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Stimulating and Developing Sustainable Local Economies - Essay Example

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This essay "Stimulating and Developing Sustainable Local Economies" entails in detail the National Framework for LED project in South Africa hence indicating its aims of supporting the development of a reliable local monetary through an integrated government…
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Stimulating and developing sustainable Local Economies Name: Professor: Institution: Course: Date: Summary of Context The paper entails in detail on the National Framework for LED project in South Africa hence indicating its aims of supporting the development of a reliable local monetary through an integrated government. Furthermore, it shows that the administrative institute of South Africa aspect is developmental as it initiates the heart of the economy since it’s entitled to enterprises that generate in local municipal spaces. The normative agenda of the new institutionalism is to come up with shared meaning and to strengthen the networks of social interaction in South Africa. In event of this, the impact of building social capital has been analyzed in a general manner. There is also the declaration of local administrative as they reflect the importance of local state actors during early periods (National Framework for Local Economic Development (LED) in South Africa, 2006 – 2011). Moreover, the final version of the constitution entails that the fundamental objective of local administrations is to promote social and economic development in localities. The principles that are used in this framework are supported by objectives and outcomes that are designed for the next five years. The framework assists the strategic Agenda for local government and the 5 year local administration as an implementation plan. This is possible as LED has led to a strong interrelated and dependent entity that deals with municipal transformation, good governance and public participation. Furthermore, the framework promotes a strategic approach that develops local economies and a shift away from narrow municipal interests that is based on governmental inputs that are modernized. Its entity will include the public sector leadership and governance and sustainable community investment programs in order to generate a logical framework for the citizens of South Africa (Nel, 2007). This can be achieved by including the relevant strategies that are geared towards the success of the project. Assessment of Data and Analysis used in the Plan The plans used in the National Framework for local economic development in South Africa entail use of inter-locality competition in order to attract industrial investments. This assists in taking a response to threats of global restructuring and hostile national policies that are within the Nation. The normative agenda of the new institutionalism that was used by the local economic development in South Africa is to develop shared meaning and to strengthen the networks of social interaction. The use of innovation, knowledge transfer and networking supports a competitive economy as it’s facilitated by the intensity of linkages that are provided within a dense clustering of the related organizations in South Africa (Gallina & Villadsen, 2008). Therefore, this indicates that the use of economic clustering entails towards a remarkable degree of attention in the international literature among the citizens of South Africa. The emphasis on identity and illustration in the promotion of monetary development is concerned with important identification and with the use of creative industries in the country. The implication of the project is an institutional perspective that is concerned with social and economic networks as it is designed to support creativity and entrepreneurial culture through knowledge transfer and innovation among the citizens. It uses institutional building that is concerned with how to mobilize actors to become involved in associational networks in the country. The project uses non-local relationships to local development hence entails the impact of promoting self sufficiency as it is significantly supported by local economic development from across scales of governance in South Africa (Mumvuma & Kombe, 2009). Furthermore, it uses of local intervention in South Africa is generally too small in order to play a meaningful role in the international and global completion. The impact of local economic development in South Africa is energetically based on City Region that renegotiates a set of institutional relationship involves a number of authorities. There is inclusion of socially inclusive perspective in the project is criticized for their lack of attention towards the uneven relations of power within the social and economic networks. This assists the country not to base on who gains from economic development as networks were asked far too infrequently as significant issues (Gallina & Villadsen, 2008). Thus, the inclusion of these entities restores attention towards queries of distributive justice and poverty alleviation as it incorporates a concern with inclusivity in the country. The implementation of appropriate local economic development in South Africa uses principle approaches by the government as it has a decisive and unapologetic role that is entailed to shape the economic destiny of the country (National Framework for Local Economic Development (LED) in South Africa, 2006 – 2011). It creates an environment that entails the overall economic and social condition of the locality to be conducive. This is so as the local economic development creates employment opportunities since it is based on the local administration hence assists the citizens of South Africa. Locally owned appropriate solutions and strategies used; do support national framework in both local and urban local spaces as it promotes sustainable development among the citizens of the country. The inclusion of private sectors in the country has brought about a crucial role as it stimulates robust and inclusive local economies to the state. Thus, this shows that the comparative advantage of all district and metro municipalities are identified as local economic development strategies that are exploited fully for the citizens. The use of a national excellence for monitoring and research in local and regional economies is entailed to bring about advantage to the local people (Dent & Dubois, 2010). The use of the above approaches by the National Framework LED in South Africa is entailed to bring about some convenience among the citizens hence create a better life style for them appropriately. Developing the correct organizational for the people is an important approach as it determines the economic development since it generates resources as well as situations. This is possible as it depends on public-private coordination and cooperation for