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The Jews believed that God was able to reverse the effects of sin and completely reverse consummate the reconciliation with humankind. These views are consistent with mine, for I believe it is only God who has the powers and ability to reconcile us with Himself after we fall short of His will.
Several changes occurred in the Jewish view of God and the world during this time. Foremost, there was an intensified and revitalized given the events of the 6th Century BC when the Jewish nation suffered a series of exiles. The Jewish people also suffered the effects of Hellenism during this period, and the Greek beliefs affected their basic understanding and belief in the diminution of anthropomorphism (Gee 1995). Although the Old Testament of the Hebrews acknowledges the concept of immortality, the period of intertestamental shift made the Jews lay more focus and emphasis on the immortality of the soul. In addition, there was a shift from the isolated lifestyle the Jews had lived for the whole time. They became more open and interactive with other communities, thanks to the effects of Hellenism. The period also marked a change in the Jews’ view of God from His imminence to His transcendence. They refrained from using the name of God in all their undertakings as had been the custom before the Intertestamental Period.
The first century of Judaism accorded the Messiah several titles. Foremost, the early Judaists named the Messiah Savior (Gee 1995). This reflected their idea of the Messiah as the one who would come and save them from the bondage of captivity and exile they suffered for centuries under different nations. They called him the Judge, meaning he would deliver justice and fairness to the Jewish nation against oppressing Gentile nations. Another title was the Deliverer, for whom they waited to deliver them forever from the Gentile rule. Shepherds mean they were waiting for one who would guide them with love for all and protect them from their enemies. They also referred to him as the Stone, their strength upon which the Jewish nation would be built, not to be shaken by anyone (Carson, Douglas, and Julius 2001). Other titles included Elect and The Chosen One, the Righteous or Just One, Son of God or Son of David and Elijah.
To a nonbeliever and a new convert, the best title to describe Jesus would be the Righteous or Just One. According to the scriptures, Jesus preached and lived righteousness. There is no single instance in the scriptures that reveal an act of unrighteousness in the life of Jesus. He helped the poor and the despised of his time get recognition in society. He delivered just judgments to those who were viewed too evil.
According to the Jews, Gentiles were considered sojourners in their lands, strangers who had little or no knowledge of God (Carson, Douglas, and Julius 2001). Jews viewed the Gentiles as evil people who were not worth associating with (Gee 1995). However, they stood a chance of being in good connections with the creator if they converted to Judaism. God-fearers referred to the class of Gentiles who sympathized with the beliefs of Judaism during the Second Temple Period. Whereas the God-fearers were not bound by any rules to follow Noahide Laws nor adhere to the rules of Jews, proselytes had the obligation to live by these customs and laws (Gee 1995). Proselytes could either be Gentiles converted to Judaism or outsiders living within the lands of Jews. They had to follow the Torah. To fully convert to Judaism, one had to circumcise, undergo immersion and offer a sacrifice known as a korban (Carson, Douglas, and Julius 2001). From the attitudes of the Jews of the first Century, Christians learn that they should not judge others or make presumptions about their character before knowing who they are. It is the Gentiles who are responsible for the spread of the Gospel and advocated for the following of the Messianic message; the very people first Century Judaism thought as evil and intolerable.
Throughout the ages from the inception of the church to the Middle Ages, the church has contributed a lot to the understanding of humanity. Some are through ugly and unfortunate events of Christian Crusaders that saw hundreds of thousands die. During Reformation, the church set foot for world democracy as Protestants broke loose from the bounds of Catholicism (Abel 2009). Renaissance was the period of growth of Christianity. Using the strong arms of the Roman Empire, the Roman Catholic spread across the world, especially in Europe. The teachings of Catholicism were not agreeable to all Christians, and others opted to rebel and form the Protestant Church, a period known as Reformation. Reformation best describes the ideals of the church and thus the spread of the early church. It is imperative for the church today to give freedom to believers who wish to form their congregational groups to avoid unfortunate events that transpired during Reformation Period.
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