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Anglican Catholic Tradition - Essay Example

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The paper 'Anglican Catholic Tradition' explains how the Anglican Catholic Tradition has shaped the theology and liturgy of the Marriage Service in Common Worship. The term religion relates to a sacred belief that teaches and guides us in every phase of life…
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Anglican Catholic Tradition
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? OVERVIEW: This paper explains how the Anglican Catholic Tradition has shaped the theology and liturgy of the Marriage Service in Common Worship. The term religion relates to a sacred belief that teaches and guides us in every phase of life. It connects the humans with divinity and tells the laws of nature and existence of God and the rules set by Him. The study of religion and its influence is called theology that means something of religion and divinity and both these terms of theology and religion are inter-related. Here we will focus on Christianity. DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE: Marriage is an association and union of a man and woman on legal terms. It is a social act that joins two people in a long lasting commitment and a promise to fulfill their marriage vows. Thousands of years back, considering the example of early men, who were hunters and wanderers changing their habitats every now and then. They were illiterate and uncivilized people who did not have any technology, luxury, means of communication, storage system for food etc. hence they lived for today only and had no moral values. There was no concept or need of marriage as they did whatever they liked to, involved in unethical sexual acts and women gave birth to children without knowing who the father was nor the offspring cared to find about their father and knew only their mother. This act kept going for years and gradually with an extreme need of change the women started realizing her responsibilities towards making own house and how to make the living beautiful. The men being the hunters remained busy all day long whereas the women invented the idea of cultivating crops in fields and made various kind of trials to grow better plants and selected those good in taste and for health. After the transition of men from hunters to farmers the concept of marriage arose as man being the owner of lands and properties will remain superior to a woman who will carry his child only by devoting herself to him and will not have relationship with other men. BIBLICAL DEFINITION OF MARRIAGE: The ceremony and reception programs of marriage are not discussed in detail in the holy book Bible. However it does describe the marriage and its vows in many chapters. It is divine and sacred act and is common since Jewish times. Hence it is very essential to follow the commands and vows of marriage set by God which gives emphasis over the importance of this sacred occasion of matrimony. As said in the vows; that the couple will remain faithful to each other, stand together through good times and bad ,give love and care, in sickness and in health and till death do us part. A less importance is given to ceremony and its festivities and more to the contract made between the individuals according to religious perspective. Matrimony is a sacred agreement in the eyes of God. It is therefore essential for a man and woman to marry each other according to religion as said by Jesus that it is forbidden for a man and woman to live together without marriage and the relationship between such a couple cannot be termed as “husband and wife”. (John 4). Hence the scriptures of Bible reveal that holy union of two people in the eyes of God is the most sacred relationship fulfilling all the commands by God. CHRISTIANITY: Christianity is a monotheist’s ( believes in one God) religion founded on the basis of lessons given by Jesus Christ ( in Canonical Gospels and New Testaments). It is also the largest religion in the world. It says that Jesus Christ is God’s Son and the protector of mankind due to which He is also referred to as Messiah. The followers of this religion are called as Christians. This religion is divided into three divisions: Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy, and Protestantism. The Roman Catholic churches were separated from Eastern Orthodox churches in 1054 (AD).Protestantism was set in insixteenth century as a result of a protest from a group of people against Roman Catholic churches and hence a separate group of churches was originated. The religion started to grow since the middle of first century and actually begin to spread from Eastern Mediterranian Coast ( of Middle East, Israel and Palestine ). It then entered Syria , Mesopotamia and Egypt. For hundreds of years till fourth century it was spreaded far and wide and turned out to be most prominenet within Roman Empire. The followers built schools, universities, orphange, provided shelters to poor and home less people and work for charity obeying the commands of Jesus Christ. (Lake, 2000). BOOK OF COMMON PRAYER: The Book of Common Prayer went through various alterations since it began to be used in which the wedding liturgy was hardly touched or recognized. In 1549, the first book came by Archbishop Thomas Cranmer whose chief role cannot be forgotten in turning the words into a thought provoking poetry ( some words were taken from the Manual of Saram rite and some objects from Luther). The marriage liturgy in prayer book is being followed generations after generations and this tradition is still on where the wedding vows seem to be incomplete without saying “till death do us part”. The change within the marriage rituals had been insignificant from 1549-1552 when Archbishop Cranmer reformed the prayer book.. In 1549 book, gold and silver gifts for wife were discussed when the groom said to the bride, that the ring I am giving you