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In the United s, illegal immigration has become an important problem these days. Thousands of immigrants whether they are illegal or legal cometo United States to ensure they have an opportunity for a better life in terms of benefits, protection and freedom. Owing to this massive number of immigrants, taxpayers need to pay schooling and welfare for these illegal immigrants. The United States need to close its borders to unlawful crossers and illegal immigrants normally get into the U.S between Southern U.
S states and Mexico. Figure 1 shows the total unauthorized migrants living in U.S and average estimated unauthorized arrivals per year. The figures continue to increase by significant amount each year and the pace has accelerated over the past two decades. (Figure 1: Total Unauthorized Migrants Living in US & Average Estimated Unauthorized Arrivals Per Year; Source: BBC News) Methods of prevention and different policies should be implemented in order to stop illegal immigrant entering U.S. These illegal immigrants have stolen social security numbers and create fake identify in order to get jobs.
Besides, these illegal immigrants have an impact on our health care system and public service. The United States continues to spend lump sum of money in their welfare and healthcare. Immigrants which are uneducated regardless of ethnicity or heritage have little interest in education and end up with a poorly educated family. Due to mass numbers of illegal immigrants entering the country, this has lead to high numbers of crime rate such as drug traffickers, prostitution, slavery, killing, sexual predators and theft.
As per the Pew Hispanic Center in March 2010, 11.2 million illegal immigrants are currently working and living in the shadows in the U.S (Reuters, 2011). The U.S government is investing billion of dollars to provide safety which is of course paid by taxpayers. This keeps on straining the economy of the country. All these illegal immigrants break the law every day while residing in the U.S. Solutions: According to the Federation for American Immigration Reform, its high time to stop illegal immigrants through limiting entrants at airports, conducting border patrol open field searches, eliminate legalistic delaying tactics about immigration hearings, stop the seventy two hours deportation notices commonly known as run letters, increase penalties for illegal immigration.
“President Barack Obama backs comprehensive immigration reform through tightening enforcement while giving millions of illegal immigrants a shot at legal status while Republicans favor an enforcement only approach.” (Reuters, 2011) FOR: Issues behind illegal immigrant need to be resolved as fast as possible through toughing border security. Besides, instead of keeping illegal immigrants as detainees, they can be granted work visa program and this will ultimately boost the economy of the country.
Illegal immigrant who could be beneficial to American society should be granted citizenship. Therefore, official need to reinforce border security and take appropriate measures towards people who are illegally in the country. Everybody needs to have a chance to become citizen of America. A high number of illegal aliens are normally descent and hard working and trying to make a better life for their families. Illegal immigrant can add additional benefits to the US economy through expansion of low cost labor.
The pain that illegal immigrants go through is dreadful. They support their families and leave their homes for better lives. Perhaps, the creation of a Conditional Citizenship Program (CCP) will provide a way for illegal aliens to stay and work in U.S. According to Section 212 (a) (1) (A) (i) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, all immigrants including children must have health screening as part of their citizenship process. They need to struggle in the United States while maintaining secrecy from law enforcement and cannot live normal lives because they are constantly being on watch for sabotage.
Against: We should secure our borders by taking care of our citizens and removing illegal aliens from this country. Government needs to take appropriate measures to toughen up deportation laws against illegal criminals. Through draconian policy, the country will have less crime. It is high time for politicians, citizen and law makers to work in collaboration to assure the safety and freedoms of American. Deportation remains still a strong weapon to fight illegal immigration. Americans should improve its immigration system and cannot let injustice and segregation come back again.
Therefore, government needs to act swiftly and hope will come back with a fair response for the benefits of everyone. To prevent Mexican from entering US border, perhaps the US need to build a 750 mile wall along the US/Mexico border and be called the Great Wall of America. A cost-effective way will be illegal immigrants need to be repatriated to their own country at their own expense and not through taxpayers. Government needs to implement the REAL ID act and anyone who is in possession with forged documents will be fine and immediate deportation.
Business should be made aware not to hire illegal aliens; this can be enforced through increase in penalties, fines, prosecution and enforcement for hiring illegal immigrants. Authorities need to reduce number of legal immigrants to 500,000 annually for the next ten years. References: T.Gaynor, Reuters, ‘U.S. illegal immigrant population steady’, 1st February 2011, Viewed 1st May 2011, <> BBC news, ‘U.S Illegal Immigrant Facts and figures’, viewed 1st May 2011, George Weissinger, November 2003, Department of Behavioral Science-Criminal Justice Program, ‘The Illegal Alien Problem:Enforcing the Immigration Laws’, viewed 1st May 2011, .
BBC News, viewed 1st May 2011,
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