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Portrayal of Muslims in America post 9/11 - Research Paper Example

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The researcher of this paper will attempt to discuss the thesis statement that: All individuals belonging to Islam religion should not be looked upon as terrorists and tortured. The essay intends to support this argument with favorable findings…
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Portrayal of Muslims in America post 9/11
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?Portrayal of Muslims in America post 9/11 Prospectus Introduction The essay intends to show that the scenario for Muslims have changed drastically in America after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on World Trade Center. As Osama Bin Laden has been Arabian and a Muslim, the entire community has been hurt by his ridiculous acts of terrorism. Muslims are living a miserable life in America as they are looked upon suspiciously by other Americans. Many innocent Muslims have been convicted and tortured owing to the overreaction of Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This is considered to be a shameful act and also intolerable. Thesis statement: All individuals belonging to Islam religion should not be looked upon as terrorists and tortured The essays intends to support these argument with favorable findings 2. Muslims in America before 9/11 attacks Toleration and acceptance level of Muslims was comparatively high in America before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They have been living in America for a very long time and have never been considered as a noticeable feature by the Americans. Muslims also enjoyed favorable positions in American society. But even during this time issues of discrimination and inequality prevailed in the country of United States. Equality has never been observed. Muslims are also differentiated on the basis of their places births. The essay intends to discuss that Muslims of American origins received a different treatment than immigrants. The immigrants were fund to be more literate than the Native American Muslims and hence earned more. The essay also intends to talk about the lifestyle and cultural practices of the Muslim women which is quite different than the other American women. Immigrant Muslim women differed a lot from the existing African American women. 3. 9/11 terrorist attacks and the resulting actions taken The 9/11 terrorist attacks on American soil led to the collapse of the twin towers of World Trade Center. He building caught fire with the jet fuel. The attackers were the Al Qaeda members of Arabic origin. The essay will discuss the governmental changes that took place after the attacks. Certain measures were recommended to prevent future attacks. Flights were canceled after the attacks. Discussions will also highlight sense of patriotism that suddenly increased within Americans. US after such attacks launched a global war against terrorism 4. Muslims in America post attacks The essay intends to show that Muslims do not consider themselves safe anymore in America after facing extreme violence. It will also highlight that Americans became intolerable towards Muslims and did not considered them to be American citizens. Anti -Muslim processions became common. Even mosques in America were attacked after 9/11. Muslims were harassed during the process of interrogation and the convicted 1200 Arabic Muslims had to face inhuman tortures in prison. The essay will show that torture led to mental problems among those Muslims and they required counseling to get back to normal life. 5. Literature Review The journals and books containing researches on a similar topic have been chosen and a review of the obtained research results will be presented under this section. The majority of the articles will be in support of the argument that Muslims should not be looked upon as terrorists and they not should have been tortured in such a manner after the attacks. 6. Research Methodology The methodology opted for research will be based on an appropriate research design which can fulfill the requirements and objective of the underlying research i.e. the life of the Muslim community after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The methodology intends to support the argument that all Muslims residing in America should be looked upon as terrorists and tortured as they have been after the 9/11 terror attacks. Research Techniques The essay intends to follow a qualitative research technique that can help to gather the opinions of the Muslim citizens on whether their life has changed after the 9/11 attacks. The American citizens opinions on Muslims living in America will also be highlighted. Primary Research A number of surveys and group interviews will be conducted for the existing Muslim communities. The structured and unstructured questionnaires will collect their opinions on life before 9/11 attacks and after the attacks. The convicted and investigated Muslims of 9/11 will be asked questions about their experience in prison. Muslim women will also be included in the group of respondents. Secondary Research Information also has been collected from secondary sources namely the journal articles and books based on the topic of Muslims in America and the 9/11 terror attacks. Ethical Concerns Approvals will be taken from the governmental organizations in United States for the research. Respondents will be fully informed about the research study and they have responded only with their will. Questions have been in such a manner that it does not hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims. Potential Benefits The surveys will help to get better information about the Muslim citizens in America and their experience after 9/11 attacks. These people will speak out about their miseries with the confidentiality promised in the research. Potential Difficulties It might be difficult to convince these Muslim communities to respond in surveys. They may be reluctant to answer certain questions especially those relating to the convictions of some after 9/11 attacks and their experience in prisons. 