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Water and Food Security: Innovations for a Changing Climate - Research Paper Example

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A paper "Water and Food Security: Innovations for a Changing Climate" reports that the scarcity of fresh water and nutrition result in increasing the overall competition. This induces overall imbalance and clash which further make ways for hampering in the achievements of basic human rights…
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Water and Food Security: Innovations for a Changing Climate
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Water and Food Security: Innovations for a Changing Climate Introduction: Nowadays water and food security is one of the biggest challenges faced by majority of people around the world. The growth in agricultural production is slowing pertaining to the water scarcity issues in most part of the world. However climatic changes are also playing its role in this regard leaving farmers clueless about weather conditions. Furthermore over the past few decades it is becoming hard for many countries of the world to feed its population and ensure food and nutrition supply security. The scarcity of fresh water and nutrition result in increasing the overall competition between communities and countries. This in turn induces overall imbalance and clash which further make ways for hampering in the achievements of basic human rights. At present, it is estimated that nearly one billion people have been lacking in terms of food and nutrition and almost 800 million people does not have their reach on fresh water (United Nations). Current situation globally: Different countries are facing catastrophic conditions at present, in terms of food shortages and fresh water supply shortages. 2011 proved to be a year of natural disasters and political unrest. As a large number of people were facing issues related to food supply and fresh water supply. With East Africa and South Asia were the two most prominent countries as they faced the worst natural calamities, political unrest in the Arab region further lead towards more hunger and mass migration of people of that region. Similarly Japan, being one of the strongest economy of the world, was hit by triple catastrophe first an earth quake then a tsunami and later followed by nuclear crisis resulted in shortage of food and fresh water. However according to the recent survey report of world food program 2011, 100 million people in 75 different countries of the world required food assistance in which majority of them were women and children (to be precise 83 million) (WFP, 5). Some facts regarding the current situation of hunger faced by different countries around the world: Nigeria Nigeria, being one of the oil producing country and most populated country of Africa, due to bad governance and corruption has been going through shortage of agricultural resources causing million of Nigerian a hunger. Similarly neighboring countries of Nigeria also have food shortages they export majority of their crops to Nigeria in exchange with oil. This further leads them towards more hunger causing catastrophic condition. In 2005 thousand of children died because of the shortage of food in neighboring countries of Nigeria. As there was severe food shortages and people were unable to afford (Pulizter Center ). Tajikistan Moreover the global financial crisis also played its part in creating hunger in the world. For instance in Tajikistan thousands of people is returning from Russia because of newly unemployment caused by global financial crisis. Keeping in view that Tajikistan has to also deal with the Tajik refugees coming from Afghanistan, resulting in shortage of food supply in the border areas (Pulizter Center ). Guatemala 75% of children faced malnourishment in Guatemala from infants to ages of 6 and 7. The reason behind this hunger is income inequality. Keeping in mind that this country is only four hour flight away from United States shows that scarcity of food is a major issue that world has to face. Ug99 viral disease of wheat affecting Uganda, Kenya, Iran and India Another main threat that world has to face is the Ug99 viral disease of wheat. It has been fifty years since that disease showed again in 1999, resulting in mass destruction of wheat crops of Uganda by virulent strain of stem rust attack. This virus then travelled to Ethiopia then Kenya later showing up in Iran last year. Food and agriculture organization issued various warnings regarding this disease and asked six countries of central Asia to look for its possible outbreak on the other hand scientist of different countries are working in order to find a resistant wheat crop. Moreover in India alone more than 50 million small farmers are at risk because they usually rely on the cultivation of wheat crop (Pulizter Center ). Pakistan Pakistan was hit by flood in 2010 affecting almost majority of the population of Sindh and Baluchistan provinces. Initially Pakistan government was sure that they are going to solve this problem but soon they realized that the condition is getting worst every day. This resulted in asking for international help. According to the 2011 report of world food program 3.5 million people are still recovering from