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Rewriting the Fairytale - Essay Example

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[Your full name] July 4, 2011 The Modern Cinderella Cinderella lived with her step-mom and two step-sisters. They would make her do all the house chores and treated her very badly. One day, as Cinderella sat by the fire, she pondered over her life and thought that her circumstances were never going to change if she did not make an effort herself…
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Rewriting the Fairytale
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[Your full July 4, The Modern Cinderella Cinderella lived with her step-mom and two step-sisters. They would make her do all the house chores and treated her very badly. One day, as Cinderella sat by the fire, she pondered over her life and thought that her circumstances were never going to change if she did not make an effort herself. She knew that no fairy godmother was going to come to her in this modern era, offering her a buggy with horses, costly clothing and a nice pair of shoes. So, one day when the prince was going to come to the town hall to choose his life partner, she decided to go too in a hope that the prince might have a look at her.

She put on her old but clean dress, wore a pair of torn down sandals, straightened her hair, and left for the party. At the party, the prince did not seem to be interested in any of the ladies. He looked at Cinderella, and offered her to dance with him. She was felling triumphant and looked at the step-sisters with pride. When the clock struck twelve, she decided to leave but when she was running down the stairs, she threw one of her shoes at the staircase, and returned to her home. When called upon by her step-mom, she replied that she was not going to suffer anymore.

The next day, the prince’s men came over their place and asked Cinderella if that shoe was hers to which she replied in affirmative. Thus, they got married and lived happily ever after. Analysis The issue that was in my mind while modernizing the story of Cinderella was that: why, in this modern world, a woman should be treated like an inferior person by others. “Cinderella's story is a classic story of discrimination” (Angie). In the original story, when she hopes that she will be offered to be taken to the ball, this means that she wants herself to be treated on an equal basis as her step-sisters.

The changes I made include Cinderella’s behavior and response toward the circumstances she faces. Old Cinderella submitted to the cruel sisters while new Cinderella rebelled by going into the party herself without waiting for the godmother. Another change I made included Cinderella leaving her show on the staircase herself. I made these changes because I wanted to bring feministic approach to her behavior. The modernized story depicts that today’s woman is not going to suffer at the hands of her significant others.

She is not going to suffer from inferiority complex any more. Every woman has the right to make herself considered as a special being without letting others abuse her, mentally or physically. When Cinderella thought that she was going to change her circumstances herself, she was actually symbolizing today’s modern woman who wants to come out of her house and be treated on fair bases. She wants not to be prejudiced with regard to her race, color, socio-economic status, or religion. Today’s Cinderella does not wait for miracles to happen all by themselves like a fairy godmother coming and swishing her wand making everything come true.

Today’s Cinderella feels confident even in her worn out outfit. Today’s Cinderella is sharp enough that she will leave clues for fate to come and reach her like leaving her shoe on the stair case voluntarily, and she is confident enough to tell others that she is not going to be victimized anymore. Hence, this story has been modernized so as to portray the image of modern woman. Works Cited Angie, Van De Merwe. The Discrimination of Cinderella. N.p., 2009. Web. 4 July 2011. .

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