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Paleo-Discharge of the Maumee Floods - Research Paper Example

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The paper "Paleo-Discharge of the Maumee Floods" focuses on the critical analysis of the damage and finds a formidable solution to reconstruct the Maumee flood. The focus for this investigation is around five locations presented as cross-sectional areas…
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Paleo-Discharge of the Maumee Floods
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? EAS 353 Earth Surfaces Paleo-dicharge of the Maumee floods Jiayi Chen Purdue (Accurately summarize paper?? and s results? no more than 100 words) The Maumee River was developed through a sequence of glacial events.This paper is intended to investigate the damage and find a formidable solution to reconstruct the flood. The focus for this investigation is around five locations presented as cross sectional areas. The site descriptions for the areas provide physical views and logical dimensions as viewed on maps and on the ground. The calculations of the measurements provided are a representation for the estimates that is used in solving the problem. The results positively indicate the extent of the damage and predicts the next step in solving the problem. Introduction The problem is finding ways of restoring the watershed to a state that would be useful to the inhabitants living in the surrounding. This study is aimed at identifying opportunities and issues in the process of establishing the viability of the study. The main subject of the study is the deposits that were formed by the glacial activities. They include the Fort Wayne Moraine, and the Wabash. The Wabash was formed as a result of the activities that followed the melt water that into the St. Joseph and St. Mary’s Rivers. The two streams converged at the western edge of Fort Wayne Moraine. They drained a bigger discharge that created a valley that was called the Wabash Erie Channel. On a personal observation of the site there is feasibly in the thickness of disjointed deposits that are in the southern and the northern sides of the Maumee River watershed. The heights go from 50 to 100 feet above the ground. This evidence of the occurrence of glacial activity in the northern part of the Maumee River. The bedrock holding these features is controlled by the Cincinnati Arch on the southern part and the Michigan Basin the northern area. The study tries to measure the magnitude of the water discharge that has been impacted by the Maumee River. Methods A task in the lab is to figure out the flood elevation from topographic maps and imagery near Lafayette, Indiana. In order to do this, I make 5 cross sections (Battleground, Americus, upstream of Delphi, Purdue and Lafayette, and Independence) from the topographic maps, with a vertical exaggeration of 10X. The scale of my cross section is, horizontally 1cm = 800ft, and vertically 1 cm = 80ft. There are two different ways I used to estimate discharge to complete this project. The first one is using Manning’s equation, and the second one is using the equation in dam breakout floods. In this part, I am going to give detailed explanations for each of the equations, and explanation of flood reconstruction. Method1: Discharge estimations, whether of modern floods or ancient floods, requires that you determine both the average velocity of the water as well as the cross sectional area. The overall equation is: Q = u * A Where Q is the estimated discharge, u is the average velocity of the flow, and A is the cross sectional area. The average velocity can be estimated using Manning’s equation: u = RH2/3 * S1/2 * n-1 Where the RH is the hydraulic radius, S is the water surface slope, and n is the channel roughness coefficient. The cross-sectional area (A) is the area of flowing water as measured from bank to bank. Requires both a channel cross section, which I constructed, and an estimate of water depth (d) for calculation. The hydraulic radius (RH) is a physical characteristic of a streambed. It is the cross-sectional area (A) of the channel divided by the wetted perimeter. The wetted perimeters the length of the wetted edge of a channel cross section containing flowing water (i.e. the total perimeter minus the water surface). The water surface slope is the angle of the water surface relative to the horizontal. This angle can be found by measuring the change in water surface elevation between two points along the stream. Roughness coefficients used to describe the channel friction that acts to slow down the stream flow. Trees and boulders would have a higher coefficient than the concrete lining of an engineered drainage channel. Typically estimates range from 0.01 to 0.07, with most of the flows having a value of n= 0.03-0.04. I use n=0.04 as an educated guess in the calculation. Procedures: Step 1- Use my graph to determine the water surface slope (S) of Independence sites by finding the elevation (h) of both Independence and Delphi sites, and the distances between them. Step 2- Interpolate the water surface elevation (S) to my cross section at Independence. Find the channel depth (d) from the cross section and determine the cross sectional area of the flood. Step 3- Use Manning’s equation to estimate the average velocity (u). Step 4- Multiply the average velocity (u) by the cross sectional area (A) to get discharge (Q). Method 2: In dam breakout floods, the discharge can be estimated from the dimension of the breakout channel, assuming that the water is at criticality (i.e., Fr=1). In this case, the discharge can be estimated from the equation: Qmax = (8/27) * w * g1/2 * Y03/2 Where w is the channel width, g is the specific gravity of earth; Y0 is the initial height of the dam. The factor8/27 come from the shape of the waves as it exits the breach. The initial height of the dam’s depth of water in a dam breakout floods. We estimate it by using the height of the moraine (h) minus the height of the channel (h’). The width of the breakout channel (w) is the breakout distance between the dam on one side to the other. Procedures: Using the topographic map of the Fort Wayne area estimate h as the height of the moraine dam, h’ as the height of the channel, and determine the width (w) of the breakout channel. Then calculate the discharge. Reconstruction of the Maumee Flood: (clear explanation of flood reconstruction) The Maumee flood was a glacial outburst flood from a moraine dam failure at the present day site of Fort Wayne, Indiana, until it converged with Wabash River. The flood then followed the valley of the Wabash, scouring out a flood channel and leaning behind terraces, bars and scoured bedrock forms. The calculations given above would be a guidance to reconstruct the flood. There are clear dimensions given of the depth of the fault lines. These would be useful in knowing the extent of the area to be reconstructed and what amount of resources is needed for the reconstruction.The reconstruction would restructure the flood channel that had been left out. This created terraces morphed out of the floodlines and some disoriented bedrock forms. Site description (describe setting of all site and explain why sites chosen) Cross section1: Battleground, Indiana There is some visibility of bedforms especially bars that can be seen on a closer look. These are remnants of the flood that left a strong evidence of its gone presence. The streamlined forms on the air photos that indicate flowing water are visible from a distance. The elevation at the top of the valley is an indication that there is wide gorge that slopes down the valley. The topography of the area is not clearly visible though, there is evidence of higher level channels that indicates some flood height. The high channels are an interesting feature that needed close exploration. Cross section2: Americus, Indiana The Wash Valley at Americus is reasonably straight and rectangular. This condition makes it a good place for estimating good discharge. Showing on Google Earth and Indiana topographic map, there are subtle changes in texture and for linear hill that are indicated by parallel stream channels. The flow markers are distantly visible and noticeable on a closer look. The Tippecanoe confluence is an indication of the flooding activity in the area. I chose it due to its rectangular and straight nature. The parallel stream channels prove the existence of linear hills that somewhat resemble terraces. Cross section3: upstream of Delphi, Indiana The Wabash Valley upstream of Delphi splits into separate channels, in a similar way as at Battleground. I could see bars and scoured bedrock forms on Google Earth. Cross section4: Purdue and Lafayette, Indiana Purdue is built on a terrace of the Maumee flood. The terrace abuts onto hill slopes, which are the indications of the edge of the channel. The terraces resting on the hillslopes in good detail and would interest any serious observer. Cross section5: Independence, Indiana The town of Independence is situated on a glaciofluvial fan. The obvious changes in texture that indicate a high flow mark on this fan. The channel here is reasonably straight and rectangular as well, so this will be another good place for flow calculations. The calculation below is based on the data of this site. Results (please insert a table to list all the numerical results, all table should have a title and footnotes if necessary explaining what the columns mean) Method 1 (Independence and Delphi): 1. Using Indiana tomographic map and Google Earth determines The water surface elevation at Independence =600ft =183m, and The water surface elevation at Delphi =650 ft =200 m, and measures The distance between two sites =31.477 km=31,477m, and calculates The water surface slope (S) at Independence = (200m-183m) / (31,477m) =5.4 *10-4 2. Scale: Horizontally 1 cm=800 ft, and Vertically 1 cm=80ft Hence, Channel width =9cm =7200 ft=2.2 Km =2200 m Channel depth =1 cm =80 ft =24 m Then, Cross sectional area (A) = Atriangle*2 = [(1100 *24) /2]*2 =26,400 m3 3. Wetted perimeter =Total perimeter –Water surface =9.5 cm =7600 ft =2.3 km =2300 m Hydraulic radius (RH) =Cross sectional Area /Wetted perimeter =26400m2 /2300m =11.5 