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Running Head: Contemporary China Contemporary China [Institute’s Contemporary China Answer A particular culture is the ideological sign of the politics and economics of a particular society. In China, there is an imperialist culture, which is an evidence of imperialist law, or limited law, in the political as well as economic areas. This culture is cultivated not just by the cultural institutes operated directly by the imperialists within China but by some Chinese who have lost all sense of disgrace.
Within this group, come all cultures representing a slave ideology (Gamer, 2008). China also has a partially feudal culture which reveals its partially feudal politics, as well as economy, and whose exponents consist of all individuals who support the ‘worship of Confucius’, the ‘study of the Confucian norm’, the previous ethical regulations and the old beliefs against the latest culture and latest beliefs. Imperialist culture along with partially feudal culture has created a ‘reactionary cultural’ coalition against China's latest culture.
This sort of ‘reactionary culture’ serves the imperialists along with the feudal class and should be removed. Unless it is eliminated, no fresh culture of any sort can be developed (Gamer, 2008). Chinese culture has slowly modified from the materialization of a capitalist economy within China; it is no longer a completely feudal but a partially feudal society, even though the feudal economy still prevails. The political powers of the bourgeoisie, the minor bourgeoisie, as well as the working class are the existing political forces, which have emerged and developed concurrently with this current capitalist economy.
With no capitalist economy, with no bourgeoisie, the minor bourgeoisie, as well as the working class and without the political powers of these classes, the new culture could not have materialized. Answer 2 The existing rule in China - attempting to merge the conventional Confucian authoritarian with the Western capitalist and also Marxist technical approach to growth - re-creates Confucianism to take care of the inequities inside the capitalist society together with latest poverty, earnings gap, issues of impartiality as a result of privatization of public services, for instance, health and schooling, social safety, wellbeing and protection at job and so on.
Discussions regarding China’s way to democracy have to embrace its sturdy, but undecided tradition and adding to an interactive modernization route; this belief incorporates a strong native, officially authorized tradition returning to the early middle ages. China has to identify the negative connection in the public mind amid democratic system, nationwide embarrassment, confusion and the West’s hesitant and conflicting part in contemporary Chinese history and for China’s identity as well as autonomy (Dillon, 2008).
An incestuous association between the state and main industries can end emergent nations, and China is more vulnerable than the majority. The grouping of authoritarian rule in addition to the state’s economic dominance has raised a powerful type of capitalism, as the ruling leaders change their political control into economic prosperity and benefit with no regard for justice and competence. The World Bank approximates that, between 2001 and 2010, nearly a third of investment choices in China were ill advised.
References Dillon, M. (2008). Contemporary China - An Introduction. Routledge. Gamer, R. E. (2008). Understanding Contemporary China. Lynne Rienner Publishers.
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