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The correct dressing needs sufficient time to prepare and the knowledge of the correct kind of clothes that fit a particular occasion, event, or situation depending on the persons that one would communicate with or interact with.
Another reason why good dressing indicates a good personality is that a balanced personality would indicate that a person has enough knowledge of physical appearance. Important aspects in one’s life that need to be developed and developed to prepare one in interacting with other people, through different situations. Preparations, therefore, to develop one’s character include the development of intellectual skills, emotional skills, as well as skills in good grooming to make one presentable at all times.
The third reason that supports good dressing indicates good personality is that by knowing how to dress correctly, people will give due respect. It would be improper to show excellence in mental skills but be sloppy in physical appearance by dressing in ill-fitted or inappropriate clothes. A businessman or head of a corporation would look bad in presenting the proposals or strategies in a business meeting, for example, if he is seen to be dressed in shorts and t-shirts. Likewise, if students attending classes are dressed in a coat and a tie on a prom dress, for that matter, they are seen to lack complete development in personality or character because they do not wear the proper clothes for school. These situations support the statement that the way a person dresses is a good indication of his personality or character.
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