7. Findings and Analysis Here the essay intends to use the data collected during research for the purpose of analysis. Certain case studies favorable to the argument can be utilized in research to show the hatred and torture by Americans to the Muslim community. The essay also intends to utilize some bollywood movies on a similar topic portraying Muslims in America post 9/11 to justify our argument 8. Conclusion The essay intends to show that 9/11 attacks were undoubtedly a ruthless one and the worst terrorist attacks on American soil in which thousands of people lost their lives but it is not an explanation for the torture and harassment that Muslims had to face after the 9/11 attacks. Americans looked suspiciously on each of them and refused to accept them as Americans. The researches conclusion will be in support of the argument that every Muslim is not a terrorist and hence appeal to Americans to accept them and not to torture them. Annotated Bibliography 1. Balraj, Belinda Marie, ““My name is Khan and I am not a Terrorist”: Representation of Muslims in ‘My name is Khan’”, Journal of Language and Culture, (2011), 2.6, 91-95, January 10 2012 from: About the journal: The article chosen from the journal for analysis argues that the image portrayed by the Americans for the Muslims being the evil ‘other’ is not always true. It cites the examples of Bollywood cinema ‘My Name is Khan’ to show how Bollywood intends to change this evil image of Muslims and appeals to Americans for acceptance of American Muslims as citizens. 2. Bodden, Valerie. The 9/11 Terror Attacks, Minnesota: Creative Education, 2008 About the book: The book is based upon the incidents occurring on 9/11 and the changes brought about in America after that. The pages covered in this book (p.5 and pp.41-42) for our analysis gives a vivid of the terror attacks in America leading to the collapse of World Trade center. The conditions in America post attacks and the resulting actions taken by the government also has been stated. 3. Cainkar, Louis. Homeland insecurity: the Arab American and Muslim American experience after 9/11, United States: Russell Sage Foundation, 2009 About the book: The book discusses the insecurity felt by Arabian Americans in United States after the 9/11 terrorist mainly due to unacceptance and hatred of Americans. The page used from the book (p.211) for analysis deals with defensive hate crime while focusing on criminal offences in suburbs after the 9/11 attacks. 4. Clay, Rebecca A, “Muslims in America, post 9/11”, Monitor on Psychology, 42.8, 72, January 10 2012 from: About the journal: The article used up from the journal for the essay is based upon the life of the Muslim community post 9/11 terrorist attacks. It has been shown that life of Muslims have become miserable in America post attacks since they have been receiving threats from other Americans and looked upon suspiciously by them. 5. Ghazali, Abdus Sattar. Islam and Muslims in the Post-9/11 America – a Source Book, Modesto: Eagle Enterprise, 2008 About the book: The book is all about the sufferings of Arabian Muslims living in America after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The pages covered in this book (p.4 and p.66) for analyses contains research studies undertaken by different organizations in United States after the attacks to study the sufferings of Arabian Muslims in America and their relation with the country’s law 6. Jamal, Amaney and Naber, Nadine. Race and Arab Americans before and after 9/11: from invisible citizens to visible subjects, New York: Syracuse University Press, 2008 About the book: The books contain a collection of articles that talk about the life of Arab Americans in United States and the racial issues. The pages of this book (p.206 and p.309) takes about the racial discriminations and abuses that the Arab Americans had to suffer specifically after the 9/11 terrorist attacks 7. Kaifi, Belal A, Aslami, Wajma, Noori, Selaiman A and Danielle Korhummel, “A Decade After the 9/11 Attacks: The Demand for Leaders with Emotional Intelligence and Counseling Skills”, Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, (2011), 2.2, 54-67, January 10 2012 from: About the journal: the article used from this journal describes the conditions of Muslims especially the Afghan Muslims and the harassment and torture they had to face after the 9/11 attacks. They were traumatized and required counseling to get back to counseling. Such claims have been put forward through conduction of surveys as well as secondary sources of data. 8. Karim, Jamillah Ashira. American Muslim women: negotiating race, class, and gender within the Ummah, New York and London: New York University Press, 2009 About the book: The author throughout the book has stressed upon role of national origins in inequality and discrimination among citizens. The pages covered in this book (p.18, p.40, p.93 and p.134) for analysis shows the difference in treatments received by immigrants and the Native American Muslims in America. He has also shown how the culture and lifestyle of the Muslim women more broadly the South Asian women differ from the other American women present in the country. 9. Kurbaan. (2009) About the movie: The movie is based upon the victims of Iraq and Afghan war who have turned into terrorists and conspiring against United States. It also shows Muslim characters living in America who strongly oppose such terrorism 10. My Name is Khan. (2010) About the movie: The movie is based upon the life of Muslims in America and through the story of a Muslim man it shows how Muslims had to bear torture and hatred after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in United States 11. New York. (2009) About the movie: The movie gives a clear picture of the inhuman torture in American prisons of large number of Muslims in the name of interrogation after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. This overreaction of Americans and unnecessary harassment had traumatized these Muslims and completely destroyed their lives. 