along with the jewels (gold and silver) and give you myself. Gold and silver are not mentioned in the book of 1552. In 1549 book, an angel from God was sent (to Tobit) which is not mentioned in the 1552 book mainly because Protestants object over its truthfulness. Hence both books ( rituals) are similar in almost everything and only the emphasis in the 1552 book that ceremony is conducted in accordance with Euchraist. In 1559 a revision was made by Elizebeth where ritual of 1552 were not changed and this book continued till English Civil War. The 1662 Book of Common Prayer had made a single change in this revised version where husband and wife are instructed to obtain Holy Communion on the wedding day while marriage is taking place otherwise may obtain it later but on priority basis (after the marriage). Hence the condition of receiving the Holy Communion at their wedding day has been altered in this book but still the importance of Holy Communion cannot be ignored in solemnization of marriage by the Church.(Frazer, 1995) Anglican Catholic Tradition (how shape the theology and liturgy of the Marriage Service in Common Worship) Common Worship is the sequence of services governed by General Synod of the Church of England and was started in the year 2000 (on the first Sunday of Advent). It is a substitute for ABS (Alternative Service Book, 1980) and BCP (Book of Common Prayer, 1662). Most of traditional weddings follow the Book of Common Prayer (Anglican) of year 1662. The church’s priest initiates the ceremony by announcing the matrimony of a man and a woman where God and Jesus witness the couple and bless them in the presence of the invited guests. Anglicanism is a tradition that was initiated by the Church of England and other churches in the world that keep its faith in the period of Apostles concerned with the actual and pure Christianity. Anglicanism is associated with unadulterated catholic beliefs since the beginning of Christianity where bishops and priests of churches follow the doctrine and rules set by the principal church that is the Church of England and the head of all priests that is Archbishop of Canterbury. There are many Anglican churches in the world and most of them are present in the regions governed by English Laws like in Canada, Australia and England and some parts of North America. In addition to Roman Catholic Churches, Anglican Churches have been widely spread nowadays round the globe. These Anglican churches are governed by Anglican Communion, an intercontinental union of Anglican traditional churches having Church of England as its major church and headed by Archbishop of Canterbury. The Anglican tradition came into existence when in 16th century the Roman Pope and the Kind of England, King Henry (VIII) had clashes with each other as a result of which English church was detached from the Roman Rule over a divorce issue of Kind Henry that remained un granted by the Roman Pope. There were no religious conflicts between them rather personal and financial issues caused the separation of Roman church from the English.(Horton , Eary, Gay, 2001) Cannons of the church ( related to matrimony): B 30 (of Holy matrimony): The minister of the church is responsible to register to solemnize the marriage and explain the couple about the doctrines and holy matrimony and that God is the witness of their marriage therefore man and wife must follow the path of righteousness. B 31 (of certain impediments to marriage): An adult over the age of 16 is eligible for marriage otherwise if an individual under 16 makes a matrimonial contract it will be considered as annulled. There is a restriction over man and woman not to marry certain close relatives. Man is restricted not to marry any blood relation like daughter, sister , female blood relatives of father and mother. Similarly woman is not allowed to have marriage with son, brother, male blood relatives of her mother and father. B 32 (of certain impediments to the solemnization of matrimony): A minister is restricted not to solemnize a wedding if either groom or bride is less than 18 years of age. B 33 (of the duty of the minister to inquire as to impediments): The minister is responsible to check and find any obstruction in marriage or in solemnizing it. B 34 (of requirements preliminary to the solemnization of matrimony): In accordance with the rituals of Church of England, marriage solemnization is done after printing of marriage banns, a license for marriage by Archbishop of Canterbury, a certificate by the official of the state. Archbishop if authorized to permit marriage solemnization without printing marriage banns by issuing a special license within Canterbury and the whole England as well. B 35 (of rules to be observed as to the preliminaries and to the solemnization of holy matrimony): A minister must follow the rules and laws within Book of Common Prayer. A marriage solemnization can be performed at specific hours in a day like between hours of 8( in the forenoon) and 6 ( in the afternoon). Marriage solemnization is done in the attendance of 2 or greater spectators who will follow the same. the minister of parish takes care of music to be played within the church, flower arrangement and other necessary things. B 36 (of a service after civil marriage): A church minister is authorized to solemnize matrimony of partners already having a civil marriage certificate and who desire their marriage to be solemnized in a church by the approval of General Synod (under cannon B 2. Provision of this kind of service will not be recorded by the minister in the church records of marriages. COMPARISON BETWEEN ANGLICAN AND MODERN CHRISTIAN WEDDING: The idea of Christian wedding despite of alteration of a number of generations still seems the same as it was two thousand years back. However, a difference in marriage vows is seen while comparing Anglican Christian wedding to modern Christian wedding. Since past more than a few decades the actual theme of Christian