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Robert Moses Economic Development Imperative & New York By 20 May 20 May Economic Development Imperative &New York City This assignment revolves around the political system of New York City and one of the biggest builders of this city Robert Mosses. “New York City’s political landscape is more diffuse, fragmented and decentralized – a difference repeatedly noted for the past fifty years.” (Hyra 24) The economic system of New York City is much talked about and due to its diverse nature writers have written many books and articles on this topic.
“Governance of the city political system involves a complex set of functions around three broad themes: democratic accountability, the delivery of public goods and services and the maintenance of civil harmony.” (Berg 1) The book by Berg talks about the New York City’s economic development in great depth. According to Berg the city’s political environment depends on the elected leaders and their policies. The policies should result in the formation of a sound system that provides goods and services to its residents.
Lastly, there should be conflict management in the economy to maintain law and order; all these form the pillars for a political system of a city. Reading this book and comparing the thoughts of the writer with the greatest builder of the New York City gives us an interesting analysis. Robert Moses was responsible for most of the public activities in the New York City in his era. Moses built bridges, expressways, parkways, and housing schemes and expanded the major universities. In his opinion infrastructure was very important for the development of the city and he worked a great deal for the economic development of the New York City by development its infrastructure.
He would have reacted to the manufacturing decline by building more cost effective plants rather than take this as a changing economic scenario. He would oppose the land reform as being more on paper rather than practical. He was a man of action rather than words and the current political system as the writer himself agrees is more documental than real. For Robert Moses work meant building larger than life systems for the city. He would not work on only perception but will look for concrete standings rather than discussions which is the focus of the current political system of the New York City.
References Cited Berg, Bruce F. New York City politics - Governing Gotham. New York: Rutgers University Press, 2007. 1. Print. Hyra, Derek S. The new urban renewal - The economic transformation of Harlem and Bronzeville. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 2008. 24. Print.
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