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Universal Ethical Standards College Introduction Ethics refers to as a of behavior that isacceptable to a particular group of people. Universal ethics is, for this reason, a universally accepted code of behavior. The code of behavior applies to individuals regardless of race, culture, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or nationality. The adoption of a universal set of behavior is necessary because it creates the need to respect human dignity that develops peace and harmony all over the world (Cohen, Schwartz &Harris, 2013).
This paper will focus on the universal ethics and values and their implications for the standards of morality in the society. Universal ethics and values The universals ethics creates a moral well-being that is all about being perfection ate, respectful and ameliorated the human constitution. The concept of morality is achieved through striving to complete, and the concept results in the creation of cultural and historical moments. The aim of the universal ethics is to have a common good that helps people to be united and dissuade people from having ethical interests which benefit a few people and end up hurting the bigger part of the population(Fortner,Fackler&Christian,2010).. Despite having countless values that are shared universally, there are those values and standards that bide us together to give us a sense of belongingness all as one.
Love for the truth and knowledge is one aspect that every person in the globe regardless of his/her religion or cultural context strives to achieve. The reason is that humanity has an interest in what happens to them, which encourages the understanding of what happens in the world essentially. Honesty and Personal integrity are ethics that are encouraged and advocated all over the world; human beings have a sense of justice to having their morals that govern them. Unity, in thinking, acting, and feeling, is manifested as a moral strength that holds people from being deviant.
Conclusion In conclusion, all the ethical values above are fundamental to the coexistence of humanity (Mela&Sanchez, 2013). Without these values, the world can never be governable because people have to observe certain standards of behavior in order to live, work and relate together in the entire universe. ReferencesCohen, S., Schwartz, M., & Harris, H. (2013). Ethics, values and civil society. Bingley, U.K.: Emerald.Fortner, R., Fackler, M., & Christians, C. (2010). Ethics & evil in the public sphere.
Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press.Melé, D., & Sánchez-Runde, C. (2013). Cultural Diversity and Universal Ethics in a Global World. Journal Of Business Ethics, 116(4), 681-687. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1814-z
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