12. Pankhurst, Reza, “Exploiting 9/11 for the War of Terror”, Foreign Policy Journal, (2011), January 10 2012 from: About the journal: The article used from the journal for the essay claims the fact that America had declared illegal wars on Islamic nations like Iraq and Afghanistan utilizing the opportunity given by the 9/11 terror attacks. The natives captured in the prisons of those countries had to bear unbearable torture in the name of investigation of terrorist attacks. 13. Peek, Lori. Behind the Backlash: Muslim Americans After 9/11, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2011 About the book: The 9/11 terrorist attacks in United States has shocked the Americans terribly and Muslims had to bear all the violence and torture after the attacks. The page used from the book (p.8) for analysis contains a study of disaster research describing how Muslims were living in fear after the 9/11 attacks and requested the Americans to show some mercy and not torture them anymore. 14. Salem, Jackleen M, “Citizenship in Question: Chicago Muslims Before and after 9/11”, Muslim World Journal of Human Rights, (2011), 7.2, January 10 2012 from: About the journal: In this article of the journal the author has claimed that America had a previous history of discrimination and inequality among citizens which has increased considerably for the Muslims after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The author has compared the two situations- the one existing prior to crisis and the post crisis situation in the city of Chicago to justify his claim. Empirical findings have also been utilized for such justification. 15. Tere Bin Laden. (2010) About the movie: The movie is a satire depicting the overreaction of Americans. It also shows in a comical manner how the United States constant search for Osama Bin Laden has been looked upon as a money making process by some young urbanites. The 9/11 terror attacks are considered to be a ruthless act of murdering thousands of people and at the same time unjustifiable. Similar injustice is involved with the refusal of Muslims as American citizens and suspecting each of them to be a terrorist after the 9/11 terror attacks. They are also living under the shadow of fear after the terrorist attacks as they are receiving deadly threats. Post 9/11 attacks Americans have become intolerable towards the Muslim community. They are looked upon as possible threats to the country. Anti – Muslim Campaign and processions have become a common phenomenon in America (Clay). Although Muslim community has existed from a long time in America they have never faced such a severe situation as compared to this. It has to be admitted that racial discrimination and inequality was present in America before but now they have risen to unbearable limits for Muslims. They have been deprived from the basic citizenship rights. This 9/11 attacks overall has emerged to become a historical phenomenon (Salem). Muslims were considered to be the evil other with the nation being divided into good and evil. 8000 Muslims were interrogated and 1200 convicted had to go through inhuman torture. A study has shown that three out of every four Muslims had to go through the tortures. They suffered a problem with mental health and had to go through the counseling programs in order to get back to normal life (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). In the name of global war against terrorism Americans utilized this opportunity of 9/11 terrorist attacks to declare illegal wars against the Islamic nations such as Iraq and Afghanistan. Several people in these countries were arrested as terrorist suspects and sent to prisons where they went through hell. The torture of Abu Ghraib prison has been revealed and is considered to be national shame for the country of United States. Many of the convicted were totally innocent and not even aware of the concept of terrorist. The American investigation process and practices have been violating the laws of human rights (Pankhurst).Thus all individuals belonging to Islam religion should not be looked upon as terrorists and tortured or killed. Keeping this at the background the essay intends to support such an argument with the help of empirical findings and analysis. Chicago has always been the place where most number of Muslims live. Hence post 9/11 attacks Chicago has witnessed a large number of violence and tensions emanating from the Anti Muslim campaigns of the Americans (Salem). Most of the terrorist have placed the name of Islam for their brutal attacks. They have used words like ‘jihad’ meaning war against injustice to refer to the terrorist attacks. The deeds of these violent terrorists have led to bad reputations for the Islam religion itself and their followers. Post 9/11 attacks being an Arabian and a Muslim at the top of that has become an attention seeking phenomenon. Each of them is looked upon by the Americans as the evil ‘other’ (Balraj). This feature has been witnessed particularly after the 9/11 terror attacks. Muslims in America before 9/11 attacks It has been found that the tolerance level of Americans and acceptance of Muslims were quite high prior to 9/11 terrorist attacks. Muslim communities have existed in America even many years before. Many immigrants have come down and settled in the Chicago city. Americans have never ever been bothered about such a phenomenon (Salem). However the United States have never been a country that has maintained equality among citizens. The country has been fighting against issues like racial discrimination as well as class discrimination from a very long time. Before the 9/11 terrorist attacks national origin has been an important factor for discrimination among citizens. Even for Muslims it was found that The American Muslims and he immigrants enjoyed different levels of power in the country. The immigrants had always been earning more than the native Muslims because they have higher level of education. The Native American Muslims had always been an oppressed class. They in turn have accused the immigrants of stealing their American wealth and making them poor (Karim, 40). The Muslim women residing in America and practicing their cultures are always separated out from the other American women. They according to Americans were contradictions to the