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What Happens around the World Politically - Essay Example

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From the paper "What Happens around the World Politically" it is clear that turbulent situation experienced in West Asia and North Africa has been crucial and intense as a result of external forces from the West who meddles in the entire world politics…
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What Happens around the World Politically
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Critical Analysis of what happens around the World Politically International relations is quite complex when it comes to the political system. Hegemonic states, when it comes to world systems theory, carry the day in as far as the political system is concerned. Concurrently, the present comparative political system shows that politics and economics are different sides of the same economy. The periphery countries control the economy at the expense of the metropolitan states. The nature of connectivity comparatively in the political economy is the way in which the industrialized nation-states dominate the world political economy. The one-sided political relations in the international systems ultimately are the major elementary consideration in the shaping of the world economy today and the creation of newly initiated international challenges that faces globalization. The political happenings around the world per se revolves around the following socio-political and social-economical attributes: configuration of the world, trust in the world systems, fragmentation and inequality between dominant and metropolitan states, the overall global governance, economic development versus social change, international institutions, globalization and the locus of political control in the world systems. This paper, therefore, provides a critical examination the political framework and happenings around the world. Configuring the world: Political affiliations and configurations have been experienced in the world systems politically. The developed countries in the world political systems tend to be configured towards one another. This leaves limited room for the general assertion of the metropolitan states in order to outdo the dominant states. The world political systems, therefore, are adversely based on ill will and self-interest per country. The hegemons tend to be at peace with the economically stable countries as the economy is the political backbone of any given country (Booth, 2005). This leaves the weaker economies with no options other than being totally submissive to the hegemonic states for various social, political and economic benefits. The world demographics and economic developments are, therefore, aptly tilted towards the developed countries. The LDS’s concurrently are as a result of inferiority in political developments faced with various political malpractices such as post-election violence, rigging of elections and autocratic rules. Examples of such political scenarios are in Africa, Latin America and some parts of Asia. Some scholars believe that all these attributes of world politics are in most cases spearheaded by the hegemons aimed at destroying the least developed countries with a major aim of gaining continuity in dominating them. Trust is another incomplete version of the world politics. This is the most prominently underlying attribute of all human activity. In the world political systems, the nations view each other with a lot of distrust. Hegemons are the fathers of democracy, but the fail to exercise this democracy to the neighboring nations. Globalization has currently brought into existence the concept of global village nature of the world. The world political system henceforth ought to be a homogeneous one. Countries like Syria should, therefore, be helped by the global nation-sates tackle its political problems progressively (Booth, 2005). Unity has not been achieved in the world political systems. Citizens of the third world countries suffer at the expense of the hegemons. In extreme cases, this is the epitome of the complete absence of trust in the world system; all the individual nation-states fall back politically in closed circles of friendship thus “privatize” their involvements in the world political system. Due to untrustworthy and unpredictable nature of the world political system, this system has cut back its planning perspectives thus leading to the fragmentation of the world socio-political system. Inequality and fragmentation of the world politically: Politics in definition is the scientific study of who owns what, when and how. Who owns what, when and how is, therefore, the sole purpose of the existence of the world’s political sphere. States such as Egypt in the recent past have been implicated at large as being at war. The reason for the internal warfare in Egypt is preeminently world systems’ inequality and fragmentation. There is a lack of international intervention in the world system is cases of chaos as a result of political affiliations and rivalry (Booth, 2005). This is because the hegemonies have different interest to their subjective countries thus when these countries are at war as a result of political interference, the hegemons are impressed. Healthy political differences can enrich societies, but under different circumstances, political differences also undermine social cohesion and weaken the foundation of trust. The international system is a superstructure, which is constituted of foundational trust. The extreme nations in political take-over