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Tolerance between Religious - Essay Example

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This essay "Tolerance between Religious" discusses religious tolerance that has become a necessity after 9/11 when there is talk of a clash of civilizations everywhere. It is a challenge in various societies how to maintain tolerance while setting limits to in-tolerance…
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? Religious Tolerance Thesis ment. Tolerance between religions has become a necessity after 9/11 when there is talk of clash of civilizations everywhere. It is a challenge in various societies how to maintain tolerance while setting limits to in-tolerance. World is growing into multicultural, multiethnic place day by day, in this environment, peaceful co-existence is only possible if Tolerance is demonstrated by followers of all religions. Introduction. All regions of the world have similar beliefs about good deeds. For example in all religions it is good to speak truth while it’s bad to cheat, steal, lie or kill fellow human beings. After 9/11 divide between religions has increased manifolds due to pursuing of terrorism by few fundamentalists. It is very important to understand what is meant by religious tolerance, what are its limits, how terrorism and terrorists should be separated by the large Muslim community and so many other related issues. It is also important to have a look at main religions of the world and see their views about violence and tolerance. It is imperative to note that what a religion preaches may not be followed by its follower. In this case whether a religion should be blamed or its followers. All religions trace back their roots to a creator or God. This fact should be a source of harmony or difference between various religions. Historically which religion has remained most peaceful and why?. All these questions need answers however it is not clear whether these answers will settle old questions or create new ones. Outline. The paper will be covered in the following outline:- 1. What is Religious Tolerance and what are its limits. 2. Why Religious Tolerance is important. 3. Is there really a clash of civilizations going on? 4. What are the major religions of the world and what do they say about Religious Tolerance. 5. Is Religious fundamentalism a good thing or bad? 6. Should a religion be separated from its followers or not. 7. Scientific, biological, spiritual, ethical, moral and social dimensions of religion. 8. Is Religious tolerance linked to Government actions? 9. Should an individual handover his religious freedom to a church or any other ruling institution 10. Social and political issues in religious tolerance. 11. Difference in opinion about religious tolerance amongst various thinkers. 12. Final outcome of the discussion. Discussion on Outline There are 19 major religions of the world with Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism being bigger ones according to population of followers. Hinduism is not a religion in classic sense since there is no single founder, center of origin or single scripture. Rather Hinduism is a combination of beliefs and traditions practiced over thousands of years. Tolerance is one of the core values in Hinduism expressed through centuries of co-existence with other religions in the sub-continent. Teachings of this religion propagate that all beings in whole universe are one family or “vasudhaiva kutumbkam”. This family includes smallest creatures, animals and mankind, all created by God. Amongst all creatures, mankind has the ability to think and rule the earth, therefore bears greater responsibility to exercise tolerance. Man must show tolerance to fellow beings irrespective of religion or caste. Hinduism preaches that tolerance is essence of human life and all other religions or paths leading to God are true and legitimate. It is wrong to consider oneself on true path while others at a wrong one. Due to belief of tolerance Hinduism in India co existed for centuries with Buddhism, Islam, Sikhism, Jainism and many other religions at the same time. In Indian history very less Hindu rulers invaded foreign lands in the name of religion. As said by Gandhi the famous Hindu leader “The chief value of Hinduism lies in holding the actual belief that all life (not only human beings, but all sentient beings) is one, i.e. all life coming from the universal source, call it Allah, God or Parameshwara . . . . He has as many names as you can possibly give Him” (Shandon). Buddhism has a history of twenty-five centuries. Tolerance has been a hallmark of Buddhism over these years. In Buddhism views and beliefs of others are accepted with respect and known as “metta”. King Asoka of India was a famous Buddhist who preached tolerance with all religions under his rule. He directed in 256 BC, that doctrines professed by others must be listened and respected. Buddhists think that tolerance is a basic need of humanity due to its vast presence and diverse living conditions which cannot be covered by single teaching. Tolerance in Buddhism originate from teachings of Buddha called Dhamma. Tolerance does not mean acceptance of injustice or leaving one’s conviction. It means that all are free to live according to their beliefs. Buddhists claim that in Buddhist history of twenty-five centuries no blood has been shed in the name of religion. Buddhism teaches people to live and let live. Buddhists do not regard other religions as threat or hurdle for world peace. They do not believe in God and do not kill other creatures as part of food. Buddha invited his followers to consider his teachings as guideline and use their own minds for advancing in life. Buddha had no intention of founding a religion rather he preached to reach enlightenment through peace, holiness and tolerance. The message of Buddha about tolerance is “fill your mind with compassion”. (Pearls of wisdom). Andrew Sullivan in his article published in The New York Times (Andrew) has argued that despite general reluctance to call 9/11 attacks a religious war, it is a religious war that has just begun. His theory supports that it is the beginning of clash of civilizations despite the fact that after the incident common prayers were held by Muslims, Christians, Jews and Buddhists. However it is not a war between religions but a war between fundamentalism and modernity / freedom. Sad part