notion of feminism. Muslim women also have never accepted and even opposed the Western style of American women. Such a phenomenon has not only been confined to Muslim women but has been common for most of the women coming from South Asian countries. The Muslim women have also not opposed the notion of Gender discrimination like other American women (Karim, 93). Muslim women have also kept themselves away from the notion of feminism sticking to Islamic practices and beliefs (Karim, 18). Moreover the Muslim women migrating to America have been found to live with a very different lifestyle as compared to the African American women present there (Karim, 134). Muslims have most of the time enjoyed a disadvantageous position in the American society. The community has been symbolized as a minority group. Christians even if found to be of different origin enjoy higher positions. The acceptance level has been found to be much higher for Christian immigrants than the Islamic followers. Even in terms of Arabian immigrants it has been seen that Christian Arabians gets to interact more easily with other Americans as compared to Arabian Muslims. Hence the Christian can get more easily diffused into the American society and suffers comparatively less discriminations compared to the Muslims. The Christian immigrants are considered to be ‘whites’ in American society (Amaney and Naber, 315). The Christian individuals migrating from Arab receives a comparatively better treatment from the American society because they share a common religion, Christianity with the Americans. This religious commonality helps these Christian immigrants to bridge the existing gap with the Americans. Their religious faith helps them to unite with other Americans and hence they can get absorbed in the mainstream culture. This results in greater marginalization of the Muslim immigrants in the American society as compared to the Christians. Moreover the Muslim Arabians are more distinct in physical appearance than the Americans. In contrast the Christians migrating from Arab resemble a lot to the Americans in US and thus get easily mixed up with the American ‘whites’. Again the Muslim immigrants have fewer options available for them compared to the Christian immigrants in terms of ethnicity (Amaney and Naber, 316-317). Moreover separate institutions have been constructed in America for the Muslim community. This ahs further separated out the Muslims immigrants from the Christian immigrants on the basis of their religion. Such different establishments have also allowed the Christian immigrants to enjoy superior positions in American society (Amaney and Naber, 309). The 9/11 terror attacks and the actions taken The 9/11 terrorist attacks has been the worst terrorist attacks that United States have ever experienced on their own soil. The witnesses of the 9/11 terror attacks have considered it to be an unforgettable and most shocking incident. They have not even realized such a situation even when they saw an Airline approaching towards the World Trade Center. The passenger plane crashed between the 93rd and 99th floor of the tower. Before people could belief their eyes and realize what was happening another plane crashed into the second tower in a similar manner. This ultimately led to collapse of both the towers of World Trade Center (Valerie, 5). Fire ignited within the tower building due to explosion with jet fuel. In the morning when the explosion took place about 50,000 people were present in the World Trade Center (Valerie, 20). The Islamic terrorists belonging to an Arabian group called Al Qaeda had claimed responsibility for such an attack. Questions were raised on inability of the federal Government who failed to prevent such an attack. As an immediate measure United States declared a global war against fighting out terrorism. The trauma of the attack was so intense that it became difficult for Americans to get back to normal life (Valerie, 5). The Us Department of Defense which is placed in Pentagon had narrowly escaped the terror attack with windows being blast resistant (Valerie, 25). Flights cancellations took place at large in US after the attacks (Valerie, 41). It was after these 9/11 terrorist attacks that Homeland Security was established in US through integration of 40 security agencies. The attack had suddenly increased the feeling of patriotism within the Americans. There were immediate arrests of more than 1200 people of which most were found to be Muslims. More than 2.5 million documents were checked. The government passed out some recommendations that could help to prevent any such terrorist attack in the future (Valerie, 42). However the most unwanted action that took place after the attacks was unnecessary harassment and large number of Muslims. Each of them was looked upon as a terrorist. Apart from the 1200 arrests about 8000 people were held and questioned for the process of investigation (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). The post 9/11 attack’s investigation also stretched to other Islamic countries like Afghanistan. Even here innocent people were captured and sent to prison as terrorist suspects. Here they had to go through inhuman torture which also violates the laws of human rights. The tortures of US defence in the Abu Ghraib were to such an extent that it has become a historical phenomenon (Pankhurst). Muslims in America after 9/11 attacks The treatment of Muslims after the 9/11 terror attacks have been totally unacceptable. Immediately after the attacks, more than 1200 people consisting of the Muslims were convicted and sent to prison where they had to bear inhuman torture. This made the Muslims feel highly insecure and unacceptable in American society. The mosques existing in different areas of United States such as Yuba City, California, Greenville, South Carolina and Springfield have been attacked and vandalized by Americans. Since the 9/11 attacks Muslims have been living under utmost shadow of fear and are even scared to disclose their identities to any Americans. The Muslim community has now emerged as the targeted racial group in America (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). Any