and distribution whether geographically or individually as countries may have negative effects on the whole world political system. Lastly, governance in the world system also influences politics. Governance refers to the channel through which conditional trust is linked to policy outcomes. The world’s political policy outcomes represent economic growth, prosperity, and egalitarian policies. The world political system henceforth is characterized by both the poorly institutionalized systems and super-structured institutionalized systems (Booth, 2005). The poorly institutionalized political systems undermine the world systems trust; which in turn affects the growth and prosperity of world’s political scheme. Poor governance institutions eminent in the third world political economies also affect the ability of states to fulfill their international obligations. In the past political scenarios, the world system has experienced several inconsequentially triggered fallbacks. These fallbacks empirically include; Arabs spring, the chaotic elections in Egypt, economic and political de-popularity of U.S. and Europe in the fight against extremist groups. Currently, the Arabic nations are aiming at taking over the world political system. With the daily production of weapons of mass destruction by the Arabic nation-states, the current hegemons are in great worry in relation to the Arabic nations’ objectives of outgrowing them politically. The continued struggle in Syria, the ongoing European economic struggles, continued violence in Ukraine and the rise of violent extremists such as Al Shabaab, ISIL (Deash) and Boko Haram are some of the fallbacks arising as a result of incompatibility of the world political system (Booth, 2005). These groups of extremists in one way or the other are state-sponsored with a major aim of interrupting the hegemons in order to reduce their political wills and strengths. Seemingly, these political incidences are operationalized and are informatively on the move for the next five years unless there would be a recent change in the currently existing world political system and foreign policies directives. The new cold war scenario: Pakistan and the emerging geopolitical scenario: The rapidly emerging geo-political differential scenarios in Asia shows that the next cold war is likely to be superposed between the Russia-China Alliance and the U.S. led block in Asia; wherein Pakistan has already emerged as the next socio-political cold war arena. The U.S. backed domination of militants from Afghanistan would also be the better approach towards the modernity politically initiated cold war. Pakistan is, therefore, the baseline in as far as the current and future world political systems are concerned (Booth, 2005). This country is adversely the benchmark of the hegemonic political power control due to its strategic geopolitical location. Oil determines power and Pakistan is located on the corridors of major world maritime oil supply lines and additionally is equidistantly located to the oil-rich central Asian countries. Pakistan location, therefore, could influence the Southern Asia countries, Central Asian countries as well as the middle east in as far as world hegemonic political control and separation is concerned in the world’s political system. Pakistan per se is, therefore, the focal point of the attention in the wake of the globally emerging geopolitical scenario. The world political system has recorded the emergence of unpredictable shifts in international politics from time to time. These shifts are largely dependent on the relationship of big countries. Currently, political waves have shifted attention towards the rapid emergence of a new geopolitical scenario. This scenario focuses majorly on Afghanistan; whereas Pakistan as an emerging nation-state has especially become an arena of the hegemons rivalries. Put differently, leaders of the world super powers have expressed corporation among themselves citing the stability of Afghanistan in various summits and conferences conducted in the recent past, every leader aims at an economic and political control of their counterparts (Booth, 2005). This can only be done through economic sabotage under a new cold war .preparation, which is underway which the U.S is concurrently intending to initiate against China and Russia. In conclusion, the current international political situation is struggling with several eminent drastic changes of which the world economy has found to be destructive in nature. Various countries in North Africa and west Asia are undergoing situational turbulence. The world political “hot spot” issues additionally keep on reappearing one after the other. The socio-political chaos in the West has additionally become an exceptionally frequent phenomenon. The overall global populace has become aware of the West as the initiator of the world economic crisis with a major aim of political dominance. The West is facing largely positioned uncertainties regarding the socio-political economy. Lastly, the turbulent situation experienced in West Asia and North Africa has been crucial and intense as a result of external forces from the West who meddles in the entire world politics. Reference Booth, K. (2005). Critical Security Studies and World Politics. Boulder: Lynne Rienner. Read More
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(What Happens Around the World Politically Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words)
What Happens Around the World Politically Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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