth in an easy to understand way. A symbol, in any aspect, is something that is concrete, universal, and ordinary implying that it is globally available and that represents something of greater complexity. For instance, the sun is a symbol that represents health while a mountain represents strength. In the same way, a circle may be used to mean eternity, which is what most believers believe in as the ultimate destiny of man after death. This can be said with certainty for both Muslims and Christians. These are all used in most, if not all, religions known to man. Symbolism has always been in many aspects of people’s lives that could be used to show the origin of symbolism in religion. For instance, in almost all cultures, dreams are interpreted by an elite few. These individuals have knowledge concerning interpretation of dreams. These interpretations are important in life because they are said to hold the key to the future in that they can predict a future. Specifically, dreams deliver messages expected to take place in the near future and are made of symbols. Interpreting these dreams is therefore paramount because people could use the messages as warnings and they could do certain rituals to deter the expected calamities as outlines in the dreams. In the spiritual or religious perspective, dreams are coded messages from supernatural realm that intends to protect people by delivering messages concerning the future. In most instances of the modern world, these dreams are not taken very seriously and the interpretation is less common in spite of most individuals believing in the significance of dreams (Molloy 8-9). Interpretation of dreams may have brought about the idea of symbolism in religion because the messages hidden in dreams are encoded symbolically, which is the same way that religion has encoded its symbols. It has also been known that religion, by itself, is complex and not easy to comprehend. To help in making sense of a profound aspect such as religion, symbolism plays a critical part. Here, use of symbols explains why something is done and why others are not done. For instance, water is used in almost all rituals conducted in religious gatherings and has been used for such undertakings since the times that the Bible and the Qur’an were being composed. This shows the deep foundation that exists in symbolism and how people use symbols to relate to religion. In other instances, wine is used to symbolize the blood of Jesus Christ for the Christians while certain instances of the moon mean different things for the Muslim such as the start and end of Ramadan (Shah and Muzammil 68-72). Through these symbols, people get the opportunity to know why their faith says they should do certain things. For instance, for the Christians, drinking of wine that has been blessed means they are sharing the blood of Jesus and they should avoid doing contrary to the Bible in order to continue receiving the Holy Communion. On the other hand, for the Muslim community, Id ul-Adha means that the Muslim community should share with those who are unfortunate or poor. This is one of the interpretations that are profound in the Islam practice. Here, following Ramadan, the Muslims take two to three months to slaughter animals and share with the poor. This shows that they have a responsibility to cater for the poor in the society and such social gatherings facilitates good relations between people on the Muslim community. It is worth noting that although some rituals or symbols are shared between religions, the circumstances are different. For instance, although both Muslims and Christians view water as a way of achieving cleanliness in the spiritual perspective, usage of the water in church and mosques is different. Muslims wash with water before prayers which signifies that they want to enter Holy grounds such as the mosque or engage in Holy act after cleaning themselves off of sins. As for the Christians, water is mostly used in baptism. Here, it could be done in a river or in a church with blessed water. Water, in such a ritual, signifies that a person has been cleansed of the original sin. The original sin is acquired during conception and baptism eliminates it. This is a ritual that all Christians are expected to go through. In other religions such as Jews, water is used for purifying a ritual (Molloy 10). Here, water is used before the actual ritual is undertaken so that it bounds with the beliefs of the Jewish community where any ritual must be purified. Moreover, the Hindu community takes a different perspective of using the water for purification. Here, they bathe at River Ganga or Ganges. This river is a symbol for the Hindu people because they actually worship it referring to it with a personalized title known as Ganga. Ganga is a goddess to them. The ritual is performed by bathing in that river, which the Hindu believes that it facilitates Moksha, liberation from death and the cycle of life. According to the Hindu, the water of Ganga is very pure. Undertaking such rituals using a common symbol is a way of connecting people although not physically. The mentioned religions use water for different purposes in the quest of acquiring purification, which connects them spiritually in the quest to acquire favor from a supernatural being. It is a belief in all religions that if one is of no sin, they will receive favor from God, which prompts people to avoid sinning and to abide to their Holy Scripture. People also become connected through values. This takes place for people of the same religion where individuals identify themselves through observing certain values that abide them to their faith. For example, the Muslims follow the Shariah law, which abides them and dictates what they should do in order to live with other members of the society peacefully. This is because the main foundation of Islam is peace as Prophet Muhammad emphasized in his teachings. It can also be deduced that observation of the said rituals that utilize religious symbols is important because it also connects people to religion besides connecting people among themselves. As an example, when the Muslims observe the Holy month of Ramadan, with their main symbol as the moon, they come together and conduct various religious rituals that are connected to Islam. Ash is also