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YOUR March 25, The company RNL reviews its company every year by way of a formal review given to employees. The way this isdone involves several things. First, the employee gets a form to fill out which asks them to respond to about four questions. The questions are not really graded but this is done to see their response. At the same time as this form, the employee's boss writes a review of the employee as well. When all this is complete the employee meets with his or her boss to discuss what is on both of the forms.
This is not how RNL has always done things. They asked a consultant how they could improve their company's performance and the consultant suggested this kind of formal review. The results have been good from the change. RNL now is more profitable and efficient and gets much better communication from its employees about how things are done as well as how they complete their own job. Although these reviews are improving the situation, the managers of the company still don't like the fact that when they get the form it is not labeled with a person's name.
This is because occasionally the things that the employees write are just mean and don't really serve any sort of constructive purpose to make the company better. If this form was not filled out anonymously the managers think this would stop because people would not want their names associated with that and so they would only write actual issues down. The feedback that they receive is also usually not specific enough to be really useful. Management would like this to change as well maybe by adding more specific questions on the form.
In terms of improving people’s behavior or giving out rewards for when people act in a way that benefits the company, management uses several approaches. For bad behavior they have a private conversation with the employee and tell them how to correct it that way. But if the person is acting well they will publicly reward them verbally and also with more frequent monetary rewards like raises and bonuses. They will also advance those who perform well. On the other hand, they take these privileges away from people who have bad behavior as a way to rebuke them.
The PM system is closely monitored by the Human Resources employees. This way if a manager does not use it properly or is not properly doing his or her job, HR can take action and make them do it. However these systems do not have any sort of training that is given to the managers who are using it. There is also not a formal way to provide upper management with feedback on the system. However most people seem to like it, judging from conversations and other informal ways of providing feedback.
The annual review of the company actually does have an area where people can say whatever they want to talk about, but nobody used that to talk about the PM system. At the moment the company is using a contract worker for HR because they are hiring a new HR manager. As already mentioned, the way employees’ salaries are decided upon is based on a number of factors such as that employee’s behavior. This behavior includes how they do performance-wise but also how they communicate with other people at the company.
Even the upper management employees like CEOs are reviewed like everybody else. Also the things that go on during their reviews are often made public for everybody to see. In addition to the monetary and job-related rewards, good employees are featured at an annual program for recognition. These are tailored to each specific employee. The company is against putting too strict of a system in place because they need people to still come up with ideas and be creative.
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