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The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin - Essay Example

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The essay, "The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction” written by Walter Benjamin ( Ian, 1993) presents a clear discussion of the effects caused by a shift in perception of photography and film in the twentieth century. He wrote about the sensed change in the…
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The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction, Walter Benjamin
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SUMMARY OF “THE WORK OF ART IN THE AGE OF MECHANICAL REPRODUCTION “BY WALTER BENJAMIN Unit: The essay, "The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction” written by Walter Benjamin ( Ian, 1993) presents a clear discussion of the effects caused by a shift in perception of photography and film in the twentieth century. He wrote about the sensed change in the entire mode of humanitys existence. The way that people look at visual work of art, as well as the difference seen, remain undetermined with their consequences.

Throughout the essay, Benjamin tries to demonstrate the effect of modernity to the work of arts (Ian, 1993). There has been a loss of aura due to mechanical production being experienced in the art itself. The sense of originality has lost by use of pictures as compared to paintings. According to Benjamin, the reproducible film represents a historical shift that many audiences might fail to notice. Benjamin noted that the work of art reproduced mechanically has intervened to fill the void left by loss of aura.

For instance, the loss of authority by the original work of art has been compensated by the use of a camera. Cameraman can direct the viewers eyes towards specific places and stories, as a result of being radical, revolutionary and totalitarian. Mechanical reproduction has introduced distraction as a new way of reception. There is a shift in the location of work of art that can be referred to as an aura to the mythological space. People are now capable of visiting places like museums, theaters, galleries and cinemas to see the work of art.

Benjamin, however, complements the loss of aura. He notes that the loss has opened up politicization of the work of art put into use in different ways. He observes that a mechanical reproduction has managed to change contemplation regarding the screen as well as the films nature.BibliographyKnizek, Ian. “Walter Benjamin and the Mechanical Reproducibility of Art WorksRevisited.” British Journal of Aesthetics 33 (1993): 357-66.

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