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ADHD/ADD in Police Officers - Research Paper Example

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The paper "ADHD/ADD in Police Officers" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major peculiarities of ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in police officers. ADHD is a behavioral disorder. It is more common in males than in females…
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ADHD/ADD in Police Officers
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ADHD/ADD and Police Officers ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioral disorder (Macnair). It is more common in males than in females and boys can acquire this syndrome at a very early age. The progression of this syndrome is not quite apparent as it is related to behavior. Most of the parents think that boys or any of their children are just being naughty or difficult. However upon diagnosis, it is discovered that they have ADHD. Although ADHD is associated with slow development, people afflicted with the disorder can be excellent candidates for a position in the police. The main symptoms of this disorder are poor concentration, high levels of activity, and impulsiveness. Because of these symptoms the parents think that their child is only hyper and will get better with time. The article “The effect of ADHD on an Individual” states that children afflicted with ADHD can be spotted quite easily. When young, they are not too eager to play while at the same time there is “excessive motor restlessness.” Other symptoms may include a delay in the development, lack of social insight or skills and oppositional behavior (Harpin ). Depression is also more common in children with this disorder and it might develop, albeit gradually, when they are still in school. When they see other children learning successfully and excelling at various activities, they start to feel inferior which in turn leads to depression. If they are not diagnosed in time, there might be more complications and the child may not be able to free himself from the shackles of depression and inferiority complexes. Moreover, if there is a child in the family with this disorder, the relationship between a husband and wife also takes half of the brunt. And ADHD child has sleeping problems; he may also suffer from insomnia, and therefore is always cranky and restless. That is why parents have to be at their beck and call which affects their marital life as well as social life. In some cases the parents suffer mentally when they see their child at a disadvantage compared to other children. Many family members also refuse to take care of an ADHD child because it is an immense responsibility (Johnston and Mash). ADHD can be treated and it can be curbed to quite an extent. According to Dr. Trisha Macnair, therapy is the most effective solution. She opines that parents whose children have this disorder must be trained in order to know how to deal with their children’s special needs. There should be sessions held regularly to convey newer and better ways of coping with this issue. At the same time, children should also be given therapy and trained to help them become socially active. Many a time’s people confuse ADHD with ADD. These two are behavioral disorders but the symptoms and treatment are different for the two. The main difference is that an ADHD patient is hyperactive while an ADD is patient is sluggish (Fisher and Beckley). Many people think that an ADHD patient will not be able to take up a job or will not be able to stick to a certain profession because of his impulsiveness. But studies have shown that if they are treated at the right time, they can excel in whatever field they choose because they are also enthusiastic about what they do. Jane Messengil, an ADHD coach, in her research work writes that an ADHD patient is equally successful in what he does, provided he finds what is right for him. The adult patients that visit her are mostly either independent contractors or self-employed. Although starting an independent business requires money and shrewdness, but the independence that they get in return is priceless. What is best is that they are doing what they enjoy and have passion for. If they are expected to do something they are not passionate about, they are most likely to end losing their focus (Illiades). DSM-IV also elucidates on this behavioral disorder. In this manual, it is also clearly stated that if ADHD patients are not given enough time or the proper treatment, they can be considered as social outcasts. Because if they feel alienated, they will stop socializing, will keep on brooding about things and will not discuss these feelings with anyone, not even with their doctors. The importance of such disorders is that they completely change the lifestyle of a person. Hence, it is important to treat this disorder in order to live a decent life. In this respect, there are certain suitable professions for the ADHD patients. This list includes the jobs of a doctor, advertising, entertainment, military career, firefighters or policemen (Illiades). When it comes to the profession of medicine, not many ADHD patients go for it but those who opt for this job find it really fascinating because they get to see different cases everyday and they can invest their energy in something constructive. But there are also certain disadvantages of this which include the tough competition. The massive and fierce competition can sometimes lead them to think low of themselves but if they are treated properly they can excel at this job (Illiades). In