individual who has migrated to America from Arab and is also a Muslim is looked upon suspiciously by the other Americans. In fact after the 9/11 attacks all the Arabian Muslims are looked upon as dangerous terrorists who pose a threat to the US national security. In due course of time some television shows have also shown sympathy to these Arabians and Muslims due to the enormous amount of torture they had to bear after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. These Arabian Muslim immigrants have been portrayed as living under fear in American society. The hatred and anger shown against the Muslim community by the Americans have been referred as illogical and meaningless. This has also been termed as the overreaction of Americans. Some television shows produced also contained the central character who showed sympathy for the Arabian Muslims and desired to help them out. This was an attempt of the media to help the Arabian Muslims overcome such hatred by creating awareness among the American people through such characters and gaining sympathy from the viewers (Amaney and Naber, 206). However this media at one time had made positive contributions in igniting the fire of hatred among the American people against the Muslim community. They had reportedly published false and unacceptable messages about the religion of Islam. For instance it was said that Islam religion has been promoting backwardness among its followers. The religion was also held responsible for creating these unscrupulous terrorists who were behind such terror attacks and violence (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). This had deeply influenced the American people and increased their anger. They some way or other began to relate all the members of Muslim community to those terrorists who had hijacked airlines and caused the 9/11 terror attacks in United States. But this sympathy has been considered intolerable by some Americans and they have strongly opposed it. The stories showing sympathy towards the Muslims have been highly criticized by Americans. They have also not agreed to the fact that most of the Muslims tortured during convictions during the 9/11 terrorist attacks have developed mental disorders. The Muslims are considered to be crazy people by American society. Americans do not find them eligible anymore to be allowed to live in United States (Clay). In the country of United States there are only 30 percent American people who are willing to tolerate the Muslims in their country. The rate was found to be 41 percent before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Recently a controversy has been witnessed in United States during the establishment of an Islamic center. It is evident that the well being of the Muslim community has been terribly hurt after the 9/11 terror attacks. They in fact have experienced double trauma. Firstly when American national security came under attack in 9/11 with the collapse of World Trade Center and secondly due to the torture and anger they had to bear from the other Americans just for being a Muslim. This had dragged them into depression, anxiety and the post traumatic stress disorder. Even some young Muslims have commented that they have become used to in living with such hatred and suspicions from American people (Clay). However for some the conditions have become so bad that they had to go for counseling for getting back to daily life. But for many Afghan Muslims who were not aware of counseling went for medicines and prescribed drugs. Again many did not attend counseling because they were reluctant to discuss their personal issues. This collectivist culture has forbidden them from showing an individualistic behavior (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). Literature Review The lives of the Muslims had become miserable in United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. They were traumatized by these sudden terrorist attacks and the suspicion of Americans that made them suffer from unbearable torture and harassment with large number of arrests and interrogations. Americans had refused to accept these Muslims as American citizens and related everyone to those Islamic terrorists behind the attacks. Hence the essay argues that all Muslims should be looked upon as terrorists and tortured. The section contains some research works and empirical results in support of the argument. Living with extreme fear and hatred After the 9/11 attacks the Muslim community had encountered extreme harassment and racial abuses. Some of them had to bear inhuman torture simply for being a terrorist suspect. Such torture and abuse had traumatized them to such an extent that they lived with extreme fear and were cared to reveal their original identity to any American. Some have also said that they have learned to live in the midst of such hatred and fear. This is evident from a research study undertaken by the psychologist Hisham Abu-Raiya. The research was based on a survey using the sample size of 138 Muslims residing in United States. The aim of the research was to find out the abuses and harassments that Muslims have encountered after the 9/11 terrorist attack and how they deal with such events. All the respondents accepted the fact that they had experienced such an abusive or stressful event at least once after the 9/11 terrorist attack. They had to tolerate Anti Muslim comments even from American strangers. Moreover the Americans had also arranged special checking for them in the airport by the securities revealing racial discrimination which also harassed them to some extent. To deal with all these Muslims have resorted to a number of coping methods. One of the methods which are completely non religious type includes uniting themselves with others and reaching out to all, both Muslims and non Muslims. Those who have separated them from others have been found more to suffer from depression. Those who have adopted religious coping methods have been found to increase their religious practices such as reading Koran, fasting and interacting with the people at Mosques. Some also believe that the hatred and torture of Americans are the price paid for their