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Negative Effects of Low Family Income on Children Low income can affect individuals, families and societies in many ways. One of themajor reasons for increased social problems and antisocial activities is poverty and low income. Even though poverty and low income can affect all the people in a society or family, children seem to be facing more problems than anybody else because of poverty or low income. This paper analyses the negative effects of low family income on children. Low income family children may not get proper schooling.
Education is one of the highly expensive activities in the current era. Public schools are giving way for private schools and as a result of that education is getting more expensive as time goes. According to Rachel et al 92010) “The economy demanded higher skills, yet urban schools were failing to educate children of poor people” (Rachel et al p.4). Urban schools are operating for the children of rich people. It is almost impossible for children from poor families to get quality education from urban schools.
It should be noted that manpower shortage is one of the major problems in countries like America, Britain, Germany etc. However, government instead of encouraging public schools, trying to reduce the funds for public schools and therefore poor children suffer a lot. Low income parents often work hard to earn more and to provide their children better living conditions. However, overtime work of parents often affects the children in other ways. Rachel et al rightly pointed out that “More works means less time with children” (Rachel et al, p.8). In other words, parents may not get enough time to spend with their children in low income families because of their overtime works.
Children during their developmental stage, require the love and care of their parents more than anything else. It is difficult for them to accept the fact that their parents are working hard for them even though they fail to spend more time with them. “One study shows that the increased stress posed on parents by the nonstandard work hours can increase children’s behavior problems and school performances” (Rachel et al, p.15). Children may develop lot of psychological problems when they get less parental care.
In short, it is difficult for parents in low income families to take care of both the physical and psychological needs of their children at the same time. “Stressful and menial work can take physical toll on mothers, which can impair the quality or quantity of time with children” (Rachel et al p.9). Hard work may prevent parents from interacting properly with their children. It is difficult for parents to behave pleasantly with their children after a hard work out in their offices. Their energy could be evaporated because of hard work and they may not be able to interact happily with their children when they return home.
Children may not take such things lightly. They may react to such negligence from parents in different manners. Malnutrition of children is another problem associated with low income families. Children need nutritious foods during their developmental stages. Low income families have limitations in providing it and subsequently the physical growth children could be affected negatively. To conclude, low family income may not only affect children from getting proper education and nutritious food, but also the physical and emotional growth of the children.
Works Cited 1. Rachel E, Rucker Dunifon C, Kalil Johnson Ariel and Ray Barbara E. “Mother’s Work and Children's Lives: Low-Income Families after Welfare Reform”. 2010. Publisher: W.E. Upjohn Institute (January 1, 2010)
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