the people (Gallina & Villadsen, 2008). Thus, it is important that cooperation arrangements are worked out carefully in order to notify all the participants as to what they might expect. Assessment of Proposals The National Framework of LED has proposed that in order to create a convenient and better state for their local citizens; a number of better and modified strategies will have to be employed in this assessment. It shows that municipalities should play a connector role in respect to local economic development by drawing upon resources locked in a range of different administrative support in their localities. The project also proposes that besides the government support programs, there should be a range of non-governmental organizations as they help to support municipalities to tap in resources for the citizens of South Africa (Dent & Dubois, 2010). Therefore, this indicates that LED is not just about what municipalities do but rather a more on what the rest of the government does together with municipalities in order to assist its people within the country. This is designed to build a stimulating and developed sustainable local economic achievement for the citizens of South Africa. It is entailed that the LED ought to accelerate and share growth in order to address unemployment as it is a fundamental challenge to many local economies in the Country. This is so as it will assists their people to become for focused over the next ten years in accelerating growth that would automatically lead to large-scale social transformation. Furthermore, the government should initiate its electoral mandate by enhancing its developmental role and working together with communities in order to find solutions to their economic and material needs for their citizens (Nel, 2007). The district and metropolitan areas ought to provide a framework that ensures that locality-based development is being pursued in order to benefit local areas and the country as a whole. The government investment across the space economy ought to be guided by the principles contained in the national spatial development perspective. This is encouraged as it assists the local people to yield the highest impact in terms of economic output and poverty reduction among the citizens. Furthermore, serious attention will have to be given to regions as they currently account for most of the economic activity and have the best chance of contributing to higher levels of national growth. The impact of concentrating on the poor regions, the government has a good chance of addressing national economic growth and poverty reduction as they all require appropriate investments (International Institute for Environment and Development. Strategies, Planning and Assessment programme, 2009). Thus, the inclusion of the above perspectives, the country is legible to a desirable economic sustainability for its citizens and the country as a whole. The people of South Africa ought to take full advantage of economic opportunities since they are innovative and able to participate in a thriving enterprise. Their leaders should inspire confidence in local individuals as this mobilizes resources for the advantaged local community. Thus, the initiation of the workforce entails a competitive edge for the business and industries functioning in the local area. This so as it serves as an attraction for business and industries since the assets are harnessed for the benefit of local development for South Africa (Dent & Dubois, 2010). In addition, the income that is earned by local residents ought to be used at local areas as this would generate revenue for municipalities that would drastically sustain appropriate and sustainable provision of infrastructure and services. The country should partner with communities through sustainable development community investment programs, this helps to boost circulation of local income and community organization within the country. These perspectives can be achieved in a sustainable way if the strategies and interventions within and across theses regions are based on a thorough understanding of the economic potential and of the human resources (Engel & Olsen, 2010). In order to implement a sustainable economic environment for the citizens of South Africa; municipalities should be initiated properly as they actively provide support to local enterprises by linking up with the relevant provincial and national agencies in the state people. To facilitate a more welcoming environment to the citizens, a more rigorous long range planning through cooperative governance and with spatial planning guidance is needed for the people. This ought to be encouraged as it assists the citizens’ capability on a long-term structural planning and maintenance skills. Furthermore, the impact of bringing LED into operation by the government must be organized in order to partner citizens in programs that confer rights to pursue community goals. Development is needed in business support services in order to achieve their objective of generating investment in local communities by local entrepreneurs and the final institutions that support the citizens (International Institute for Environment and Development. Strategies, Planning and Assessment programme, 2009). The government ought to provide signposting for local and external investors as this entails where the opportunities of growth lies. The government of South Africa should improve confidence in municipalities as it attracts investments and builds loyalty to local areas as they provide good governance and effective services to their citizens. Resources must be allocated by the government in order to achieve an optimal yield and all these responses ought to be guided by the shared vision of accelerated growth. Thus, this will strengthen the collective national economy as it gets the best out of each area since it ensures that it is not just the endowments of an area but a continuous ability of areas to provide strategic leadership (United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2006). This entails that LED strategies of municipalities ought to be linked to the IDPs in order to become the basis for achievement among the citizens of South Africans. Own Proposals with Justifications The role of LED should technically be based on how to improve an integrated economic plan as this improves the performance of local government with respect to all aspects of local economic development. The group should be based on how to assist local governments to identify and capitalize on local competitive advantage for territorial economic and social development. Excellence network should be used to facilitate the competitive positioning of South Africa local economies through cutting-edge research and local economies that ought to be designed for the local economic development (Rogerson, 2006). The strategies that are initiated by the LED group should be approached in a civilized manner so as to generate a positive response to