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The paper "Winner Take All Politics" supposes how the structure of the government has contributed to economic woes and inequality, how the politics could be improved, how we deal with the issue of running a democracy with a poorly informed electorate with low participation…
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Winner Take all Politics How has the structure of the government (separation of powers, the legislative process, federalism, etc.) contributed to economic woes and inequality?
In accordance to Paul and Hacker in their book titled, Winner-take-all-politics, the structure of the American government played a role in contributing to the rising inequality and economic woes. The American political system remains divided into the Republicans and the Democrats. In relation to which political party comes to power, decisions often become passed in relation to the ruling party (Hacker & Paul 6). A given party often passes decisions in favor of its people and ignores the interests of people from the other political party resulting to inequality. In addition, there have been a lot of financial laws changed over time in favor of some influential people. In the book, the author informs the readers of how economics laws have constantly been changing in each regime. An excellent example could be the congress cutting tax rates imposed on high incomes repeatedly plus at the same time relaxing the tax on capital gains and other incomes (Hacker & Paul 4). This led to windfalls profits gained the wealthiest Americans contributing to inequality. The overall goal of the structure of the government contributed to inequality in America.
What roles have interest groups and election fundraising played?
In accordance to Hacker and Paul, interest groups and election fundraising often played a crucial role in influencing politics. The two note how interest group politics changed since the 1970s. Furthermore, they insist on how business and financial elites rigged the political system in order to benefit from globalization (Hacker & Paul 22). They describe in their book as America changing from ‘Broadland’ to ‘Richistan.’ Hacker and Paul continue describing in their book how interest group politics influenced critical decisions relating to how wealth became created and then distributed occurring behind the scenes. Hacker and Paul then outline the roles played by the interest groups and election fundraising in election.
First of all, interest groups play a crucial role in policy making. In election fundraising, politicians manage to solicit funds for campaigns from influential businessmen, thereby heading to their requirements once they get to power. In as much as citizens may not be seeing them in the limelight, such fundraisers and interest groups have a bearing on vital decisions in politics. The two give an example of fundraising in Washington politics that becomes contributed in terms of checks and balances. Fundraisers often are the high class majority and hence also do have a bearing on some critical decisions in politics (Hacker & Paul 24).
Secondly, some of the interest groups and fundraisers in accordance to Hacker and Paul turn out to be business and financial lobbyists. These lobbyists, fund both Democrat and Republican politicians. Their main purpose in having an interest in politics became a move to counter the powerful influence posed by the trade unions.
Has either party had an effective response?
In accordance to Hacker and Paul, interest groups contributed a lot in some of the decisions made in politics. Often the interest groups consisted of individuals and business men with a personal interest of flourishing their business through political will. In having a number of politicians speaking and passing laws in favor of them, most of them end up making a lot of profits (Hacker & Paul 26). Furthermore, some election fundraising often sparks some form of favors once the given politician becomes in power. Since most fundraisers belong to the high class society in the society, they too tend to influence politics due to controlling some aspects of the economy.
How could the politics be improved?
With the Americans living in a place with increasing levels of inequality, more blamed on politics, Peter and Hacker in their book came up with solutions to improve the political system. In their book, the two authors emphasize majorly on rebuilding the organizational capacity occupied by the middle and working classes in an attempt to repair American politics (Hacker & Paul 34). Since a lot of high class people and the elite had quit an upper hand when it came to politics, Peter and Hacker suggested a means that the middle and working class could play a role in changing the existing politics (Hacker & Paul 34). The main purpose will be to restore plus balance the winner-take-all economy. In addition, a lot also had to be done in ensuring that interest groups and pluralist become eliminated in influencing political decisions. The major aim of all solutions will be to distribute the power of change to the American people instead of living most of it to the rich. In following the above, a reduction in inequality may occur.
How do the majoritarian, elite and pluralist models relate to the “Winner Take All Politics” reading?
Pluralism or majoritarian voting related to an electoral system whereby all the people in a given living geographical end up represented by one candidate though they may embrace different political beliefs. In accordance to Paul and Hacker, pluralism remains one of the key issues controlling politics. In accordance to the book Winner Take All Politics, pluralism plays a vital role in influencing politics. They remain some people from certain regions that are influential in politics due to their wealth and often become taken seriously by politicians and the government (Hacker & Paul 66). These people often make the decision regarding certain pertinent issues irrespective of what people from their region comment or feel. Hacker and Paul insist that politics nowadays has turned to be individually controlled.
Once again, how do we deal with the issue of running a democracy with a poorly informed electorate with low participation?
