The Impact of Welfare on the Country Economics Essay - 157. Retrieved from
The Impact of Welfare on the Country Economics Essay - 157.
Although the First World War lasted for mere four years, yet its repercussions were felt for a much longer period of time. In true sense, it changed the overall outlook of the world for times ahead. The impact of the world war one was political, economical, social, psychological and futurist as well. It changed allies into rivals and invited the nations into war offensives that had long kept themselves away from the battle fronts.The League of Nations that was established at the end of First World War was a unique entity, yet it was flawed on many accounts.
It is being often debated that it was the failure and weakness of the League that led to the rise of the Central power as nexus and led the world into a more dangerous and deadly warfare.The economic conditions that the world was served with in the Post First World War were a mere recipe for the disaster, frustration and anguish within. Pestilence, crippled bodies, handicapped people, unemployment, no pays for the soldiers, empty stocks all were the outlook of the different European societies.
The Economic Crunch that hit the World towards the late 1920s decayed the overall structure of social and economic outfit in a further uglier manner (Brassley, 2012, p. 115).The certain clauses and actions taken by the League towards the defeated nations led to the hostile mindset creation within. For example Germany was left high and dry, which in turn rose the spirit of revenge and vendetta against the European super powers. Austria and Hungry were segmented within, and left under developed.
The spoils of the First World War went directly into the hands of the Big Four namely Great Britain, France, Russia and Italy. Each aimed at maximizing its gains from the war, which in turn led to the imbalance in the distribution. The establishment of Yugoslavia was another area of weakness with regard to the miss calculation in the overall assessment of situation that was at hand.The other major events that developed towards the post First World War were the jingoism of the Japanese nation. The attacks on Manchuria by Japan were one of the events marked as action of hostility towards the global peace.
The weakness of the League on the basis of the fact that major nations stayed away from it, or left it during the mid way made it further weaker in its outlook. The absence of United States of America from the overall environment of hostility did not help the global perspective and the European political affairs.The reemergence of Germany as a military might, the rise of Nazi political force on one side, and the rise of Fascist movement and ideology on other side made it further difficult for peace to prevail in the longer run.
The Berlin Baghdad and Tokyo nexus that was established along the lines of defense ties and offensive ambitions towards the Allies were few of the events that led to the Second World War.References:Brassley, Paul, Leen van Molle, and Yves Segers. War, Agriculture, and Food: Rural Europe from the 1930s to the 1950s. Routledge, 2012.
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