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St. Sernin Toulouse Monument - Assignment Example

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The author describes St. Saturnin Toulouse, the Basilica of St. Toulouse, a magnificent piece of art and designing. Constructed on the pattern of fabulous Romanesque fashion and technique, the basilica is estimated to be built during the first decade of the 12th century in France.  …
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St. Sernin Toulouse Monument
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Being a wonderful historical monument, the Basilica maintains worthwhile significance as a splendid religious structural design. Its vast chapel, outstanding ventilation system, and exterior and interior art distinguish it from its contemporary religious edifices and churches. It is therefore not only this that its spiritual importance attracts the pilgrims, but also the magnificence of its architecture fascinates them in such a way that they feel rejoiced to visit this historical place attributed to the exemplary life sacrifice made by St.

Toulouse during the early years of Christianity. Its exterior and octagonal crossing tower can be viewed from SE. In addition, the tower added ca. 1250; spire completed 1478. ( Since monasteries enjoyed the status of the relics of saints particularly during the Romanesque period, the cult of relics became a major cultural factor influencing architecture. ( It is, therefore, the Christians used to pay much heed to the design and structure so that the monuments could display the valuable services and sacrifices of the early saints during the teaching and preaching of their religious beliefs.

By visiting the chapel of St. Toulouse, one is astounded by the art and skills proficiency applied by the expert contractors and builders while making the dream of a magnificent Basilica into reality.  

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(St. Sernin Toulouse Monument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words, n.d.)
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St. Sernin Toulouse Monument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words.
“St. Sernin Toulouse Monument Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 Words”, n.d.
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