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The use of rhymes has set a tone that captures the reader’s thoughts to the picture the poet painted in his poem as he wove his words to express his thoughts and feelings towards his subject. Reading the poem aloud also emphasizes the effect of the rhymes in the poem, guiding the reader when to use peaks and valleys when reading orally. Though the poem is a short one, it has basically used a lot of the elements of poetry in addition to the one aforementioned.
Symbolism is another strong element used in the poem that added to the beauty and depth of the meaning of the poet’s words. An example of this would be the use of the word ‘springs’ in the first stanza which connotes wisdom and life-nurturing elements. The woman who is the subject in the poem might have been an ordinary person who lived an ordinary life but those who have lived with her, saw her as a spring or source of wisdom and nurturing that her physical features were surpassed by those who were beautiful from within her.
Metaphorically, the woman was compared to a violet that is hidden from the world’s view. Violets are beautiful flowers that are truly eye-catching but not as commonly used as the rose and the poet equaled the woman to it, probably saying the woman is not a common beauty yet no one is able to notice her because she is not the type who displays what or who she is but, with wisdom and calmness, she was a delight to those who were close to her, gaining their love and affection. Because of such humble character, the woman was not the popular type that the world knows about every detail of her life but was not recognized even in her death. Her tombstone may carry her name and is considered just one among the many faceless others but to the author, she is far more than an ordinary person that could easily be forgotten but a monument carved in the memory of the poet who will forever affect his life. The last that element that could be mentioned used in the poem is the voice wherein the speaker is implied to dearly love and value the maiden referred to.
Many times, men value beauty over character but those who do know what true beauty is, are those who are able to look beyond what is seen, the inner beauty. Beautiful people could actually be ugly inside and such destroys what is seen outwardly because as was mentioned earlier, beauty fades. In this generation, so much emphasis is placed on the outward appearances of men so that much is spent on beauty products and other fads that are meaningless because what the world truly needs are people with character who are able to love other people and not just themselves. Many are hurting because of such selfish adoration of one’s self so that those who are able to really appreciate what is most needed are those who are hungering of such goodness.
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