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Conclusion The main objective of the research here is to analyze the effect of the coffee giant Starbucks in increasing the solid waste disposed across the cities of US. Starbucks with it immense circulation of non – recyclable cups has raised a shocking alarm among the environmentalist and governments throughout United States and other developed nations. During this research, data from 30 cities across US has been collected with through websites of Starbucks and other government bodies. Additionally, variables like population, total food expenditure, revenue, corporation tax and recycling mandatory of various cities are considered to analyze the expenditure accumulated on management on municipal solid waste .
The performance of in -depth analysis and methodology showed that increase in population, corporate tax and recycling mandate can unquestionably increase the expenditure of management on Municipal Solid Waste of various cities. “Of all problems associated with continued rapid population growth , garbage and waste disposal may be among the most visible Poston,2010pg .372) .Only element which reduced expenditure for management on Municipal Solid Waste is food expenditure which only customer had control on.
The main aim of this study was to recognize the challenging factors that contributed to the increase in the waste disposed across the cities of US. However a precise outcome was unavailable because of vague and ambiguous information acquired. As a conclusion it can be mentioned that, the solution to waste reduction rest solely with the customers and government, as their awareness only can truly influence Starbucks in becoming an eco -friendly coffee chain in future. Work Cited Poston, D.L. (2010).
Population and society: an introduction to demography. Cambridge University Press
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