wedding is being followed even nowadays regardless of changes in fashion considering designer wears which have been adopted in modern weddings especially by the brides to feel the best at their special day of life, along with a designer jewelry to match their dresses. A slight modification in the words of marriage vows has been made in modern wedding that sound nice to be heard by the man and wife to-be and rest of the audience present at church. These days, common tradition of a Christian wedding is a gathering at a church where invited guests already occupy the seats and wait for the bride to enter arm in arm with her father and are headed towards the alter where the father gives her daughter’s hand into the hand of her future husband. (Congram, 1995) The Anglican Book of Common Prayer since the year 1662 is been followed in traditional Christian weddings. The priest starts with an introduction saying that the gathering has been made in the eyes of God to join these two people in holy matrimony in the presence of these parishioners. Marriage vows are mainly concerned with the commitment and promise made between the couple. In a traditional wedding the minister asks the groom after addressing him with his full name if he takes this woman (her full name) as his wedded wife. The minister asks if the groom promises to give all his love, comfort, respect and be with her through every thick and thin in life, whatever may be the circumstances for richer or poorer, sickness and health and remain faithful only to his wife as long as they both live. The groom answers as “I do”. The woman is then asked by the minister the same vows starting with the name of groom, if you take this man as your lawfully wedded husband and she replies the same “I do”. Rings between man and wife are exchanged. The priest then pronounces them as “man and wife” and the groom kisses the bride afterwards. In case of civil matrimonies, the groom and bride select the words of vows themselves. For example, the groom here states after calling the bride’s name that he takes her as his lawfully wedded wife and infront of all these people present at the ceremony and promises to give her love and care as long as they live. He takes the bride with all her weaknesses and strengths as he offered her himself with all his own strengths and faults. He says to offer his help to her and asks the same in return and declares that she is the person he has chosen for himself to marry and to live his whole life with. The bride then repeats the same vows starting with her husband’s name. In few occasions, the vows may be started with emphasis given over the rings as a symbol of love along with other additions like from this day onwards we will remain together, calling each other beloved and best friends, a promise to console when in pain, encouragement, to keep them happy and love each other all their lives without qualms.(Thatcher, 2002) The Anglican wedding vows comprise old English words thy and thou instead of your and you respectively. The solemnization of marriage is done either by a minister or a priest who addresses the crowd gathered to attend the wedding at a church saying that in the presence of these people, the groom and bride are being joined in a holy matrimony. He also emphasizes that the wedding is taking place in the presence of Jesus Christ keeping in mind to praise Saint Paul and his teachings as well. He says humans ought to have the fear of God and must follow the path of righteousness and avoid sins like satisfying their lust by wrong means as animals do. Hence people must understand the need of matrimony as a holy and sacred occasion and a lifetime promise of love and care, thus an absolute fulfillment of marriage vows is essential for all of us. Marriage is essential for reproduction of offspring and their brought up to keep faith and fear of God and follow the right path, help humanity and avoid sins. It is a cure to avoid wrong and illegal sexual acts and also to help others by providing your hand into marriage for a support and comfort that people seek into each other’s company, hence gives a concept of companionship as well. The minister gives bride’s right hand into groom’s right hand after taking marriage vows from the couple. A prayer is said by the priest after exchange of rings as a symbol of love. The prayer by the priest starts with most gracious name of God, the most merciful and the Creator of all mankind, and asks for God’s blessings for the newly and lawfully wedded husband and wife. It consists of numerous aspects of life with examples from Apostles such as Isaac’s wedding with Rebecca and their good deeds and loyalty with each other must be followed by the couple. They must live in accordance with the principles of Jesus Christ in peace and love. The priest pronounces the couple as man and wife (in the name the Father , the Son and the Holy ghost) A psalm is sung by the clerks in church and the prayers continues for the blessing of the newly wedded couple asking God to have mercy on them addressing God as the God of Abraham and Sara, as their lives were blessed and the way they were under God’s protection, protect this couple as well. Our Lord, please help this couple to remain honest and love each other truly and help in procreation of children and their brought up following Christianity o they may also follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. For the holy act of matrimony blessings and mercy of God is repeatedly asked for the couple and a need of love as Christ loved the church. For the woman pronounced as a wife it is essential for her to be obedient to her husband, lives in harmony and follow the examples of holy women from the past. Our Almighty God, the creator of Adam and Eve (our first parents), the way they were associated with each other in the holy matrimony, bless this couple with same affection for each other and keep them together all their lives. The priest then addresses the married