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The article mentions that in the year 1999, 38% of teenagers in the United States spent their money in churches. The article states that young adults have lower income resources and financial stability as compared to adults in society and still, in 2004, the researchers found that 3 out of every 10 young adults donated money to churches as compared to 6 out of 10 adults. So, we see that the rate of donor’s young adults is almost half of the older adults, which is very good for the age of young adults.
The article further mentions that the government of the United States expects to project nearly $15 trillion as an “intergenerational transfer of wealth” between the years 2006 and 2021. This is a significant amount of money that is transferred among the peers of a generation, and the generation being discussed here is the young adults. This means, that young adults of society are responsible enough to think about how to save extra bucks and spend them on charities so that some poor person is helped out of his misery. This is the actual love for humanity which is the real essence of philanthropy. The article also suggests that young adults tend to give more volunteer time as compared to older adults if they have very little to donate to charities. Thus, we conclude from the statistics presented in this article that young adults are more likely to show their passion in the path of love for mankind for which they devise ways to donate money. The most common way to donate to young adults is by giving money to churches, as the article suggests.
The article also introduces the Save America First Foundation and mentions that this foundation aims to educate young adults and motivate them about philanthropy and community service. This Foundation organizes events and arranges functions and seminars that help inspire young adults to think about different ways to help the poor and the needy.
Although the article talks about the subject matter, it, however, does not mention statistics regarding what other charity places young adults tend to spend their money in. A better insight could have been obtained if this article also included some facts and figures about how many young adults spend their money on other charities. Overall, this article is a good read for those who want to get motivated by the philanthropic activities of young adults.
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