is that its victims will continue to rise with each passing day. In July 2011 a Christian fundamentalist killed over 80 innocent people in Oslo Norway; it appears that the war is continuously escalating. Although Osama Bin Laden is dead his messages still haunt rulers in Middle East. History tells us that Christianity has a worse record of killing people in the name of crusades to bloody religious wars in 16th and 17th centuries. Fundamentalism has attracted millions in history, probably because it gives a sense of direction to people. Many fundamentalists burned humans in fire instead of killing since they thought it is cleansing for victims. Most of cruelties were done in state-sponsored executions by Christians. Nazi and Stalin’s forces liquidated or purged victims. Taliban are similarly cruel. Defeat of all these cruel people required a big effort. In America religion remained separate from government. However few people include abortion in mass murder and terrorism. In Eastern and western Fundamentalism, major difference is pace of social change. Social values in west have slowed down fundamentalist pace. Fundamentalism is generated by insecurity. Fundamentalists assume that modern people and cultures will crush them one day. Muslims ruled the world for over 1200 years before fall of Ottoman Empire. Once the empire was lost Islamic extremism started appearing some 200 years ago as revenge. Fundamentalist see American bases in Middle East and creation of Israel as an occupation. First American immigrants were refugees who ran from religious wars in England. Therefore American order separates church and state and propagates that no single religion should influence America. There fore religious tolerance is must for existence of America. Dalai lama has argued in his article that Buddhism or for that matter any other religion must tolerate scientific explorations and also find ways and means to ethically regularize these developments( Tenzin). As per his article if not religion, universally accepted ethics must control and guide scientific developments. What is religious Tolerance? Tolerance demands that if some body is hired for work, his religion should not concern the employer or co workers. It also means that people from all religions should be able to co-exist at a work place, city or country. Religious beliefs are different yet each religion allows others to exist however followers of a religion sometimes deviate from these teachings. When religion is used as a means to fulfill desires of a person or society, it opens itself to criticism and judgment. One should be careful in finding limits of logic and applying them to religion. Human mind is in the process of evolution and experimentation. Many Newton laws were rejected by Einstein, therefore something logical today might prove illogical tomorrow. However religion has a spiritual angle to it. Followers of religions do attribute to some beliefs, and every religion preaches tolerance. Importance of Religious Tolerance. Religious tolerance is important because much blood shed has been done in the history in the name of religion. Religious tolerance acknowledges worth and dignity of all human beings. It encourages a man to look beyond him and meaning in life. It generates appreciation of differences yet binds us together. As stated by Julia Travis “My experiences with other religions haven't only expanded my horizons but caused me to deeply examine my own beliefs as well. As a result of my appreciation of religious diversity, my own values are particularly firm because I have been able to explore alternatives to my beliefs and, essentially, prove to myself that what I believe is right for me.” Religious Tolerance is more than agreeing with the concept, rather it is living with this belief. Just promoting diversity is not enough it has to be followed in true spirit. Clash of Civilizations. In 19th and 20th Centuries, movements of Salfi-ism rose asking for revival of Muslim heritage and rule. Jihadi-ism also took root in sulfi-ism asking for a war against rule of Non Muslims over Muslims in any form. Few extremist took an extreme view of these theories and started attacking Muslims and non Muslims alike who were opposed to their view. 9/11 was the aftermath of similar extremist thinking. After 9/11 attacks there has been a greater debate on the clash of civilizations and religions. As given by Steven Simon in his speech to US Senate (Steven) Bin ladens’s long letter to Americans is an evidence of growing anti American sentiment inside and outside Muslim world. As said by the speaker “The fact that there are 1.4 billion Muslims settled on nearly every continent and which differ on the basis of ethnicity, race, nationality, sect, temperament, profession, class, and gender should suggest that all generalizations about “Islam” are suspect, or ought to be.” Anti American sentiments are fuelled by pro Israel policy, attack on Iraq and Afghanistan. Bin Laden and his followers do not draw a line between soldiers and civilian or Muslims supporting America .This behavior and thinking is the height of in tolerance. There are many movements in Europe, Muslim world and America to promote tolerance however much is required to be done. Support of democracies and unconditional aid in case of disasters in Muslim areas can promote tolerance. However as of now as the war on Terror rages on, there is a continuous cycle of argument and counter argument. It appears that clash of civilizations is a reality however Tolerance is the key to peace in world. What are the major religions of the world and what do they say about Religious Tolerance. There are few very good sayings about Tolerance by founders of different religions, quoted on the site “Joy of Sects.Com”. These are given as under:- 1. “The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said (as reported by Wa'silah bin al-Asqa'a) “When you see the misfortune of your brother, do not rejoice, for Allah may save him and afflict you with the same misfortune.” 2. “Hatred is never appeased by hatred in this world; it is appeased by love. This is an eternal Law”. The Buddha (Dhammapada). 3. “What you yourself hate, don't do to your neighbor. This is the whole Law; the rest is commentary. Go and study.” Rabbi Hillel 4. What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others. Confucius (The Analects) “ As quoted by Religious (religious “there are 19 major world religions divided into 270 large religious groups. 