its citizens. Locally available funds to drive LED process in South Africa can employed locally since the development of local and international NGOs is clearly of great importance as it assists citizens to access available funds for development. A competitive bidding approach that requires municipalities ought to be got from specific funding from central resources. This can be done where by the funding of the project should be based on principles of competition and collaboration with multiple partners and being piloted by organizations in conjunction with citizens. A wide range of in instruments should be applied in order to support and fund local economic development projects as this will drastically generate a positive response to the involved participants. They ought to involve a competitive bidding as these targets the most economically viable schemes that are available in the country (Venter, 2007). The strategies being involved to induce a positive response that stabilizes the economic status of the country will be perceived as they are entailed to benefit the citizens of the country. Local economic development (LED) in South Africa should participate in public-private partnership as it is a key role that can assist the country to allocate obligations and tasks to its citizens in an optimal way. This is possible as if the strategy laid down well, effective recognition will be seen that both public and private sectors have advantages that entail them to perform specific tasks. This is possible as it would assist private partners to contribute investment capital depending on the form of contract. Furthermore, private sectors should be introduced logically as they increase the efficiency in investments and the operations of the business. This ultimately improves the lifestyle of the individuals in South Africa as it is meant to generate a positive response (Rogerson, 2006). This is possible as these organizations would assist governments to pass operational roles to efficient private sectors since it results in a lower aggregate cash outlay for them. LED project should initiate investment flow in development of infrastructure projects as with the participation of private sectors; this would help the local people to experience increase in investment in telecommunication. This indicates that there is a possibility of a countries profit margin in the economy is bound to increase by a good percentage. This is possible as development of infrastructure helps the sectors to move their goods better and faster towards their clients. Furthermore, this project would enable the citizens to get goods on time and even expand the employment sector for the nation. Investment in infrastructure assists the citizens to get their goods on time and it widens the market for various goods in the market hence providing a wide variety of goods for sale (United Nations Human Settlements Programme, 2006). This indicates that South Africans would definitely use this perspective to build a sustainable economic status for its citizens. The government should asses’ current technical constraints in the sector to be reformed and to be responsible to its citizens. This is so as investments should be catalogued towards the degree that the information is relevant to the reform and can be obtained in a cost effective manner. Moreover, the diagnostic should cover the existing regulatory and policy frameworks of the country as they help to improve the economic status of the individuals in the country. The legal has to minimize the likelihood of corruption so as to encourage private participation and investment. In addition, it can be effective as it embeds regulatory principles that are within the contract and external capacity required by the project (Venter, 2007). This entails that institutional roles must be clarified at the latest so as to enable the individuals involved to be aware of what they might expect during the process. It is also seen that LED ought to encourage stakeholders to consult as this provides valuable input to the design and practicality approach hence allows a sense of buy in hence lead to innovative approaches in the industry. The use of local economic development project to build a sustainable economic development in South Africa provides a context and describes the steps to be taken to prepare for and implement public-private partnership. This aspect drastically gears the life style of individuals of the country since they participate in a modernized strategy that improves their country and the people as a whole (Engel & Olsen, 2010). Countries like South Africa would benefit from embracing projects introduced by LED as the help to build the economic status of the people at the local level and the state as a whole. Conclusion This paper indicates that the introduction of projects by LED in South Africa would benefit the individuals since they will be relayed on a new path that is desired to generate a positive response towards its citizens. Furthermore, it would inclusively entail them to a much more modernized generation since modern technology is being initialized. Citizens being learned give them the morale to participate in the project since they are aware that the project will assist them in future. The introduction of public-private partnership among the local people by LED is entailed to generate a positive response in the economic sector of the country (Mumvuma & Kombe, 2009). Therefore, this shows that LED is designed in South Africa to bring back a stimulating and developed local economic environment and the country as a whole. References National Framework for Local Economic Development (LED) in South Africa (2006 – 2011). Mumvuma, T & Kombe,W (2009) Enhancing local government capacity for effective service delivery and poverty reduction in Africa: challenges and opportunities, Publisher Municipal Development Partnership, Eastern and Southern Africa. Nel, E (2007) Regional and local economic development in South Africa: the experience of the Eastern Cape, Publisher Ashgate. United Nations Human Settlements Programme (2006) Promoting Local Economic Development Through Strategic Planning: Manual, Volume 2, Publisher UN-HABITAT. Engel, U & Olsen, G (2010) The African Exception, Publisher Ashgate Publishing Ltd. Gallina, A & Villadsen, S (2008) New Challenges and Opportunities for Local Development, Social Cohesion and Innovation, Publisher spring. Venter, A (2007) Municipal Management: Serving the People, Publisher Juta and Company Ltd. Rogerson, C (2006) Local Economic Development In The Developing World: The Experience Of Southern Africa, Publisher Transaction Publishers. International Institute for Environment and Development. Strategies, Planning and Assessment programme (2009) Rural District Planning in South Africa: A Case Study, Publisher IIED. Dent, D & Dubois, O (2010) Rural Planning in Developing Countries, Publisher CRC Press. Read More
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