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Issues of Health International Relations - Assignment Example

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The paper "Issues of Health International Relations" highlights that climate changes affected directly the nutrition and food security of the people. It mainly affects four dimensions which include accessibility, availability, stability and utilization…
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Issues of Health International Relations
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International relations Global health Final Paper Question Health is considered as the most importantelement for the individuals living in the fragile states. The people are affected disproportionately by various health problems which includes the child mortality malaria and AIDS. Therefore improvement in the health services will assist in restoring the legitimacy to governments in strengthening the civil society. The most prominent issue or challenges faced by the non-state providers and the donors in the fragile states is providing services effectively in strengthening the capacity of various public institutions. The fragile states face problems in retaining the health of the workers and financing the health systems. There are many challenges related to providing better and adequate services to the states by the service providers. Different countries experiences different problem associated with health service delivery in the fragile states. Guidance and assistance is provided to the government and the donors in incorporating the non-state providers for strengthening their health service system and health service delivery. The main aim is to empower the state and non-state sectors with adequate tools for enhancing the experience and knowledge of the people. This will enable the fragile states in sustaining peace and in the process of state building that promote reforms and enhance citizen state relations (Hibbard and Jessica, 207-214).The health of such states, their people depends on fulfilling the urgent health needs and requirements by considering the short term, medium term and long term development in strengthening the health systems. The main components of fragility in the health systems are financing, delivery of essential services, resource management, stewardship and accountability and the critical data needs. The health sector strengthening is more required in countries like Cambodia, Afghanistan and Mozambique. The main differences between rebuilding services and rebuilding system are rebuilding system explains the modification or strengthening of the long term development of the health system in meeting the urgent requirement. Rebuilding process explains the service required for strengthening the fragile states. Rebuilding System contributes towards wider state building by strengthening the capacity of the state and by increasing the willingness of the state to act on behalf of the citizens in an accountable and responsive manner. This enhances the support of the state and creates stronger social relationship between the society and the state (Zaidi, Mayhew, Cleland, and Green, 570-581).The planning, delivery of health services and the management throughout the state contributes towards the development of the state. Rebuilding system is required for identifying the elements associated with dysfunctional health systems and how it can be strengthened while dealing with the immediate health priorities. For example in Afghanistan due to excessive political instability and natural disaster including flood, earthquake and drought emerge in the year 2002 led to rebuilding and reforming the health system of the concerned country. The deficiencies in the health system must be overcome by strengthening or rebuilding of the health system. The issues or the problem mainly includes inability to extend health service to large proportion of the people in the urban areas, insufficient assistance, monitoring and supervision by the emerging government, lack of political mechanism, inadequate management capacity. Therefore the main challenges encountered by the health leaders are solving the interlinked problems based on the health objectives and priorities. Therefore the main motive or the aim of the government in eradicating the problems and extending help to the fragile states is by rebuilding the health system (Newbrander, Waldman and Shepherd).The importance of providing accessible, affordable and high quality services have major influence in maintaining peace, stability and good governance which contributes to the legitimacy of the government. The problem associated with delivering adequate services to the fragile states mainly includes maintaining sustainability, coordination with the donors. The problem can be overcome by allocation, production, distribution and financing, addressing the urgent health needs, developing the plans, policies and strategies. The health service is considered as an important element in tackling the problems associated with rebuilding the services. The non-government organization plays an important role in expanding the access to basic health services. It helps in improving the legitimacy and effectiveness of the government. Offering adequate health services has ramifications that are engaged in satisfying beyond the human need for offering such services. The health services, development of infrastructure and education are important for strengthening the health services of the state (Commins, 594-598). Service delivery contributes towards reducing the sources of conflict and fragility. Service delivery mobilizes the communities leading to stability and developing the structures for a viable state. The delivery of the essential services explains to the operation of the elements of the health system that provides various health services in the fragile states. The health service delivery system is considered as an important element for addressing the causes of fragility. It promotes stabilization of the public health crisis necessary for political stabilization. A health delivery service includes involvement of both civil society and the government. The health service delivery system is required to be improved so that it prevents the states from violence. The Fragile states may not have encountered violence in the past but they may face violence in the future since the root cause of fragility is very apparent and distinct (Szleza, Bloom, Jamison, Keusch,, Michaud and Clark, 3-7).The rebuilding or strengthening of the health system