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Newton's laws find many applications in life experiences, for example, rocket and jet propulsion in which the third law is widely applied, garden sprinklers, firing guns, dynamic lift, and balances of forces in helicopters among many applications.
The major limitation of Newton's laws in motion is that they cannot be applied to objects traveling at the speed of light. Additionally, newtons laws fail when they are applied to very small objects such as atomic and subatomic particles which they fail in the concepts of quantum mechanics ( The free-body diagrams enable one to set the problem properly and solve for the unknown forces that act on a body in real-life situations.
( diagrams learned in this Lab are useful in understanding what is likely to happen to a body before applying the equations of motion. Distance time graphs are very useful in approximating various quantities such as the possible time one can take to travel from one place to another, the critical velocities, and the acceleration necessary to avoid accidents and crashes. Additionally, one can understand the conditions felt when one uses an elevator system and the manufacturers of the elevators apply the knowledge while making and installing elevators.
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