m Channel roughness coefficient (n) =0.04 Average velocity (u) =RH2/3 * S1/2 * n-1 = (11.5 m)2/3 *(5.4 *10-4)1/2 *(0.04)-1=3 m/s 4. Discharge of the floods Q =u*A = (3m/s) *(26,400 m2) = 78,000 m3/s Method 2 (Fort Wayne): The height of moraine (h) = 820 ft, and The height of channel (h’) = 750 ft, so The initial height of the dam (Y0) = 820ft–750ft =70 ft =21 m, and The width of the channel (w) = 5500ft =1676 m, so that The discharge (Qmax) = (8/27) * w * g1/2 * Y03/2 = (8/27) *(1676m) *(9.8 m/s2) ? *(21m) 3/2 = 150 000 m/s2 Table1: Method 1 figures. Location Water surface elevation in m Water surface elevation in m Distance between (m) Water Surface slopes(S) Channel width(m) Channel depth(m) Discharge (ms3) Fort Wayne 600 183 31,477 5.4 *10-4 2200 24 Delphi 650 200 78000 Location Cross sectional area (m3) Wetted perimeter (m) Hydraulic radius Channel roughness Average Velocity (ms2) Independence 26,400 2300 11.5 0.04 3 Delphi Table 2: Method 2 figures Location Height of Moraine Height of channel Height of dam Width of channel Discharge of floods Fort Wayne 820 750 11.5 1676 150 000 Discussion (add thoughtful discussion of the results/ and insert some figures for this part and included at the end, put each figure on a separate page/ write figure caption, description of each figure, giving the necessary information to understand what the figure means and why are you including it) The results of both the two areas are not similar. This is due to te difference in the variations of the channel heights and depth of the floods. For instance the water surface to Independence and Delphi are 600 and 650 respectively. This leads in a difference in the amount of discharge. From the above results one can initiate a plan for the restoration of the watershed to its revitalized state. The watershed has several characteristics that makes useful for the project that it was commissioned for. It has a physical system and Natural Resources that are formed by the confluence of the St. Joseph and St. Mary’s river at the For Wayne in Indiana. The flow of the river is towards the northern easterly direction basically through an agriculturally rich region for a distance of about 130 miles. It empties into the Lake Erie at Toledo in Ohio. The exact location is in Allen and DeKalb counties in the northeastern territory of Indiana State. The Northern Maumee watershed extends along the Maumee River up from for Wayne then flows to Indiana to Defiance in Ohio. This contributes to major flooding problems that are faced in the City of Fort Wayne. Measures are put in place to investigate more flooding experienced in the region. These new species includecallbacks, gizzard shad, the freshwater drum and the buffalo which are not of much economic value as compared to the once that have since disappeared. The upper stream of the Maumee River does not support commercial recreational activities such as canoeing or shallow draft fishing. These activities are only supported at the upland reservoirs, ponds, or lakes. (Maybe delete some unrelated information in the discussion part) Discussion of uncertainties or errors: The results I got using method 2 is larger than the result calculated using method 1. 1. It might result in the channel roughness coefficient I chose to use (n= 0.4) is just an educated guess. The real channel roughness could be smaller than this value. 2. Also, I use two areas of triangle’s shape adding up the total cross sectional area (A), and this is just an approximation. The area in the real situation should be larger than this value. These two assumptions and uncertainties will lead the final calculation using Manning’s equation smaller than the real case. Regardless of these assumptions, two of the discharge results will much closer to each other. Conclusion (Do results support the conclusion/ and do conclusion address the problem stated in Introduction) The results do support the measurements on the ground, this is a successful measure of the hypothesis. Initiating a study and analysis on the impact of removing log jams on the streams on the recreational boating activities. This study is significant in finding out whether it is feasible as a recreational activity. The plan for the implementation of these strategies would depend on the sponsors who are on board to assist in these projects. The prospective sponsors include the federal government, the state, regional sponsors, nonprofit and the private sector.. (No more than 12 pages for text) Reference (add more than one reference, and in correct format) Geo abstracts: Annual index. (1966). Norwich, Eng. [etc.: Geo Abstracts. US Army Corps of Engineers.(August 2009). Wester Lake Erie Basin Study Upper Maumee Acknowledgments I owe many thanks to Professor Granger and Professor Lifton for guiding and correcting various documents, graphs, maps and calculations of mine with attention and care. My deepest thanks to Dr. Granger for helping me go through the project, complete all the lab assignments, and make necessary correction at the end of the semester. Figure 1. Figure 2. Read More
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