bad deeds (Clay). Overall these have been the ways that Muslims have adopted in United States to live under the shadow of fear and tolerate the hatred and anger of Americans. Counseling needs after torture The action taken by Americans after the 9/11 attacks had made the Muslims there feel insecure and unacceptable. Moreover the harassment and tortures they had to bear after the terror attacks have traumatized them and dragged them towards depression. Many of them had to go for counseling to overcome the trauma and get back to normal life. A research study has been conducted on such religious counseling to infer about the role played by these religious leaders and the effectiveness of such counseling. The research study included a questionnaire survey methodology. About 1118 questionnaires were disturbed among the Islamic religious heads but only 62 responses were gathered. The people coming up for counseling were social victims of hatred and anger and had developed psychiatric problems. Islamic heads are the only people who have the power of convincing the bulk of Muslims for any issue. Hence they have played a huge role in the counseling episode. Many did appeal to these leaders for assistance. They individuals asking for assistance had social needs mainly acceptance by the society. Mental health issues were more frequent among those coming for counseling and there were hardly any religious found. A research was also undertaken to find out the number of Afghan Muslims in United States coming up for counseling and their life there post 9/11 terrorist attacks. Primary data for research was collected through questionnaire survey and responses from 702 people were analyzed. It was assumed that equal number of males and females were attending counseling. It was found from the research that both males and females in the Muslim community feared to disclose their identity to any Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and were also willing to change it. National origins also played a crucial role in the results. It was found that Afghan immigrants desired more to change their identity than those Afghans who were born in United States. For the counseling post 9/11 attacks both the males and females have attended counseling but they were not of equal numbers (Kaifi, Aslami, Noori and Korhummel). Thus such a research study has shown that Muslims residing in America were so scared that they even desired to change their identities to get rid of the hatred of Americans. They were totally traumatized due to the tortures faced after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Sufferings and torture owing to 9/11 attacks A study was undertaken in the area of disaster research about 20 days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks on United States. That community had to be chosen for research which was suffering most after the terrorist attacks in terms of anger and hatred from public and also considered to be a minority class. That community was identified to be Muslim community in United States. Sufficient data was collected on such a community regarding information on anti Muslim hate crimes committed and conviction of Muslim individuals by the Federal police. Recordings of such instances were also used up for the research to get a better idea of the intensity of sufferings of the Muslim community. Some Islamic students and individuals belonging to professional organizations were interviewed for the purpose of research. The sufferings of the Muslim community and the torture done by the American people were revealed from the research study. People were eager to speak about their sufferings on front of media and every American so that they show some sympathy towards them. They desperately needed acceptance and moral support and were satisfied with sharing their sufferings with anyone who cared for them and would not hurt them. However some Muslim individuals did not even dare to share their stories of sufferings after the 9/11 terrorist attacks fearing more trouble on being recognized by the media or any other American in United States (Peek, 8). Clearly from such a research study it can be claimed that the life of Muslims has been miserable after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in United States and should not be tortured anymore by Americans. Harassment to Arabian Muslim Americans A research was conducted by the Vera Institute in New York from 2003 to 2005 to get an idea of the sufferings and torture that Arabian American Muslims had to bear after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in United States. The study used a sample of 100 Arab- Americans and 111 law officers of the country. The research results published in 2006 showed that relations between the Arab Americans and the country’s law have undergone a significant change after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The Americans do not the Arabian Muslims residing in their country anymore. The police officers were overreacting in an attempt to fight terrorism. The news laws in this respect implemented after the attack were also found to be inconsistent in application (Ghazali, 66). Another research conducted by the California Senate Office in 2004 revealed that the Arabian Muslims in America were tortured and harassed in United States after the Patriot Act was passed immediately after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in United states (Ghazali, 4). Such research studies undertaken after the 9/11 attack has shown that many Arabian Muslims residing in America were unnecessarily harassed and tortured in United States and this is termed as overreaction of Americans to the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Research Methodology The research method is very important in order to get significant results. An appropriate research design has been chosen so that it can cover the objective of research. In this case the essay wants to justify the argument that all Muslims should not be considered to be terrorists and tortured in United States. Before adopting any method its pros and cons have been considered. The validity of the results obtained has been thoroughly