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Differences between Japan and China Differences between Japan and China Capitalism is prevailing in Japan which allows consumers more freedom in their savings and expenditure whereas in China communism or socialism is prevailing which reduces the freedom of consumers in their savings and expenditure. Japan is a democratic country which gives huge respect to human rights, freedom of thoughts, liberties etc. On the other hand China is a communist country which gives less respect to human right issues.
Democracy helped Japan to establish more friendly relationships with other countries in the world than China. “Japan is all about the way of doing things. China is all about finding a way to do things” (The difference between China and Japan, 2007). In other words, Japan gives more priority to quality whereas China gives more priority to quantity. Thus Japanese goods are expensive because of superior quality whereas Chinese goods are cheaper because of inferior quality. In the economic world or consumer world, Japan stands as a sign of quality whereas China stands as a sign of quantity.
“Chinese people are more open. Japanese don’t really say anything” (What are the key cultural differences between China and Japan?, 2010). Culturally, both China and Japan have lot of similarities; however, Chinese people are more open minded than the Japanese people. Japanese people have the ability to avoid emotions when they face good and evil in their lives which was evident in the recent tsunami attack in Japan. “Life expectancy in China is 62.3 years (61.2 for males and 63.3 for females) whereas Japan maintains the highest life expectancy of 74.
5 years (71.9 for males and 77.2 for females)”(Padmalingam, 2002). Because of the superior abilities in maintaining a quality health system, Japan was able to maintain superior life expectancy rate compared to China. References 1. Padmalingam, S. (2002). Differences in Economic Policies of Japan and China and the Impact on their Respective Societies. Retrieved from 2. The difference between China and Japan. (2007). Retrieved from
uk/clivedavis/373526/the-difference-between-china-and-japan.thtml 3. What are the key cultural differences between China and Japan?, (2010). Retrieved from
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