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Application of Cloud Computing in Higher Education Cloud computing is not only the buzz phrase at the moment but is a complete transformation of thetechnology industry (Chris). This centralized cloud will foster RnD by improving collaboration between researchers. For any nation education is the main factor in determining the stability and wealth so they have to upgrade themselves in this area (Sasikala S.). Educational institutions are the core of innovation through RnD and they can greatly benefit by harnessing the power of cloud computing.
They have to consider the, budget cuts, limited resources, migration tradeoffs and security issues (Tout).Higher education cannot ignore the tsunami of constant technology change (King). In many technology arenas higher education exhibits two behaviors. One they are reputed as innovators and second they are also late adopters (Goldstein). Although some universities like Stanford has already adopted cloud computing (Bechtolsheim) the challenges and risks that will constrain higher education’s adoption of cloud computing relate to trust confidence and security (Yanosky).
Higher education IT organizations need to perform application triage, focusing on those most worth investing in and finding lower-cost places to move low-value software(Golden). Cloud services will facilitate the institutions because they are more easily accessible by students and faculty at disparate institutions (Morris). The choice of a cloud service should be made to adjust or modify infrastructure and deployment model as demand changes (Howard). These services are delivered by many IT experts based on the private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud model (Smith).
They can also be outsourced by experts (Mitrano).Control of the cloud can be made through certified accesses and filtration (Yanosky). Experience shows that cloud implementation in the education sector have produced a flexible environment for Hardware to Cloud to Security as service (Furht). Instructors can contribute by showing students the evolution of Just-In-Time learning (Brown). Works Cited Furht Borko and Excalante Armando. Handbook of Cloud Computing. New York: Springer. 2010 King P. Kathleen and Cox Thomas.
The Professor’s Guide to Taming Technology. Information Age Publishing Inc. 2011 Katz N. Richard. The Tower and The Cloud: Higher Education in the age of Cloud Computing. EDUCAUSE. 2008 Brown C. Susan and Fallon A. Moira. Teaching Inclusively in Higher Education. Information Age Publishing Inc. 2010 Sasikala S. and PremaS. “Massive Centralized Cloud Computing Exploration in Higher Education”. Advances in Computational Science and Technology. Research India Publications. 2010 Tout Samir, Sverdlik William and Lawver Gerald.
Cloud Computing and its Security in Higher Education. Washington D.C.: Proc ISECON. 2009 Yanosky Ron, Katz Richard and Goldstein Phil . Cloud Computing in Higher Education. Research Bulletin EDUCAUSE. 2010. Goldstein Phil, Katz Richard and Yanosky Ron. “Demystifying Cloud Computing in Higher Education.” Research Bulletin EDUCAUSE. Volume 2009. Issue 19. Ogle Chris. In 2 The Clouds. St.Albans, Herts: Ecademy Press. 2010 Golden Bernard. “What Cloud Computing Can Do for Higher Education”.
CIO Virtualization Newsletter. 2010. Morris Minton Carol. “Cloud Computing for Higher Education”. Open Technologies for Digital Content. 2009. Howard, Chris. Cloud Computing: An Executive Primer. Burton Group Executive Advisory Program. April 20, 2009. Mitrano Tracy. “Outsourcing and Cloud Computing for Higher Education”. Community Contributions. Cornell University. 2010 Bechtolsheim Andy. “Cloud Computing”. Stanford Networking Seminar. 2008. Smith Steve, Sethi Pradeep and Vaughn Terry.
“The IT Cloud is Bursting with Benefits”. Presentation by DellServices. 2010.
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