34000 separate Christian groups have been identified in the world over half of them independent churches which are not interested in linkage with big denominations. Among total world religions the percentage is 33 % Christians, 19.6% Muslims, 13.4 % Hindus, 12.7 % Non Religious, 6.4 % Chinese Folk, 5.9 % Buddhists, 2.5 % Atheist ,0.4 % Sikhs, 0.2 % Jews and remaining other small groups.” All religions teach peace and harmony among mankind. There is no religion which allows killing of innocent human beings in the name of religion, caste, color or creed. There is a world wide concern over increasing amount of intolerance and its violent nature amongst religions. It is believed that religious diversity might lead to greater religious tolerance. Historically there has been one common diversity issue amongst all religions, that is presence of God and who can seek eternity and salvation in God’s presence. All great religions of world can be divided into Aryan and Semitic religions however tolerance is the hall mark of all these religions. Aryan concept believes that two persons can be right at the same time whereas Semitic concept believes that truth is one and it flows in all directions. In Islam Quran says “To you be your religion to me be mine”. God says in the Quran about disputes of people from other religions: “…If they do come to you, either judge between them or decline to interfere...” (Quran 5:42) (M Abdul Salam). There are many verses in Quran which advocate tolerance towards other religions. For example a Muslim cannot force someone to embrace Islam, as given in verse , “There is no compulsion in religion” (2:256). The Qur’an draws firm limits toward entrenched thinking in relation to Non-Muslims.  It states, “Had God willed, they had not been idolatrous.  We have not set thee as a keeper over them, nor art thou responsible for them” (6:107). (Religious Tolerance in Quran) In Christianity tolerance is advocated in one of the following event in which Jesus refused to curse non believers, “Jesus’ teachings were rejected by the inhabitants of a village in Samaria. His disciples asked that he exterminate the people of the village by issuing a curse. Jesus refused to do it, and simply move on to the next village. Luke 9:52-56: "...they did not receive him...And when his disciples James and John saw this, they said, Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men's lives, but to save them. And they went to another village." (Religious tolerance and Bible). In an example from Saint Paul’s life, he asks to avoid offending followers of other religions: 1 Corinthians 10:31-32 "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God. Give none offence, neither to the Jews, nor to the Gentiles, nor to the church of God:” (Religious tolerance and Bible). Is Religious fundamentalism a good thing or bad? There are religious fundamentals to every religion. Without a strong base one can not handover his life to fluid and ever changing ideology. However where people go wrong is not following the fundamentals but making these a basis to hate other religions or even people within same religion with different thinking. Every religion teaches to follow its fundamentals but also to respect others. Therefore in classical sense if fundamentalism means hating others, not giving or accepting their right to live it is definitely a bad thing which must be avoided. Should a religion be separated from its followers or not? It is not must that followers are perfectly following their religion at any particular point in time. Therefore if few people or majority of them does a wrong thing in the name of religion, the religion should not be blamed. For example German Nazis killed millions of Jews in Holocaust however the religion of Christianity cannot be blamed for it. Right now Islamic fundamentalists are involved in 9/11 and many other acts of terrorism however Islam cannot be blamed for all this. Therefore whether or not followed properly, a religion should not be blamed. It is noteworthy that every religion teaches peace, harmony and co- existence. Conclusion Religious tolerance is in built into teachings of every religion. As elaborated in the paper every major religion asks for peaceful co existence with others. Due to recent acts of terrorism like 9/11 by Muslim fundamentalist there has been a great debate on teachings of Islam and terrorism. Few thinkers consider that a religious war has begun between Islam and other religions. Few consider that it has nothing to do about Islam but it is a war between fundamentalists and moderates irrespective of the religion. World Wars 1&2 and the Cold War were not fought on the basis of religion. Few termed America’s war on Iraq as Crusade or Holy war. The fact of matter is that there has been a conflict going on in many parts of the world due to interests of big powers. This conflict, its actions and reactions can take many names. It will be a never ending discussion to find who started this? As far as co-existence between religions of the worlds is concerned the only way is tolerance. There are many meanings attached to tolerance in different religions. Where in all other religions tolerance has been mentioned in great detail, meanings of tolerance in Christianity have been debatable and questionable. God or Religion should not be blamed for wrong doings of its followers. Works Cited. Julia Travis. “The importance of religious tolerance”. December 2001.Web.2 August 2011. M Abdul Salam.” The Tolerance of the Prophet towards Other Religions” August 2011 “Pearls of wisdom- Buddhist Wisdom Quotes” July2011. “Religions of the world Numbers of adherents; names of houses of worship; names of leaders; rates of growth”. Joys of Ontario consultants on religious. Tolerance.nd. Web.4 august 2011 “Religious tolerance and Bible.” 2011 “Religious Tolerance In Quran.” The Message of Islam Team.1 April 2009. Web .3 August 2011 Shandon Guthrie and Mario DelaRosa. “What Price Tolerance? Evidence from Hinduism and Mohandas K. Gandhi That Tolerance Has Its Limits.” July 2011. . Steven Simon. Is there a Clash of Civilizations? Islam, Democracy, and U.S.-Middle East Policy. Speech to Subcommittee on Middle East, House International Relations Committee. 14 September 2006 Tenzin Gyatso. “Our Faith in Science”. New York Times. 12 November 2005 Read More
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