couples and those who are intended to marry someone, about the duties of men and women for each other respectively. As said by Saint Paul that men must love their wives as he loves his own body, the same way as Jesus loved the church and kept it clean as if it is a part of Him, who had set the example that no human can hate his own body part rather cherish and love it. (Saint Paul, Epistle, chapter 5). Husbands must remain polite and kind to their wives and should avoid bitterness in their way of talking and acts. (Saint Paul, Colossians). Saint Peter ( an Apostle of Christ) said husbands should live with their wives and pay respect to them, support them and protect them. The teachings of Saint Paul say that wives have to give themselves to their husbands as he is the head of family and superior to them and should respect them as well. The holy women used to obey God’s commands as Sara followed Abraham Anglican churches in Canada provide wedding services to the best of their efforts but cannot compromise on few things such as: The priest of the church must be informed 2 months before the matrimony to assure if the church is available on the date decided by the couple. Either of the spouse should be a follower of Baptism, which is getting right with God. And accept Jesus as their rescuer. This act is not discussed within Bible rather it is performed by the people to make the infants away from sins by sprinkling water over them. If both partners are Anglican Christians, they are prohibited to write marriage vows. Divorced people can marry again even if their ex-spouse is alive till then. However, modern Christian weddings have set few specific trends that cannot be avoided by most people these days A common tradition of using mother’s of grandmother’s wedding dress is also seen in some families that depend on a family tradition and most importantly upon the choice of the bride. However, use of family’s traditional jewelry as a bride’s gift from her home is still common. A long awaited moment at the wedding reception is tossing off of the bouquet by the bride which means a symbol of good luck after which she leaves the ceremony with her husband. Wedding rings with names engraved over it is also a common tradition; it may also have the reference of the Scriptures. A Bible is gifted to the newly wedded couple in beautiful designs by their family. Bulletins of church are distributed among the guests seated at the church as a token of remembrance for them.( Read, Lange, 2001) Despite of numerous changes decades after decades, the beauty of old tradition is still seen along with a modern touch these days keeping in view old is gold and should never be forgotten. ( 39 RELIGIOUS ARTICLES: These articles are the principles of Anglican churches that came into existence in the year 1563. Elizabeth I, reformed these articles when there were disputes regarding more influence towards Catholic beliefs. These articles include the beliefs of Protestants leaving behind Roman Catholics and Anabaptists. Elizabeth aimed to bring all people under one roof based on true faith and encouraged the Anglican churches. These articles reject the beliefs of Catholics (transubstantiation and sacrifice of the Mass) and explain the importance of Scriptures. It allows clearly the marriage vows and its importance along with governance of policies of the church by the monarch. Even till today these articles are been followed in the churches of England and are recognized as a true Anglican faith, since the parliament confirmed these articles as a lawful obligation in the year 1571. Hence these articles are accepted by Anglican as well as most Protestant churches in the world. These articles cover almost all the faiths in Christianity, such as: concept of one God, the supreme Authority who governs the whole world and is the most powerful, cannot be seen, does not possess a body and He is kind and most merciful and the 3 people selected by God (the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost). Birth of Christ from the holy womb and the pains and sacrifices he suffered. About the holy books (Canonical church books) such as Exodus, Genesis, Judges, Ruth, Leviticus, the First Book of Samuel, the Second Book of Samuel , Numbers, The Psalms, The Proverbs, The first Book of Chronicles, the Second Book of chronicles, the First Book of Esdras, The Second Book of Esdras, the Book of Job , The Book of Esther, Ecclesiastes , or the Preacher, Canticle or songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the greater Twelve Prophets the Less, Joshua, Deuteronomy, the First Book of Kings, the Second Book of Kings. There are not many significant changes in the Old and New Testaments as both explain the services offered by Christ all his life and he acted as a intermediary between God and human being. “The Nicene Creed, and that which is commonly called the Apostles' Creed, ought thoroughly to be received and believed: for they may be proved by most certain warrants of Holy Scripture."(1801 Protestant Episcopal version of Article 8 about the 3 Creeds). It also tells about the burial of Christ and then was sent up to heaven where he will stay till the Day of Judgment. Original sin ( or birth sin) is the wrong deeds of men and is not associated with what happened with Adam. It refers to the lust of man that attracts him towards wrong ways to satisfy himself. A man can please God by his nice actions like paying respect to people, helping the needy and follow the right path. A church is a divine place where pious people preach about the teachings of Christ. The church authorities are responsible to follow the Scriptures and have authority to announce ceremonies. The Sacraments, addressing people in a language they understand , Purgatory and Baptism. The Priests are not restricted to stay single by the laws set by God and they can marry like other Christians. The traditions of all countries differ from each other and it is not essential that