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Adolescence is a phase of intense development, encompassing physical developments as well as mental development. It is the phase when the families may face perplexity and turmoil. It is imperative for parents to understand their teenagers to a greater understanding to prevent any kind of disaster. It is the phase which could not be always unconstructive but it is the phase where the individuals experience thoughtfulness, idealism, understandings for surroundings and self and at the same time they become judgmental.
Thus children belonging to this group are more energetic as well as enthusiastic (Thomas, 2008; A Parent's Guide to Surviving the teen years). Understanding is required by the parents to deal with their growing adolescent child. It is the phase that is different for everyone, anytime between 8 years to 14 years. Some of the kids belong to the category of premature bloomers, some are delayed arrivers, some may show speedy developments while others may display steady growth. This onsets the adult signs and child display physical changes.
It is essential to understand that with these physical changes comes the behavioral changes as well (Thomas, 2008). It is generally observed that kids illustrate rebellious nature towards parents and start counting more on their friends and peers. They believe more what their peers say as compared to what parents are saying, thereby they rely on peers more for any kind of decision. They try to change their outlook and appearance as per the need of time, in doing so they may encounter conflict with the parents.
The adolescent kid may face some emotional turmoil as well as they aim in achieving independence in terms of thoughts and in every pursuit. The adolescent kid may start receding away from parents and like to share their thoughts and feelings with their friends or peers whom they are closest (A Parent's Guide to Surviving the teen years). On attaining the maturity teens may change their outlook and way of thinking. They start searching for logical and rational thoughts. Parents at this juncture may feel a drastic change in their kid, who was once close to them, is becoming rebellious and strongly oppose parental control.
It is essential for parents to deal with such kids in a mature manner with patience and must counsel them to prevent their adolescent kid from emotional turmoil. Parents must educate themselves and try to put themselves in their kids place to understand the situation of the kid to ease them and to make them understand that they are not the only ones facing such changes but their parents also have witnessed this stage. Parents must prepare themselves for mood alterations in their adolescent kids and should tackle the situation in a descent manner with understanding, at the same time parents must keep a watch on what their kids are reading and watching on TV or internet (Thomas, 2008; A Parent's Guide to Surviving the teen years).
In today's scenario it is essential that parents must discuss everything with their kids so as to maintain transparency as well as generating a friendly relationship with the child. It is necessary to discuss the physical changes that takes place at adolescent age much before the kids witness such changes but at the same time the kids should not be overloaded with information. A help from pediatrician could also be beneficial. All these are preventive measures which are necessary to prevent the adolescent kids from teenage pregnancies, drug abuse, alcohol consumption social or sexual abuse or from exploring physical or biological desires.
In addition, communication should onset much earlier to have a congenial relationship and parents must respect their kid's privacy. Books could be best help so that kids can go through and understand themselves better regarding the changes and mood alterations going with them. Adolescent's behavior turmoil could thus be resolved with sympathetic approach (A Parent's Guide to Surviving the teen years). References A Parent's Guide to Surviving the teen years. Available at [Accessed on 27th May 2011].
Thomas, P.G., Gerald. R. A. (2008). Handbook of Adolescent Behavioral Problems, Evidence-Based Approaches to Prevention and Treatment. 1st Edition. Publication: Springer.
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