focuses on improving the public health and providing preventive services in determining whether services provided reaches the rural areas or the urban population, whether equity is maintained in developing the health system (Tawa, 563-567).The main focuses of the health system is on dealing with the issues related to bearing the cost of the health systems as well as the problem associated with payment incentives that affects or determines how the service providers delivers services . The health service system is considered as dysfunctional since it lacks oversight or coordination. The services are mainly accessible to the urban populations. The main problem faced by the health system in the fragile states in inability to provide adequate health services to a large proportion of the population staying outside the urban areas (World Bank, 4-7). Question 2 The main aim of good governance is to transform urban governance. The urban governance plays a major role in improving the quality of health services. Good governance includes providing room for citizen participation and voice refers to exercising of authority through institutional and political process that are accountable and transparent and encourages the participation of the public. The good governance is required to be implemented in order to inject transparency and accountability into the management of the health services. The lack of citizen voices and its influence over the health and education related services prompted towards the improvement in the service delivery by establishing the relationship between the service providers and the service users. The increase in slums is due to the failure of governance. The corporate governance is required to be implemented for solving the problems related to poverty. Good governance enhances the effectiveness of working with the local communities, the stakeholders and the other people in the private sectors. The informal settlers and the slum dwellers are expected to adopt the voice in the process of governance. The principles and values are considered as the most sustainable form of urbanization that is useful in the process of maintaining corporate governance. High level of participation in governance increases the responsiveness of the vulnerable group in the long term. The role of the government in the process of maintaining good governance must be considered as the continuum where the authority is distributed between the provincial and municipal administrative tiers by balancing between the rural and urban policy, while the municipal government is engaged in fulfilling the local needs (Labrecque, 32-37). Good governance is required to be adopted for addressing the issues related to immunization, the health sector reforms focused on minimizing inequity, providing adequate financing for health care, strengthening the local accountability, improving the quality care. The reform is developed with the intention of improving the health of the informal settlers and slum dwellers. For example efforts have been initiated for improving the health condition of the poor people .the system focused on offering services to the slum areas through mobile clinics or missions. It expanded various program of immunization for fighting against the infectious diseases for the purpose of reducing the mortality and morbidity rates. Improvement in the health care facilities can be achieved through various reforms associated with widening the number of health care providers for extending services to a wide number of vulnerable groups. The voice of slum dwellers acts as a main source for extending help and assistance to a wide range of individuals. The health reform services will facilitate in improving the productivity and economic growth (Salama, Spiegel, Talley and Waldman, 1804-1806). The another main reason for improving the governance is due to the intolerance, discrimination and stigma which creates a barrier to improve the health and the living condition of the informal settlers and the slums. The illiteracy rate results in increasing the rate of ignorance among the individuals which resulted in deteriorating the health of the people. The health literacy is considered as one of the important weapon for fighting against diseases thus promoting and maintaining good health condition. The problem related to inadequate health services is mainly encountered by the African countries of the world which includes Ghana, Ethiopia, Uganda, Malawi and Zambia (Rydin, 5-10). The article used for explaining the issues related to maintain good governance proposes various measures for encountering or solving the health issues. The good governance emphasizes on increasing the transparency, responsiveness, efficiency, effectiveness and accountability of solving various problems. The good governance for health developed through health planning process (Grindle, 525-548). The social determinants, health inequity are emphasized through the improvement or development in the governance. The economic barriers, social and political exclusion of slum dwellers and the physical and environmental hazards are focused upon by maintain adequate governance. The key responsibility for maintain better health outcomes in urban areas lies with the partners and the local governments at the local level. The voice of the slums enables the local government to respond and understand towards the increase in poverty and the rate of urban growth. The different health issues can be overcome by implementing five strategic actions which include the slum upgrading, health care, targeted health promotion, sustainable urban development, improving or developing the access to quality health care services and establishing integration between welfare, health and educational services (Shope, 363-370).The article formulated that health issues are main obstacle faced by the informal settlers and the slums. Therefore good governance is required to be formulated in solving the problems or the issues associated with it. Question 3 Climate changes affect various dimensions associated with nutrition and food security. It is associated with food access, food protection, and nutrition and food utilization. Changes in the climatic condition affected the food production of staple crops and the changes in the future climatic condition. The high temperature impacts the yield on the contrary changes in rainfall affects both the quality and quantity of the crop (Hulme and Shepherd, 403-405).The climatic changes also affect the prices of the major crops in some regions or areas. In case of the most vulnerable