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The research focuses on the basic problems faced by the Type diabetes mellitus (T1DM) exhibiting disturbed eating or weight control patients. The literature review section of the research is logically organized as the research contains several topics to make it all clear what actually the problem is. After reading the research one can easily be able to answer all the questions about the research. The data is arranged in a good manner which makes the research complete. The literature review section provides an effective summary about all the relevant studies done in the field.
The content about the studies is arranged in such a manner that it becomes easy to explore throughout the research and to be practical about it. As provided in the result of the research, “interviewees were unclear about what should be considered ‘disordered’ eating among individuals with T1DM”, so it makes us question about the interviewees and the research that whether all the studies and research were carried out in the proper manner. And if the manner and style of collecting the data was correct, then how come the questions can be raised against the report.
One more thing, the interviewees only interviewed the professionals from the hospitals and other health centers, but they did not consider any opinion of the patients. Being a bit personal, a patient can be more practical on this kind of situation than the professional. Hence one could observe some gaps and logical and technical irregularities in the way the data has been collected.
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