In relation to Paul and Hacker, poorly informed citizens often become blinded from what happens behind the curtain. Pluralists often exist in areas where the electorates remain poorly informed on pertinent issues (Hacker & Paul 30). Therefore, running a democracy composed of poorly informed electorates can be a tricky affair. Paul and Hacker discuss in their book that such people could become informed and use trade unions and lobby groups instead of pluralists making decisions for them.
Do you disagree or agree with the book? Why?
In accordance to the book written by Hacker and Paul Winner-take-all-politics, I totally agree with the authors. The two authors majorly sank right deep into the heart of the Americans by trying to explain the cause of America’s inequality originated from politics. From what discussed, today’s politics got a lot of influence sideways, for instance interested parties. The rich in the society and the business men play a prominent role in influencing politics (Hacker & Paul 45). In fact, many economic decisions passed by politicians could be traced to some of the prominent rich, people in an attempt to pay back for the contribution they played in making the come to power. For instance, major fundraisers often have a say in some decisions made by the government. With the increase in inequality in America, a lot got to be traced to politics playing a role in it. More so, Americans blame the government to having shadow people with personal interests in enriching their pockets at the expense of the normal American citizen (Hacker & Paul 10).
Works Cited
Jacob S. Hacker, Paul Pierson. Winner-take-all politics: how Washington made the rich richer-
and turned its back on the middle class. Washington: Simon and Schuster, 2010. Print.
According to the author's, the winner take all economy is an economy characterized by the loss of labor union power, excessive deregulation of financial markets.... Winner-Take-all politics Hacker and Pierson made a significant achievement by comprehensively exploring the statement that states that winner takes all politics (357).... Winner-Take-all politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer— And Turned Its Back on the Middle Class....
One issue might be the inequality at the top of the ladder itself: Hacker and Pierson in Winner-Take-all politics point out that winner-take-all inequality, where the top 10% gain the lion's share of economic growth, leads to a situation where the rich are more and more likely to invest into extremely risky financial instruments.... Madoff, like all good conmen, made sure to psychologically control, reward and assuage his participants.... He cultivated an exclusive atmosphere, allowing only invited investors to come in, which seemed to indicate both safety (after all, why be so careful about an investment if it wasn't legitimate?...
all need to be understood.... It is also possible for the poor to be underemployed, since unemployment statistics dont take into account disgruntled full-time workers, part-time workers or temp workers (Wise, 2001).... They claim that, whether it is the fault of the poor or not, the poor adopt pathological or counter-productive value systems and behaviors that harm....
acob S Hacker and Paul Pierson Winner-take all politics, Simon and Schuster, 2010 p62- 63.
... Jacob S Hacker and Paul Pierson in their book, winner -take-all politics argue that chief executives earn a fat package because they once were much more valuable in their previous companies.... Executive's compensation packages are not transparent at all mostly when complicated compensation plans and stock options are used.... They create conducive conditions for bidding wars that are not balanced and prevent all from understanding everything except for a few privileged insiders.
Winner-Take-all politics Economy Question Gains Have Been Highly Concentrated Statistics such as tax statistics reveals that while gaps have grown across the income spectrum, the real action occurs at the very top.... Winner-Take-all politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer-and Turned its Back on the Middle Class.... The main focus of the politics of economic reforms is to create winners who gain stakes in defending and extending the reforms....
?Winner-take-all politics: How Washington Made the Rich Richer-and Turned Its Back on the Middle Class.... Thus, Hacker and Pierson use various sources as well as statistical data to back their arguments which are similar to those lobbying for left-wing politics.... Thus, to fill in the vacuum left by these economists to explain these gaps, Hacker and Pierson argue that this where politics takes the lead and drives the market.... They also add the point that the bargaining power of the labor class has been reduced over the years, even in the internal politics of these parties in power....
Hacker and Pierson take a historic route to delve into the actual reasons behind the rising inequality, tracing the development of a kind of “winner take all” economics that has allowed the rich to get richer in the country while the middle class is floundering.... winner take all places some blame for the distortion of the American governance onto the public, the popular media, and recent political science studies.... The author examines 'Winner-Take-all politics' book by Jacob S....
Winner-take-all politics: How Washington made the rich richer--and turned its back on the middle class.... Winner-take-all politics.... His Persona, interest in politics, prize winning speeches and ability to attract both the white votes and the minority voters was his biggest ticket as well as his ability to draw the working class to his bid(Tesler & Sears.... Overall, the article is a collection of some of the darkest and painful secrets of politics and governance in Washington today.
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