tested. The essay contains review of literature of the undertaken works on the similar topic and findings of research. Research Techniques The essay adopts a qualitative research technique. The method has been considered helpful to capture the opinions of people particularly the Muslim community in United States. The essay requires information about the sufferings of Muslims after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and their present life in United States. This method is expected to facilitate access to such information through surveys, group focused interviews and questionnaire methods. Data Collection Data for research has been collected from secondary sources such as research works and articles written by other authors. Certain Bollywood movies which portray the life of Muslims in United states after the 9/11 terrorist attacks have also been utilized for the research study. Ethical Considerations Approval has been taken from the governmental organizations in United States for writing an essay on such a topic. Care has been taken not to write or focus on anything in the essay that would hurt the sentiments of any community in United States. Findings and Analysis The racial discrimination is not something new in United States. The country has a long history of such discriminations and has been fighting against them for years. But what happened with the Muslim community in United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks is not a mere discrimination but unbearable harassment and torture fuelled by the anger and hatred of Americans. This has also been termed as overreaction of Americans after the 9/11 crisis. Hence the essay argues that all Muslims should not be considered to be terrorists and tortured with the help of certain findings as highlighted in this section. Defensive hate crimes There was violence all over in United States after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and they were targeted mostly towards the Muslim community. This has been termed as hate crimes. The violence in the suburbs post 9/11 attacks can be cited as examples of such crimes. The data collected with respect to such crimes show that such crimes has been more common in areas where majority of white Americans dwell. These criminal offences have occurred mostly when minority community like the Muslims was increasing in the white dominated areas. Crimes occurring in these areas especially for New York communities have also been referred as defensive hate crime because whites tried to defend their areas from minority population of Muslims and prevent further growth of Muslim community. This anger and fear against the Muslims is a result of 9/11 terrorist attacks after which each and every Muslim was looked upon as a terrorist imposing a threat to the US national security. This kind of sentiment had developed hatred within the Americans against the Muslims. Clearly the minority population of Muslims living in United States had fallen prey to such defensive hate crimes (Cainkar, 211). Bollywood movies The Muslim community has always remained a matter of interest in Bollywood for film making and after 9/11 a number of movies have released portraying the life of Muslims in America after United States came under attack on 11th of September, 2001. Media has always been an influential device for the masses and helps to mould the thinking of public. Post 9/11 attacks Bollywood has been making movies portraying the miserable condition of Muslims after the 9/11 attack on United States. The West has always looked upon Muslims as the other and post attacks it has transformed into the ‘evil other’. But Bollywood has portrayed the Muslim community in America as beyond the evil nature (Balraj). Through such movies it has appealed to Americans for showing sympathy towards the Muslims and stop torturing them. These movies have served as a good source of information on Muslim community and the knowledge has been utilized for our research study. My Name is Khan directed by Karan Johar is a movie based on such a topic. The story centers round a Muslim individual named Rizwan Khan who has been struggling right from childhood partly because of his disabilities and mainly for possessing a Muslim identity. My Name is Khan and I am not a terrorist has been the tagline of the movie and also the central claim. The theme of the movie has focused on Islam religion. Tremendous sufferings of Muslims after 9/11 attacks has been shown where Rizwan’s son is victimized by such a hate crime and dies. Through such a movie Bollywood has appealed to masses particularly Americans to stop considering each and every Muslim fellow as terrorists and accept them as citizens of their country (My Name Is Khan). The torture and huge arrests of Muslims has been termed as overreaction of the Americans to the 9/11 attacks. The police and other federal authorities resorted to unnecessary torture and detention in an attempt to fight against terrorism. This phenomenon has been portrayed in the movie New York produced under Yash Raj banner. The central character of the movie is a Muslim guy called Sameer who was convicted simply for clicking pictures of World Trade Center. The movie has highlighted the inhuman torture in the prison that was undertaken by police after the 9/11 terror attacks. Some innocent Muslims fell prey to such tortures and were traumatized after tolerating such tortures. The US government has also been held responsible for creating terrorists when the innocent guy Sameer picked up weapons for seeking revenge from US system for such inhuman tortures. This movie is a clear picture of the miserable condition of Muslims in America after the 9/11 attacks which completely destroyed their lives (New York). Rather than always on a serious note and release of tragic films, Bollywood also has been making comedy movies on the issue of 9/11 terrorist attack on New York. The thorough search for the mastermind of the 9/11 terror attacks Osama Bin Laden has been humorously portrayed in the movie Tere Bin Laden directed by Abhishek Sharma. The movie is a hilarious comedy with a Punjabi chicken farmer who looks like Osama Bin Laden is used for a video