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Strength to Love by Martin Luther King Junior Many people have cited the phrase ‘love conquers all’ for ages but it is high time that people especially the citizens of America to lead by example as Martin Luther King Junior emphasis in his series of writings particularly in Strength of love. Ever since America attained her independence in the 18th century, a number of challenges have faced her owing to her rich diversity in terms of race, culture, and religion. This be the case, all Americans have always wished to live the American Dream especially after their nation had a series of dark past of discrimination.
In this regard, it is important for every person to cherish one another and to shower brotherly love upon everyone irrespective of their background, if the American Dream is anything to go by. Additionally, people especially the Americans ought to recognize the fact that every great nation sustains development by embracing both regional and internal diversity. Although the religious, cultural, and racial diversity exists among the Americans, they can coexist peacefully and harmoniously in order to ensure that the society is full of love, political and social affiliations notwithstanding.
As clearly stated by Martin Luther King Junior, the achievement of the American dream needed the participation of all despite their racial or cultural backgrounds. In this respect, it is important to note that love has the strength to conquer all evil that may arise within the society as long as every person is willing to adopt unconditional love for one another. America is a great nation that commands great honor and respect across the globe due to the unrelenting efforts by her hardworking citizens to make the nation a better place for all.
Similarly, the nation requires peace in order for both the political and economic development and processes to continue harmoniously. This actually means that it is incumbent upon everyone to embrace the highest standards of peace, which can only be accomplished through unpretentious love. When there is love among the citizens, the nation prospers but a divided people without any element of love are a recipe for both internal and external catastrophes. Perhaps it is worthy to note that diversity is indeed strength despite the selected few incidences of discrimination based on race, gender, culture, religious, and political affiliation.
Certainly, diversity presents unique strengths and opportunities through which people can learn from and in turn improve their personal, spiritual, political, and professional standings. This is especially so if the diverse groups of individuals find themselves in interactive situations like work places, places of worship, business environments, and the residential areas. While many people believe that there is adequate love among the Americans and the rest of the world, it is important to note that discrimination, especially based on race, is so rife in some areas that creating and sustaining love is almost impossible.
Reportedly, the African Americans, the Mexican Americans, the Whites, and the Hispanic have had racial discrimination particularly owing to the historical injustices. The American Dream envisages a different scenario with all forms of discrimination and if everyone is to become successful in uplifting their nation, limitless and conditional love is indispensable. When it comes to the interpretation of love and the powerful impact that love has over humanity, no amount of words can reveal the tenderness that Godly love can have even to the most wicked of persons.
In this respect, it is obvious that Godly love does not favor or victimize certain individuals in the process of delivering justice or when undertaking crucial political and social matters. Therefore, people have to accept that God had good intentions for everyone and that is the reason for the existence of people with diverse backgrounds. Similarly, God’s intention was that the citizens of America exploit their diversity for prosperity of their great nations through love that does not discriminate or favor.
Actually, real love does not offer selective approach to issues that are of contentious nature and hence two people of different backgrounds ought to receive same judgment, favors, and love. This is especially so because there exists a number of similarities between the African Americans and the whites in the sense that both have the active responsibility of building their great nation of the Unites States of America. They can only do so in solidarity in order to make their country a success story since the US is one of the most developed democracies in the world.
Really, no country can pride itself of impeccable democratic principles and ideologies while her citizens harbor racial grudges and discriminations. It is by loving one another that America and largely the world will be able to denounce ethnic hatred and work towards a common objective of improving the welfare of humanity across the globe. Perhaps this has a strong correlation to the Bible that encourages believers to love their neighbors as they love themselves. Indeed, All the American communities need to come together in order to achieve the common objective of uplifting one another and achieving equality.
This means that irrespective of the skin color, political party affiliation, and religious outfit, every American citizen ought to conduct him or herself with love. Despite the fact that there are many differences among the Americans in terms of diversity, they have been able to live harmoniously by embracing Godly love. Although the religious, cultural, and racial diversity exists among the Americans, they can coexist peacefully and harmoniously in order to ensure that the society is full of love, political and social affiliations notwithstanding.
Surely, there is great strength in loving one another in the sense that diversity presents unique opportunities that can translate to strengths, which can improve the welfare of everyone. Besides, the Bible encourages humankind to love their neighbors in equal measure as they do to their own selves so that we live in a godly society that is full of compassion and benevolence.
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