a religious symbol used by various religions to mean different things. For the Christians, it is used once in a year to observe the Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday signifies the first day of the day of lent among Christians (Catholic Online). This marks the season of an important aspect in Christianity known as penance. While this may mean repentance, it also encompasses fasting and reflection. Christians observe this in preparation of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which happens on Easter Sunday. Through the resurrection of Christ, Christians attain redemption. This is why repentance is important as redemption cannot take place before repentance. This must take place because Christians believe that repentance paves way for redemption which is the same as the Jews believing that purification of a ritual must be done before the actual ritual is done. In the Hindu community, Hindu holy men use ash to symbolize detachment and asceticism (Molloy 10). This is used to mean that worldly pleasures are just that, worldly treasures. In that the Hindu community attempts to urge the followers that it is only through renunciation of earthly riches that one will acquire the opportunity to acquire high intellectual state (Net Industries). It should also be noted that ash as a symbol is also used by other religions. Fasting is also a symbol in various religions that include Islam and Christianity. Generally, fasting shows abstinence in all desires in order to realize something holy. It is usually followed by an intense prayer period that signifies humility and spiritual desperation over sin. In Islam, fasting takes a huge part of the religion because Muslims take an entire month to fast. This takes the entire Muslim community as compared to other religions that fast on individual basis. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is seen as an obligation and one among the best obedience acts. The common belief among Muslims is that every good deed is multiplied between 10 and 700 times; however, when one fasts their deeds are multiplied as many times as God, Allah, wills (The Importance of Fasting and the Blessed month of Ramadan). This makes fasting a very important aspect among this community involving all Muslims. In fact, Prophet Muhammad named fasting as one of the five most important aspects of Islam. In the same manner, failure to fast is an enormous sin. However, there are some religious excuses that a person can have that would allow them not to fast and it would not be taken as a sin. When they fast during Ramadan, the Muslims who are to go to hell for their sins are forgiven. In addition, they are also emancipated each night. The Month of Ramadan also signifies a time when Paradise is open to people and hell is closed. In addition, the devils are chained and the windows of compassion are opened. It is a common belief that if an individual passes on following the month of fasting, then they would go to paradise. Moreover, this month signifies other aspects such as mercy which is the key idea behind forgiveness. Here, believers fast so that Allah can have mercy on them and forgive them. The name Ramadan signifies burning and melting of sins (The Importance of Fasting and the Blessed month of Ramadan). This is the Muslim approach towards fasting. There are various similarities between the fasting by Muslims and that undertaken by other religions such as Christianity. From the Christian perspective, fasting is a symbol that signifies denial of all physical interruptions in favor of God and prayer. While Muslims view it as one of the most important religious aspects towards forgiveness, Christians view it as the most important. While fasting is not commanded by Jesus Christ or the Bible, it signifies a moment that facilitates spiritual growth. For Christians, fasting has one main role, which is abstinence on sleep, food, sex, and drinks and focusing on God (Christian Fasting). It signifies a way through which the Christian community can demonstrate to God that they are serious with Him. Giving up something important in favor of God can be seen as a way of fasting in Christianity. It should be noted that while the Bible does not require people to fast, it is recommended to do so. Similarly to the fasting in Islam, for Christians, fasting also signify a period of repentance. In fact, most individuals in the Bible were forgiven by God after fasting and praying continuously. The religious buildings are also used as symbols. The church, as a building and as a congregation, is a symbol for the Christians. As a building, it signifies the house of God and a holy place. In addition, it also specifies a place of prayer. This is why people meet there to pray and to ask God for forgiveness of their sins. The congregation represents the church because they are the believers. A symbol of Christ on the cross appears on almost all churches to act as a reminder that Christ died on the cross for people’s sins. This persuades people not to sin and to do as Christ has taught; lead righteous ways. The placement of the churches also works as a symbol. Here, most churches are built on high ground to signify the holy mountain. On the other hand, most temples are also built on high grounds for the same purpose. At the holy mountain, the sacred can be encountered. Since people would like to come close to the sacred place so that their problems can be solved and that they can have their sins forgiven, the high ground seems like a good place to situate the church or the temple. Furthermore, symbols in religion can signify the teachings of that religion. Here, an example of the crucifix in Christianity indicates teachings that Christ was crucified on the cross so as to cleanse people’s sins. This can be explained clearly by the crucifix because it shows a model of Christ on the cross. It also explains the origin of the Christianity faith. When Christians pray, they do so through the name of Jesus Christ because He died for their sins. There is a common belief that it is only through Christ that one can get to God. In fact, Jesus Christ Himself said this. This can also mean that Christ Himself is a symbol of purification. The cross, which is displayed on the top of every church, is a reminder of the death of