the flooding of 2010 (WFP, 11). Japan However country like Japan who has high level of disaster management system also faced shortage of food supply though not for long in March 2011 when it was hit by triple catastrophe. First tsunami then earthquake and lastly nuclear power plant malfunction. This triple catastrophe caused death of 19 thousand people and leaving half a million people homeless. Middle Eastern countries Similarly political unrest in Middle Eastern countries like Libya, Syria, Tunisia and Egypt cause massive conflict resulting in hundred and thousands of people caught up in political unrest that overflowed across borders. Therefore shortage of food supply came across which required food assistance from other countries or regions of the world (WFP, 15). Climate change on going and projected situation: Climate change is one of the major issues that the world of today is facing. It has already shown its effects on environments. With huge glaciers melting, plants and animals are shifting their trends, crops and trees are flowering before their expected time. It leads us towards potential future in a way that one would see more frequent wild fires, in some regions more flood and droughts will be frequent and chances of more intense, increase in number and duration of storms are expected. Climate change has already shown its impacts on the world as weather is changing in most part of the world. This shift of weather can be seen from the figure given below: (FAO, 9) However predictions of scientists regarding effects of global warming are now visible. Increase in sea level, acceleration in terms of melting of glaciers and intensity in heat waves are proving the point. Scientist around the world have highlighted and forecasted that world temperature will continue to rise for decades because of the use of green house gasses. Moreover the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC) has forecasted that the world would most likely to see rise in temperature of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century. Keeping in view that IPCC panel includes 1300 scientist from all around the world (NASA). (FAO, 14) Similarly the IPCC states that “"the range of published evidence indicates that the net damage costs of climate change are likely to be significant and to increase over time" (PCC, 17). However given below are some of the major impacts that are more likely to be faced by the different regions as determined by IPCC: Asia: Fresh water scarcity is expected in Central, South, South East Asia by 2050. Moreover increase numbers of flood are expected so therefore coastal areas are at risk. Furthermore these flood and drought may cause diseases therefore death rate may increase in some parts of Asia who are directly or indirectly affected by the flood and droughts (NASA). Africa: Projections have been made that by the end of 2020 almost 75 to 250 million people would be facing water stress issues through extreme exposure. Many areas which are mainly rain fed would face 50% reduction in some regions. Furthermore shortage of agricultural production may be seen by 2020 (NASA). Europe: Maximum number of flooding is expected in coastal areas, however in land flood are also at stakes. Rise of sea level further shows that the chances of storms are also eminent. Melting of glaciers as well as reduce tenure of winter snow is more likely to be seen at some parts. However loss of species is also expected and reduction in terms of yield is expected in Southern Europe (NASA). North America: The crop production may show increase by 5% to 20% in some parts of North America, however possibilities of less snow fall is expected. Cities would face an increasing amount of heat waves (NASA). Latin America: There is high probability of gradual replacement of tropical forest in Eastern Amazonia. Species will face extinction in many tropical areas. The water consumption may show dramatic changes in terms of human consumption, agricultural consumption and energy generation (NASA). Climate change and its impact on water security: The world has almost 1.4 billion km3 of water out of which only 2.5% is fresh water which is ready for human consumption. However 70% of this fresh water is hardly accessible for human because of its solid state in the form of glaciers, ice and snow, leaving the humans with the option of ground water which is somehow 8 million km3 of fresh water. Moreover only 0.3 % of fresh water 105,000 km3 being available in the face of rivers, streams and lakes (Mileham). Water insecurity may arise from different reasons for instance it may arise from physical shortage, which may be from geographical or environmental factor. It may arise because of over consumption or lack of planning, political instability, manipulation of one country over other, economical reason like poor infrastructure and in some cases may arise because of pollution etc. At present the water insecurity is one of the major challenges that world have to face as most of the countries are more likely to face water scarcity. Moreover, some of the countries are facing this issue even now. It has been estimated that nearly three billion people of this world are living in areas where demand of water is greater than its supply (Molden). Given below is a diagram which tells