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6 March, The World of the Mexican Worker in Texas: The cities of Texas got industrialized in the 20th century. Mexican workers took this as a step that would worsen their economic conditions. They thought this to be the fundamental cause of discrimination. Industrialization of the Texas cities meant a hostile Anglo labor movement to the workers of Mexican origin. In order to combat these challenges, Mexican workers tended to seek help from Mexico. They planned to develop a large and effective labor movement.
In this book, Emilio Zamora has made an attempt to examine the efforts made by the Mexican workers in those years. This attempt of Zamora has challenged their stereotypical image who are conventionally considered as passive and messy. In his work, Emilio Zamora has made a very rational approach towards the analysis of Mexican workers by considering their cultural and social experiences and their status of a repressed working community. In order to conduct an in-depth analysis of the case, Zamora has studied Mexican workers’ independent organizations, along with their unions, strikes and mutual aid societies.
In the book, Zamora has portrayed the gradual yet consistent process of inclusion of the organizations of Mexican workers into the ongoing labor movement along with explaining the solidarity of labor on ethnic grounds. There is also a detailed discussion of the important role of Mexican labor in broadening the labor struggles across borders, and the way they had challenged the racism they were offered in job. There is no doubt in the fact that initially, Mexican workers did not gain much acknowledgement for their efforts and they did not succeed in their attempts of achieving inter-ethnic unity, yet their continued work did provide a legacy which spoke of their position as a minority.
It is because of their sincere efforts and hard work that their organizations and union have gained recognition in literature today, and particularly in this book. The subject Zamora has chosen is quite unique in that not much has been written on it before this book. The book The World of the Mexican Worker in Texas makes a wonderful addition to the existing body of knowledge about Chicano and the history of labor in Texas. Zamora has made a very organized attempt to recapitulate the complexities and sufferings of workers of Mexican origin.
In a very sophisticated manner, the book discusses the issues on both sides of the border between Mexico and the United States. Through his writing, Zamora has played a great role in improving the general impression of Mexican workers who have worked very hard to gain their rights, which were long subdued by other communities that lived with them in majority. The information provided in the book has been derived from reliable resources and supported with practical examples of past events. Zamora has used simple and easily conceivable language throughout the book that makes it equally famous among readers from all classes and age groups.
This book is a good choice for inclusion into the curriculum of History classes, particularly for the students in America and Texas. Works Cited: Zamora, Emilio. The World of the Mexican Worker in Texas. Texas A&M University Press, 2000. Print.
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