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Business Ethics Punishments - Essay Example

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The essay "Business Ethics Punishments" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in business ethics punishments. Mr. James is a business owner who is dedicated to full-time retail sales. He manages his store label which is a renowned chain of stores…
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Business Ethics Punishments
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He came to the understanding that if he commits himself to ethical behaviors, his subordinates would also be ethical within their undertakings. He received instructions in writing within the sales training program and this formed the basis for his comprehension. Mr. James’ company employs a proper code of ethics because he has set his eyes on achieving the very best by remaining clean and transparent in his dealings with the people under him as well as the customers who visit his chain of stores. He maintains a proper relationship with them at all times. He leads his team through difficult situations with consummate ease because he has got a wait-and-see approach that is based on sound ethical values and principles. Companies in this day and age do have written codes of ethics because it dictates the way the employees should conduct themselves. The punishments or penalties imposed on them for violating the ethical domains include the likes of suspension and other legal procedures, which are managed by the human resources management department within these companies.

One ethical dilemma that I faced was when I had to let one employee choose a health policy while the other was refused such advantages by the employer. Since I was in command, I had to decide how to balance the same decision differently for others. Another dilemma in terms of ethics was when I had to decide for my self how I should move on to another country for attaining higher education at the expense of my parents or to work my through by earning first and moving ahead at a later stage. I took the latter decision so that I do not become a burden on my parents. I believe I made the right decision in both of these situations as it helped me settle things from an ethical perspective (Jonassen 2004). The people who were affected by these decisions included my parents who knew that I am doing something right as well as the employee who was told where he was wrong in asking for a health policy so early in his job. I am always willing to tell my friends the complete truth in each dilemma because this is the need of the hour. I need to be forthright about my actions and decisions as this is significant towards the working realms of my ethical considerations. I resolved the dilemmas through foresight and a sense of purpose at my end. It enabled me to see things through and ethically apply myself.

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