recording. A Pakistani dreams of obtaining huge sum of money by sending such fake video tapes to the then US President George Bush who had lost his sleep in his search for the terrorist Osama Bin Laden. This movie is basically a satire highlighting the overreaction of Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attack in United States. The movie in spite of being a comedy also contains some serious comments on globalization (Tere Bin Laden). Post 9/11 terrorist attacks America declared a global war against terrorism. Actually it used this opportunity for illegal wars against Islamic nations like Iraq, Afghanistan which again had a negative effect on thousands of Muslims in these countries. This is portrayed in the movie Kurbaan directed by Karan Johar. The movie centers on the victims of such illegal wars who have accepted terrorism and plan attacks against United States. The theme of the movie is based upon Muslim identity after the 9/11 attacks. Within the movie it has also shown Muslims residing in America who do not support such terrorism at all and in fact oppose it and try to stop it. Through such characters in the movie Bollywood tries to show that all Muslims should not be treated as terrorists by United States (Kurbaan). Conclusion The 9/11 terrorist attacks has been the worst attacks that America have ever experienced on their own soil in which thousands of people lost their lives. The Americans had come in for a huge shock and could not believe what they saw. But the harassment and torture of the Muslim community existing in America was totally unjustifiable. Racial discriminations have existed before in America but this was something much more than that. The attack had developed hatred against the Muslims within the American mind and they began every Muslim individual with those unscrupulous terrorists. Post attacks large numbers of Muslims were tortured and tortured bitterly in the name of attacks. This traumatized the Muslims and they required counseling to get back to normal life. Americans refused to accept them as their country’s citizens and Muslims had to cope with all these anger and hatred. They even feared to disclose their Muslim identities. All such instances have been proved in the findings of the essay and also review of literature. With the support of such evidences the paper argues that all Muslims should not be looked upon as terrorists and tortured. Outline of thesis Essay 1. Introduction: Post 9/11 attacks Americans have refused to accept Muslims as American citizens. They were victims of American hatred and anger as Americans suspected all of them to be terrorists and had to tolerate inhuman torture. Thus the paper states that all Muslims should not be looked upon as terrorists and should be tortured. 2. Muslims in America before 9/11 attacks: Discrimination based on race and class has existed in America even before attacks. Before attacks Muslims also discriminated in terms of National Origins as immigrants were wealthier and more educated than native Muslims. Muslim women have always differed from Western women and opposed western culture. Christian Arabian immigrants enjoyed a better position in society than Arabian Muslim immigrants due to religion commonality. 3. 9/11 terrorist attacks and the actions taken: During the 9/11 terrorist attack the World Trade Center collapsed as an airline slammed into both the towers causing an explosion. Government declared global war against terrorism and established homeland Security. He number of arrests and document checking was undertaken. 4. Muslims in America before 9/11 attacks: Muslims became unacceptable as American citizens and all were looked upon as terrorists. Mosques were attacked in many parts of US. Many were arrested and also tortured in prison. Such tortures also continued in Afghanistan such as Abu Ghraib prison during investigation. Media once published false comments and later showed sympathy to Muslims which Americans opposed. 5. Literature Review: The review of literature of those works which favors the essay argument. Living with extreme fear and hatred Post attacks Muslims live in America under the shadow of fear and hatred and have developed coping methods to deal with such racial abuses. Counseling needs after torture Due to torture and harassment after crisis Muslims were traumatized and had to go for religious counseling to get back to normal life. They even feared to disclose their identity to any American. Sufferings and torture owing to 9/11 attacks The Muslims were harassed and tortured a lot by police and some of them want to speak out their suffering stories to gather sympathy. However many feared to do so in fear of being recognized by public and more abuses in future. Harassment to Arabian Muslim Americans The researches have shown that there has been a change in relation between the Arabian Muslims living in America and law. They are not trusted anymore by the law. 6. Research Methodology: an appropriate research design has been adopted that covers the objective of favoring the argument that all Muslims should not be suspected and tortured. Research Technique Quantitative research techniques have been adopted to facilitate researches through surveys, interviews and questionnaires. Data Collection Data collected from secondary sources like journal articles and movies on such topics. Ethical Considerations The essay has been written in a manner so as not to hurt the sentiments of any community. 7. Findings and Analysis: Appropriate data has been collected in support of the essay argument. Defensive hate crimes Hate crime have been observed in suburbs of US by white communities against the Muslims to prevent Muslim entry and save their area from Muslim community. Bollywood Movies Some Bollywood movies on a similar topic have been used for research and they have favored the argument that all Muslims should not be suspected and tortured. 8. Conclusion: The torture and harassment of Muslims post attacks is never justifiable. The Muslim community has suffered a lot. Hence it is argued that all Muslims should not be suspected and tortured. Read More
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