Christ. In addition, it is the single widely known identifier of Christianity as a faith. Although the cross may appear to be a symbol of suffering as well as defeat, it strengthens the Christians because Christ resurrected showing salvation and triumph (Roberts). Resurrection of Christ indicated that Jesus had overcome the devil and death itself. This is why it signifies victory of Jesus Christ’s mission one earth; to liberate the people. There are other things that represent Jesus Christ or act as symbols for Him. One of these is the lamb. Jesus is referred to as the Lamb of God who is responsible for taking away the sins of the world (10 Important Christian Symbols). This has been stated in the Bible severally especially in the moments before Jesus was crucified. The reason as to why Jesus was referred to as the Lamb of God is that He was supposed to be killed as a sacrifice for people’s sins. The lamb is used as a symbol of humility as well as innocence. This was true in the application of Jesus Christ because He was killed for our sins although He had not sinned or wronged anyone to warrant death as a punishment. Birds such as a pigeon have been used severally in the Bible to signify peace. Following the baptism of Christ, a pigeon appeared signifying peace in that Jesus Christ is filled with peace. Other creatures used as symbols in Christianity include fish and the peacock (Fahlbusch 263). There is a myth that surrounds the peacock that its flesh does not decay after it dies. This is the reason why peacock was used to signify Christ’s immortality as well as His Resurrection. A sign of fish is popular among the Christians. This came from translating the phrases Jesus Christ, Savior, and Son of God to Greek leading to the first letters meaning fish. Moreover, fish has been mentioned severally in the Bible. Religious symbolism has also been used to express moral values of a society. Symbolism helps in the establishment of a specific thinking or mythos among a group. This thinking is undoubtedly related to religion and the symbols existing in religion. Establishment of specified modes of thinking is in turn responsible for establishment of moral values that coincide with the religion. This is because people or followers of a religion behave in the way that the religion teaches. Therefore, the people’s understanding of their religious symbols is exhibited in the morals that people have in the society. Additionally, when people understand what a religious symbol means and the role it plays in their lives, they become attached to it. This brings in another aspect of how people connect to religion. For instance, when considering the cross, followers of Christianity may become attached and close to the object because they understand its origin (Hill and Daniel 79-85). Here, people would become close after learning that Christ died for their sins and that He had not wronged. Although this may involve an emotional effect where the believers would feel touched by this fact, it brings them closer to the crucifix to the point that they believe it can protect a person from demons. This fact may also connect people in that people with a common interest develop solidarity or a form of togetherness because they belong to a common belief. Here, people do not just become connected but develop a feeling of solidarity where they feel that they have a responsibility to follow the teachings of where they belong. Such ideas are followed globally by followers of a specific faith implying that these individuals are connected and would exhibit similar values because they understand the ‘language’ of a religious symbol. It should be noted that people only follow an aspect that they understand. Here, if symbols do not have meaning, people tend to ignore them. In particular, people prioritize the symbols that would answer they most deep founded questions such as the origin of the human race and what happens after death. Since religion can answer all questions that are beyond human understanding, it becomes attractive to people. This is mostly because people want to have belonging due to their social nature. In conclusion, religion plays a critical role in the life of human beings including providing answers to the most complex questions that people have and through facilitating social gatherings that favors human psychology. The idea of symbolism is deeply rooted in the human tradition and has been adopted in religion to help give people an identity and belonging. Although religious symbols are different among different religions, they help in connecting people from a spiritual perspective because the intended purpose of the symbols may be connected as in the case of water. Since religion itself is not easy to comprehend, symbols some in to assist. Symbols exhibited in certain religion have different roles such as defining the moral values that the people exhibit, bring people closer to the worship object, and facilitate solidarity based on a common belief. Some of the symbols available in many religions include water, ash, and fasting. While these may be common among religions, the exact applications are different and coincide with the beliefs of the subject religion. Generally, symbols help people in gaining a deeper understanding of their religion and why certain things are done. Works Cited 10 Important Christian Symbols. 2015. Web. 31 May. 2015. Catholic Online. Ash Wednesday. n.d. Web. 31 May. 2015. Christian Fasting. 2015. Web. 31 May. 2015. Fahlbusch, Erwin. The Encyclopedia of Christianity: Vol. 5. Grand Rapids, Mich: Eerdmans, 2008. Print. Hill, Daniel J, and Daniel Whistler. The Right to Wear Religious Symbols. , 2013. Print. Molloy, Michael. Experiencing the World’s Religions. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2013. Print. Net Industries. Asceticism - Hindu and Buddhist Asceticism - Asceticism in Hinduism. 2015. Web. 31 May. 2015. Roberts, Michael. The Cross.12 Sept. 2011. Web. 31 May. 2015. Shah, Zulfiqar A, and Muzammil Siddiqi. The Astronomical Calculations and Ramadan: a Fiqhi Discourse. Washington, D.C: The International Institute of Islamic Thought, 2009. Print. The Importance of Fasting and the Blessed month of Ramadan. 31 Jul. 2011. Web. 31 May. 2015. Read More
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