people, lower agricultural output signifies lower income. Under this situation the poor people who invest a major portion of their income on would are compelled to sacrifice an additional amount in order to meet their nutritional requirements. It also affects the food utilization; the risk associated with climatic changes affects the calorie intake particularly in the regions which faces shortage of food (Rapley, 1-4).Change in the climatic condition may affect severely the poor section of the society due to chronic diseases and hunger. Nutrition is also influenced due to the changes in the climatic condition. Extreme weather events increase the frequency and the intensity of droughts, storms and floods. It destroys crops, key community assets by exacerbating poverty and deteriorating livelihood (Few and Ahern, 7-10). Urbanization and climatic changes are deeply related with each other, this two are considered as the main element affecting the global development. The urban cities have the potential or capacity off acting as a weapon in increasing the economic growth of a particular country or nation by pulling many people out of poverty. On the other hand change in the climatic condition may affect the urbanization by increasing the scarcity of resources and putting the vulnerable and the poorer communities at risk and danger. Urbanization plays an important role in improving the infrastructural facilities of the society. The challenges faced due to the adverse climatic changes can be overcome through urbanization. The urban planners are involved in finding out various solutions for managing the scarcity of resources. Urbanization initiated or proposed various measures for overcoming the obstacles faced due to the climatic changes. The frequent change in climate leads to the increase in poverty and hunger. Therefore the measures adopted for facing the uncertainties are enhancing assistance and providing disaster relief training, improving the science of climatic change at the local level (Ramin, 1-3). The difference between disaster and hazard can be explained as the natural hazards are a threat occurring due to natural event and it will affect the environment and the people negatively or adversely. The various natural hazards are interrelated to each other. The example of natural hazards includes hurricanes, earthquake, hail storms and wildfires. The natural disaster is the effect of the natural disaster. The natural disaster leads to environmental, financial and human losses. The natural disaster takes place when the hazards are linked with vulnerability. Therefore the hazards will not cause natural disaster in the areas without vulnerability. The natural disasters affects the humanity causing the loss of lives of many people for example the earthquake and tsunami that prevailed in Japan led to the loss of lives and property of many people. The hazard may be environmental or manmade but both affects the lives of the individuals severely and adversely. Natural disaster takes place due to the combination of human environment and natural hazard (Robles and Keefe, 37-41). The change in climate condition affects severely the supply of water. High temperature may result in the situation of increase in dryness and drought as a result the lack of adequate rainfall may lead to the situation of scarcity of water. Water is considered as a main element of living. On the other hand excessive rainfall results in flood which hampers the consumption of water. Lack of adequate water also acts as a constraint in production of the staple crops .Therefore the people might die out of hunger and thrust due to the shortage of water Quisumbing, Agnes, Mara and Gillespie, 42-46). The fear of frequent climatic changes results in increasing the level or the extent of contamination of food from pesticides and chemicals spreading the diseases such as cholera, food poisoning etc. The danger associated with food poisoning explains the problem faced due to consumption of that particular food item .poor nutrition affects the health of the poor people. Climate changes affected directly the nutrition and food security of the people. It mainly affects four dimensions which include the accessibility, availability, stability and utilization. The rural communities are adversely affected due to crop failure, decrease in availability of fisheries, loss of livestock and forest products. The change in weather and temperature results in emergence of various chronic diseases. Decrease in availability of food and water will increase the problem related to sanitation and various health problems and it will also result bin t5he increase in malnutrition and risk of various diseases. The competition over the increase in the scarcity of resources will result in the rise of conflicts, migration and displacement which in turn will increase the food insecurity. Reduced availability of food due to the decline in yield as a result of change in climatic condition has directly influenced or affected the availability of food. In order to fulfill the increasing demand for nutrition and food security under adverse climatic condition various adequate measures has been adopted which includes investment for development in the food production system and improving the access to adequate nutrition and food, increasing the availability of food, strengthening the development and resilience. These measures are adopted for decreasing the dramatic increase in the number of hungry people in the poorest countries and also in the vulnerable areas of the world. Social protection must be provided for eradicating their food insecurity, resource scarcity and changes in climate (Harding, 341-364).Social assistance is provided to the poorest people in order to improve their standard of living. The example of social assistance offered to the people includes tackling the chronic poverty and sustaining poverty escapes. Works Cited Commins, Stephen. “Non-state providers, the state, and health in post-conflict fragile states.” Development in Practice 20(4) (2010): 594-596. Print. Few, Roger and Mike Ahern. “Floods, health and climate change’s strategic review.” Tyndall Centre Working Papers 65(1) (2004): 7-10, Print. Grindle, Merilee. “Good enough governance: poverty reduction and reform in developing countries.” Poverty Reduction Group of the World Bank 17(4) (2004): 525-548. Print. Harding, David. “Cultural context, sexual behavior, and romantic relationships in disadvantaged neighborhoods”. American Sociological Review 72(1) (2007): 341-364. Print. 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