about the current and future water scarcity patterns that are most likely to be seen and in some cases that are active today as well. (Mileham) Water scarcity besides facing the above mention threat has one more important threat to look after and that threat is climate change. As the temperature of the globe has shown increase from the past few decades resulting in global warming which further leads towards overall climate change causing catastrophic situations. Climate change is already showing its effects on water resources present around the world. For instance the increase in sea level by 1.75 mm each year because of glaciers melting, prolong dry seasons because of global warming, flood and droughts, over spilling etc (Church and Neil). Globally the effect of climate change on water security can be seen from now. As the areas which were previously marked as dry land by the IPCC has more than doubled since 1970s (Mileham). Further to add destruction, these are accompanied by flood and droughts in different parts of Asia and Africa. Furthermore the water insecurity problem has greater impact on under developing countries. As they have lack of resources to cope up with the problems and they depend and rely more on water consumption because of their economy based on agriculture and food cultivation rather than technology. For instance in Africa higher temperature in the region and lower amount of rainfall has resulted in overall reduction of water flow by 40% in many rivers causing severe droughts. Given below is the figure for better understanding of climate change and its impacts on water change (Mileham). (Mileham) Climate change and its effects on food security: Food is one of the basic and prime most concerns of human being in terms of survival. At present food insecurity is like a weapon of mass destruction and is shaping up in most of the under developing countries, especially for poor women and children. It is said that approximately 925 million were having shortage of food in 2010 (FAO). Similarly the world will require increase of food production up to 50% by 2030 so that demand of growing global population can be fulfilled. Keeping this in view another forecast is that the climate change will result in decrease of agriculture production of 1 to 7 % by 2060. South Asia and sub Sahara Africa will be affected most by this climate change as a result this lack of production will cause high pricing in terms of food causing food insecurity to rise especially for people of developed countries, particularly people living in rural areas, who are most likely to buy these as they are net consumers (World Bank). According to the recent report by world food program which has stated that under developing countries are most likely to be more affected by hunger in terms of climate change provided if necessary measures regarding green house emission gases are not considered or taken (Parry, Evans, Rosegrant, and Wheeler). Furthermore, considering current situation regarding population growth and distribution of wealth, world food program estimates that by the end of 2050 globally 10 to 20 % people will be at risk of hunger (excluding climate change factor). With the view that almost majority will be from under developing countries with Africa being the main contributor of 65%. It is also estimated that 10 million more children will be facing lack of eatables because of the climate change as well (Parry, Evans, Rosegrant, and Wheeler). Consequences of this climate change have direct and indirect impacts on food systems (CGIAR). This has been shown from the tables given below. (CARE) (CARE) Implications of changing climate in human dimensions: It can further be divided into two parts 1. The human causes of climate change 2. The human consequences of climate change. 1. The Human Causes Of Climate Change: Human beings have played a vital role in the past and are playing key role in changing climate. Many believe that only man is responsible for climate change however some think differently. But the fact regarding climate change or global warming remains that man is equally responsible for climate change, by using different kind of gases and by doing experiments and creating weapon of mass destruction etc. if this matter has been analyzed more closely, it can be found that human activities are causing the world to change climate by disturbing the ozone layer using green house gasses. However significant amount of contribution came from the usage of fossil fuels which when burned causes carbon dioxide emission to atmosphere. Man disturbed the overall energy system of the world by adding carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere. The previous balance was between solar energy (incoming) and thermal energy (infrared energy outgoing). This change in balance may leads towards warming and cooling of the climate system (IPCC). Man is responsible for overall effect on climate since industrial revolution and is responsible for creating warm affect on climate since 1970. At present the trend is not shifting however various activities and awareness programs have been designed to address this issue but still goals are very far. The chart that has been presented below highlights that how man has disrupted the overall balance of the ozone layer by using