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Critical Reasoning Question I am suspicious about the claim that induction cannot be justified. This is because in the real life, I find that inductive is quite useful and it’s quite successful. For this reason, I am attracted to the pragmatic solution to the problem of induction. The following is the main reason why I am attracted to the pragmatic solution to the problem of induction. Although there are theoretical problems in justifying induction, a look at the history of science and the success of science shows that induction works.
Science, which utilizes induction method, has been very successful in predicting the future; science also has been very successful in helping us to understand the natural world. This fact shows that, on pragmatic grounds, induction is indeed justifiable. Question 2The main reason why we say that radiators are not rationally is that radiators are not capable of critical reasoning, or of any form of reasoning. The ability to reason is the essence of being rational. Radiators act mechanically, and not rationally.
Hence, radiators are not rational.
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