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Interpreting the Bible Interpreting the Bible What should guide your interpretation of the Bible? As a master oneshould aim to achieve a ‘scholarly, informed and intelligent interpretation’ of the Bible. This is possible when one is guided by an understanding of the history of the church and the evolution of the Bible over the years. Biblical interpretation must take into consideration the factors which shaped the Bible: Jesus’ words are not available in the original Aramaic, and so all Bibles are translations; based on the judgment of various Church authorities, some books were selected for inclusion in the canon, while others were excluded; chapters and verses were incorporated later in the medieval age; the present Revised Standard Version is the end result of several translations; translations are influenced by cultural differences, and changing languages and cultural values.
2 Who are/should be your authorities? There are no universally accepted, impeccable authorities to the interpretation of the Bible. Because of the factors listed above, and mainly because it is not an original source, the Bible cannot be taken at face value. As all versions of the Bible are translations, or revisions of earlier translations, total objectivity, and accuracy of the information presented, cannot be taken for granted. Each individual must make a decision, based on personal faith, and intellectual dictates, on what guides to adopt towards the interpretation.
Interpretation of the Bible is unavoidable, and is largely based on personal choice. This choice can be an informed choice, taking into consideration all the implications of translation. There can be no absolutely dependable authorities in Biblical interpretation. References.Lecture Notes. “Translating and Interpreting the Bible.”
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