ceremonies must be formed in a single manner in a church but keeping in mind the words of God that should not be avoided or ignored. People are prohibited to go against the traditions and ceremonies of the church and should have enough fear of God to avoid such acts otherwise they will be punished. The second book of Homilies states few important things that cannot be ignored such as: Church should be used in a right way Keeping churches tidy and do the repairing Avoidance of alcohol Prayer and its times. Common prayers and sacraments should be understood by all people About Jesus Christ ( his nativity and passion of Christ) Gifts of Holy Ghost Ascending Christ to heaven Holy matrimony Fasting etc. SUMMARY: When two persons unite together in a beautiful relation of marriage, they devote each other to the fullest. The earlier phase of their lives is the time to cherish each other’s company and to develop more understanding with each other. They ought to fulfill their marriage vows which were not just simple words of the occasion rather a couple should meant each and every word of vows that they will live with each other through for good for worse, in sickness and in health, in richer or poorer, and love each other all their lives till death do us part. They are supposed to walk side by side whether it’s a happy time or a tough one, but always try to support each other and accept each other with all their weaknesses and strengths. The wives of Apostles have set great examples for us, how they obeyed their husbands and loved them and taught their children about the teachings of Christianity and the efforts and sacrifices made by Jesus Christ. However, a real life consists of many ups and downs unlike fairy tale stories where a bride waits for her prince charming to take her along with him. Practically husband and wife have their own responsibilities towards their family. One cannot take the place of the other and fulfill the duties of the other. Husband and wife both play their own role in bringing up their children, educating them, motivating them towards religion like to attend the church, read Holy books and try to follow the right path. As emphasized by Jesus Christ, humans must help the humanity and should love and take care of the one they are betrothed to and give all their love to their husbands and wives. A wife usually takes care of the household and food, while husband provides lodging and earns to provide food to his family. Nowadays, the trend has changed and wives are working side by side after receiving good education and hence able to provide good education to their children as well. A support from parents is essential along with teaching discipline and religious studies. Parents want the best for their children especially in case of education. But these days an increase rate of divorce has lowered the importance of the sacred act of holy matrimony. People have become independent and the culture has been modernized everywhere in the world. The fact is certain traditional values must not be forgotten and marriage should be considered seriously despite of having issues between parents. This is important for the future of children as they need both father and a mother as well to become successful in life. However, divorce should be considered as the last option when there is no way left for reconciliation with each other. With the change of time, the traditional wedding ceremonies have not changed since decades and many customs are being followed since the progress of Anglican traditional weddings. Wedding preparations start long before the wedding day, and a couple needs to properly understand the requirements of the church. Many couples think that a wedding ceremony in a church will be pretty expensive and they wont be able to afford it, but to their great surprise, the church offers very reasonable cost and even pays for people who cannot afford. Previously couples were restricted to have their weddings at a local church or at civil registrar’s office but these days there are plenty of options to make their special day a memorable one like numerous deals over receptions and overall ceremony is being offered by different companies and wedding planners at their own house, beach, some park , a historical place and even out of town in some other country. These days people have forgotten the importance of religion and marriage has become an unstable relationship as people are turned to more liberty and do not prefer to stay tied to one person only which is why they live with each other even without marriage and change their partners when they feel there isn’t much affection left for them. However , people with strong moral values still feel that marriage is lifelong commitment between husband and wife and they will stay loyal and live with only one person all their lives. People commit with each other by exchanging rings before marriage calling it an engagement and then move ahead towards the strongest form of commitment that is “marriage”. Some people think there is no need of changing the relationship and join together in holy matrimony when they are getting along without marriage and vows. Many churches have adopted reformations with the passage of time and according to the need and desire of the people but these changes must not violate the words and teachings of Jesus Christ. REFERENCES: Bower C. Peter, 2003, The Companion to the Book of Common, Worship, Kentucky, Geneva Press. Church of England, Church of England. Archbishop’s Council 2000, Common Worship: services and prayers for the Church of England, London, Church House Publishing. Church of England, 2008, Common worship: Festivals, London, Church house Publishing . Lake Stephen, 2009, Welcoming Marriage: A Practical and Pastoral Guide to the New Legislation, London, Church House Publishing. Read Charles, Lange De Anna, 2001, Common Worship Marriage, England Grove Books Ltd. Read More
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