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The Performance Management Process in Colorado Boulder The review of literature covers readings and materials how performance management process has evolved and practiced in Colorado Boulder University. There are several studies that summarized the importance of performance management (PMP) and defined how it is done. In a similar state as in Berkeley, University of California, the PMP is a mission carried out in the campus through the individual and combined efforts of its employees. In this process, employees do their best because they know that their contributions are acknowledged and recognized.
In PMP, an on-going process of communication is developed between the supervisor and the employee throughout the year in achieving the objectives of the organization. This view is shared by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management as a cycle of systematic process that involves its employees in the process in the improvement of organizational effectiveness in accomplishing its goals. This cycle shown at left, consists of planning the work and setting expectations; a continuous monitoring of performance; development of the capacity to perform; rating of performance periodically, and recognition thru reward of a good performance (U.
S Office of Personnel Management, n.d.) In Colorado State, a Performance Management Program is a state-mandated program, wherein Colorado Boulder University is required to implement for its state-classified employees (Office of Labor Relations). Rees, 2011 said that in order to become a classified employee, Colorado system requires some standards such as one should be a resident of Colorado State, and must qualify in the standards set in the merit system. The Classified employees are part of the Colorado Classified Personnel System.
The performance system of the Colorado State is done in three parts: the achievement pay, sound performance management pay and dispute resolutions (Rees, 2011). In responding to this mandate, the university develops and institutes its own Performance Management Program that is in line with the system-wide requirements. The Colorado State requires further that the PMP be approved first by the State Personnel Director before it is implemented. Complying with the regulations of the Colorado state, the Colorado Boulder University (UCB) designs its own performance management program done by the Office of the Labor Department that ensures that it fully adheres to the requirements set by the State.
The UCB has set the best intentions in their PMP, such that it intends to help employees achieve excellent performance. In this case, an open communication is established between the employee and his supervisor wherein the employee understands what is expected from his/her performance; while PMP is an opportunity to commend employee for a job well done, or the reverse if performance is not at par. PMP also becomes a standard basis of salary adjustment provided funds are available (UCB Performance User Guide) A PMP has been set in place wherein a yearly review is done.
For instance, the 2010-2011 cycle ends in March 2011, and that all classified employees hired before March 31, 2011 should be evaluated before May 2, 2011. The PMP plan also requires that an employee must receive a plan at the beginning of each cycle so as to become the basis for the next evaluation. The PMP of UCB that is implemented in the university is a well designed plan; however, there are external forces that seem to disrupt the efficient flow of its implementation. As earlier mentioned, salary increases are subject to availability of funds.
Therefore the cut on government spending on grants on education could affect the performance management plan of UCB with respect to pay increases. Lederman (2010) raises doubts on the effect of budget cuts to UCB and other state colleges in Colorado particularly the low-income students. He cited a shortfall on budget would mean weakening of the educational system that would require a lot of adjustments that includes the performance management system for classified employees. Lederman said that the government is ready to loosen its control on the reign of how state colleges are controlled because it has less funding to offer to bail out the colleges.
If the loosening of control on state universities comes to place, it is observed this decision will have a great effect on the performance management system that will be left alone for the management of colleges to decide. Work cited Berkeley, University of California. Chapter 7. Performance Management, Guide to Managing Human Resources, viewed 27 Feb. 2011 Lederman, Doug. 2010. Will Colorado legislation hurt students? Inside Higher Education, News, USA Today, viewed 01 Mar. 2011 Office of Labor Relations.
Performance Management User Guide, University of Colorado at Boulder. Viewed 01 March 2011 Rees, Debbie, 2011. About the State Classified Position. University of Northern Colorado. Viewed 27 Feb. 2011 U.S. Office of Personnel Management. N.d., Performance Management, viewed 27 Feb. 2011
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