the entertainment field there is a lot of creativity and so the ADHD adults can opt for it as well. This industry is fascinating and fast, with critical deadlines, scheduled and unscheduled trips. It also requires one to keep things in an organized manner. Moreover, if a military career is what the ADHD patient yearns for, then getting a high school diploma is essential. A military career requires a strict structure, physical exertion and high levels of energy which suit an ADHD patient very well. However, there may be incidents of adult patients to react against the discipline required to be in military services (Illiades). In addition to this, an adult ADHD patient or someone with ADHD record can make excellent police officers. Being a police officer requires hardcore training. However, before that getting into the services can also be quite a challenge. But recruitment in the fire department or the police can be the perfect fit because the ADHD patient will get the “action and variety” while depending on their personal skills and reaching their own conclusions (Illiades). The police job is also good for the ADHD patients because they can solve various cases with ease because if they are interested in the job, they will do anything to get results. The only problem that can arise with an ADHD police officer can be that he might easily intimidate the fellow officers with his sudden outbursts of anger. This can sometimes cost the officers with ADHD record, their jobs as well. But if they are taking therapy sessions, it can work wonders. They can curb their reckless streak and furiousness. If a police officer is married, the therapy session can also help in maintaining a peaceful environment at house. But as ADHD adults are impulsive and reckless, there can also be some disadvantages of the jobs on the whole. For example if a police officer has ADHD, he can have some trouble answering to his seniors but if he has a coach or a counselor, he can sort out the differences as well. “On the minus side, there may be periods of boredom, paperwork, and the need to deal with authority figures, which can make the job challenging for those with adult ADHD.”( Illiades). Generally, for the ADHD patients, it is difficult to keep a job. That is why they are self-employed. This is simply because of the reason that they know they won’t be able to work as a subordinate nor would they like to answer to someone. But many a times they do take up jobs because they are really interested in that certain profession. The most likely profession is that of joining the police force. The ADHD patients thrive on that kind of adrenaline rush. They like the adventure and risks of it and so they really excel at this profession (Illiades). On the other hand, a certain survey suggests that of all children with the ADHD disorder, around 60% face difficulties as adults (Weiss, Hechtman and Milroy 211-220). This does not necessarily mean that they have employment issues. They may have certain difficulties when it comes to interacting with people, or in their married life. They are more susceptible to breaking up with their partner or have a complicated relationship with them. They are also more prone to getting hooked on the drugs or alcohol. This is especially true for patients who have shown consistent ADHD symptoms and have not taken any medicine (Harpin). Sometimes there is a problem in the marriage because the husband, who is an adult ADHD, is afraid to start up a family because there are many chances that the children will also have this disorder. When a series of arguments occur in the house, the husband tends to spend more time at his job and if the job is more time consuming like that of police officers, the problems goes on and on. In this case, one of the best solutions is again therapy. Sometimes medicines are also given to the patient because there is a chance of abnormal increase in blood pressure rate, which in turn can lead to other complications. The article, “Is there support for spouses” states that people who have the ADHD disorder find it difficult to cope with their differences in a peaceful manner and hence, there is more aggression and the house usually has a tense environment. Little disputes can sometimes become “impossible to ignore” because of the huge proportion they assume (Goldstein). However, also says that these domestic battles can be brought to an end by attending different seminars held in this prospective. This discussions and more information on the topic will not only calm the ADHD people down but will also make them realize that they are not the only ones with and ADHD record. Husbands should also pay more attention to their house and same goes for any wife who has an ADHD record, most importantly if they have tough jobs like if they are in police (Goldstein). Therefore this disorder should be treated in time. A family should only insist on drugs if they feel that the therapy sessions aren’t doing their job. This is because the ill use of drugs can worsen the disorder and can also emotionally affect the ADHD patient. If you feel that your child has any of these symptoms, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Maybe he is just hyperactive but you should make sure of it. If treated within the right time, the child’s dream to join the police force may just come true. Works Cited Fisher, Barbara, and Ross Beckley."Description of ADD vs. ADHD." LD N.p. Web. 7 Nov 2012. . Dr. Goldstein, Sam. "Is there any Support for Spouses?."Everyday Health-ADHD.N.P., 03 Nov. 2008. Web. 16 Nov 2012. Read More
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