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LRC can also use this reputation to attract people to join the club. Another thing is that the club does not have its own server and it has to rely on Quill Consultancy Pty Ltd. Moreover, there is no specialized IT staff in the club. Some employees do have some know-how of IT but they are not skilled enough to run the website properly. LRC really needs some specialized person in the field of IT in order to administer the website properly. Shortage of funds is another reason behind improper and insufficient administration of the website. LRC needs a considerable amount of funds not only to do proper developments regarding the website but also to compete in the market.
10.1 Business Processes
The businesses processes of the club include:
- Generating opportunities for the members to make them have fun at weekends.
- Providing different entertainment and relaxing exercising facilities to the members.
- Taking steps to improve committee members’ management, competitors’ management, financial management, community management, records management, function room management, and gym management.
- Providing facilities like modern clubhouse and first-class equipment such as gym, kayak, boat etc.
- Professional coaching is provided for those who are interesting in boat paddles.
- Providing gym coaching to the members.
- The club performs its activities from the members’ payments and some other sources of revenue, such as member renting storage and renting the hall for the event arrangements
- Keeping the members up to date by placing information and news on the notice board.
10.2 Process Maturity
Process maturity is directly related to the overall performance of all processes of a company. As far as LRC is concerned, the club manages all of its processes based on the standard of performance set for each of those processes. There are some levels set by the club management to analyse the process maturity. At the lower level, there are no repeatable processes and the daily activities are carried out as ad-hoc and chaotic whereas, at the top level, the club uses defined and repeatable processes that make use of performance indicators to support continuous improvement of all business processes. The club uses five standard scales for measuring the performances of different business processes. At present, the club stands at level 1 but the management is putting all efforts to move up to the next level and this objective can only be achieved through continuous motivation and commitment.
11. Key Findings
The key findings include:
- The LRC’s website introduces the club, relates the achievements, and makes the members aware of every update.
- LRC has maintained a good reputation, which it can use to attract more people.