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Disturbing Cultural Phenomenon - Book Report/Review Example

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An important idea was brought forward in the paper "Disturbing Cultural Phenomenon" – that it is imperative for the governments and peoples of Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria as well as the international community to work towards its eradication…
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Disturbing Cultural Phenomenon
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The three readings for this activity, Sarah Aird's and Abayie Boaten's articles, in addition to Chapter 3 of the reference text, all explored the Trokosi system that permeates many parts of African countries such as Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria. Trokosi, as defined in these sources, is a version of female slavery in these countries that stem from a traditional religious custom that sacrifices a virgin daughter in order to atone for a crime or wrongs committed by a family member or relative. The girl is forced to serve the local shrine as a trokosi or "slave of the gods" and subject to the whims and commands of the priest who is given full ownership of her person.

The readings all criticized this system using different perspectives, arguing in strong terms how trokosi victimizes women, which are considered one of the most vulnerable members of African society. It was explained how it, fundamentally, became an instrument of gender discrimination. Aird, particularly, decried that there are approximately 35,000 trokosi slaves in the aforementioned African countries, which meant a huge number of women being denied their freedom, access to education, food, and basic health services while being forced to work and perform sex. Boateng's work highlighted the manner by which trokosis are treated as less than human and property of the shrine, with interactions or relations with them considered as an abomination. A priest, in Boateng's example, can have a host of trokosi performing as his wife but is not burdened with any obligation whatsoever concerning their welfare, even the well-being of the children produced.

Aird and Boateng have identified existing mechanisms in Ghana and, to a lesser extent, in the three other African countries cited, that can be used- or were established to address this serious violation of human rights. For example, there are several statutes in place that can be employed to reinforce the attempt to put a stop to the Trokosi practice. There were also attempts by international organizations to help in its eradication. But the readings pointed out how a social upheaval may emerge as a result.

By explaining the Trokosi system through the outline of its roots, its conceptual framework, and why it persists up to this day, the readings were able to present a case for the eradication of the system, as a case of modern slavery. They were also able to identify people, norms, and social institutions, among other stakeholders necessary to enforce change. For example, in showing how trokosi is a religious and cultural practice, the readings were able to depict the extent to which it is embedded in many African societies.

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