different green house gasses (IPCC). (IPCC) 2. The Human Consequences Of Climate Change: The belief that man is responsible for global warming has been accepted by many scientists around the world (Anderegg, Prall, Harald, and Schneide). They believe that earth is getting warmer because of human activities and this trend would continue because man is still using fossils as fuels which are resulting in the emission of carbon dioxide and other dangerous gases as well. Another factor is the increase of population which further makes way for consuming more fossil fuels (WHO). Human health is affected by climate change directly or indirectly. The direct effects may involve in changing of earth systems, rising and falling of temperature, prolonging of weather, flood and droughts, extreme cold or extreme hot weather. However, indirect effects may involve challenges to control different diseases resulted because of climate change, the overall change in the eco system caused by climate etc (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). Given below is a chart that has been presented to understand climate change and its effects on health with reference to America: (Maibach, Nisbet, and Weathers, 9) (Myers and Bernstein, 4) Recommendations: Climate change is causing destruction and will further cause destruction (UN Habitat). Therefore efforts should be made in order to cope up with this problem as global warming would not wait for negotiations or bargaining carried out all over the world. The need is to make plan quickly and use it on mass level. No country or group can make this change alone. Collective efforts from all countries are required as climate change has been destroying and leaving masses to suffer. Studies have shown that the number of natural disasters have increased over the past years because of climate change and the following graphs shows it: (Myers and Bernstein, 3) As from the figure it can be clearly understood that climate change possesses a great threat for the masses around the globe. Following are some measures by which upon adopting may cause this catastrophe to stop. Planting more trees would help reducing CO2 emission and in restoring ozone layer. Agricultural production should be increased catering masses. Those countries who are self sufficient in terms of agriculture should allocate some portion for hungry people for free. Mutual collaboration should be achieved helping under developing countries to advance in terms of agriculture sharing knowledge and research from developed countries. Grass root level education should be given so that new generation can adopt changes from root levels. Alternative energies should be used in order to less pollute the world. Water management should be integrated Linking the world together in order to meet malnutrition. Full support should be given to world food program and other NGOs who are working in this regard. Effective communication and sharing of knowledge should be done across the board. Social protections schemes should be implemented Weapons of mass destruction should not be used. Development in terms of nuclear energy should be banned. Disaster management training should be given to all. Disaster management cells should be created. Works Cited Anderegg, William, James Prall, Jacob Harald, and Stephen Schneide. Expert credibility in climate change. PNAS, 107.27 (June 2010): 12107-12109. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1003187107 CARE. Adaptation and Food Security. CARE international Climate Change Brief. 3 Sep. 2012 CGIAR. Achieving food security in the face of the climate change. Mar. 2012. 3 Sep. 2012. Church, John and Neil White. A 20th century acceleration in global sea-level rise. Geophysical Research Letters, 33 (2006): 1-4. 3 Sep. 2012. FAO. ‘Climate change, water and food security.’ FAO Water Reports 36. 3 Sep. 2012. FAO. Global hunger declining, but still unacceptably high. 2010. 3 Sep. 2012 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate change 2007. 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Sep. 2010. 3 Sep. 2012. Molden, David. (ed.) Water for Food, Water for Life: A Comprehensive Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture. London: Earthscan, 2007. 3 Sep 2012. Myers, Samuel, and Aaron Bernstein. ‘The coming health crisis: indirect health effects of global climate change.’ F1000 Biology Reports, 3.3 (Feb 2011). 3 Sep. 2012. NASA. The current and future consequences of global change. 3 Sep. 2012. Parry, Martin, Alex Evans, Mark Rosegrant, and Tim Wheeler. Climate Change and Hunger: Responding to the Challenge. World Food Programme (WFP), Rome, Italy, 2009. 3 Sep. 2012. PCC. Summary for Policymakers, in Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, p. 17. Pulizter Center. Food Security. 3 Sep. 2012. UN Habitat. Global report on human settlements 2011: cities and climate change. 3 Sep. 2012. United Nations. Secretary-General’s message on world water day. Mar. 2012. 3 Sep. 2012. WFP. The year in review, 2011, World Food Programme. 3 Sep. 2012. WHO. Protecting health from climate change: Connecting science, policy and people. Denmark: World Health Organization, 2009. 3 Sep. 2012. World Bank. World Development Report 2008. Washington DC, 2008. Read More
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