Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words. Retrieved from
Freedom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 Words.
As the forces of change redefine societal beliefs and expectations terms such as individualism, egoism, and uniqueness are creating paradigm shifts in the assumed roles of people. The shifts in thinking are resulting in a re-evaluation of how human beings think and what role humans have in the hierarchical structure of society. As a result, the clamor and demands for “individuality” are causing researchers and social scientists to re-examine the layers of the human social experience and how it relates to society’s current structure. Personal Freedom a relatively “new” invention is a phrase that has the preconceived attributes of rights, liberty, “freedom,” and social mobility. Broaching such a topic is almost impossible because personal freedom is a relatively young concept when compared against the backdrop of time.
The concept is a modern-day complexity because over the course of human existence personal freedom was not a reality. The evolution of human society prior to the last 200 years had a societal hierarchy in which those in power, with status, gold, and silver exercised personal freedom; those members of society without were obligated to those with the wherewithal and the illusion of freedom was not a consideration. According to the United States, Declaration of Independence personal freedom by definition is “The right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” (Declaration of Independence). Implied is the ability to pursue happiness by living life in a manner that does not impose or infringe on the well-being and rights of others while living within the confines of the governing laws. The ideals of pursuing happiness and liberty from an individual perspective have the potential to create havoc because happiness to one person may not be happy to another.
In contrast, the opposite of personal freedom is slavery or “human trafficking” another modern-day term, or the oppression of “Jim Crow” laws, and the current politically motivated attempts to exclude and prevent certain groups from voting in the upcoming elections. Each of these examples depicts the removal or hindrance of personal freedom and the right to live freely. To some degree politics, economics, culture, leisure indulgences, educational opportunities, or varying religious beliefs is each attribute of personal freedom. However, in theory, personal freedom is an illusion because individuals living and doing as he or she pleases has restraints. Society’s laws and regulations dictate to what extent personal freedom can be expressed; going outside of the allowable boundaries results in punishment for infractions with severe consequences in certain circumstances. Similarly, aside from governmental laws and rules that govern the influence of culture on the expression of personal freedom presents additional constraints as well. Take for instance in America families have the personal freedom to decide how many children to have, but as a stark cultural contrast in the People’s Republic of China, families are restricted by government regulations to only one child (Rosenberg). Whereas the motivation for the policy has intrinsic value clearly personal freedom to choose is restricted because of the imposing regulations for the benefit of the community at large.
Theorists such as Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Henry James (1843-1916) debated the veracity of personal freedom because of the hierarchical design of the economic structure within society. James believed that true personal freedom was an impossibility citing the controls of government resembling that of a “Puppeteer manipulating the populace” (qt. in Koopman 177). Moltmann presented the argument that personal freedom cannot exist because individuals are members of a larger network or group and inexplicably members of the community of human beings. His philosophy was valid in that individuals cannot experience a true state of individuality or personal freedom due to the invisible connections that bind one person to another (11-12). Followers of Marx contend that the concept of personal freedom is lunacy presenting the argument that the reality of working for a living and the dependence on those in positions of power make individuals slaves to the economic system therefore personal freedom is an illusion (Marx and Engels). Nevertheless, illusion, lunacy, or not the ability to exercise personal freedom within the limits permitted by societal boundaries enables individuals to pursue his or her desires to capture happiness.
Regardless of the debates as to whether personal freedom is a truth or an illusion, from an individual perspective and as a member of the human race personal freedom is a reality and actuality. Aside from the inconveniences of searches at airports when traveling and metal detectors used when entering certain government buildings personal freedom can be expressed uninhibitedly. As a human being living in a culture that offers freedom to openly worship without the fear of incarceration and incrimination is religious freedom. Looking back at American history it was the fight for religious freedom that ignited the quest for liberation from British domination and control. The opportunity to freely travel the globe visit other countries and experience the world’s cultures is a choice and another example of personal freedom. Likewise choosing to pursue heartfelt dreams and strive for educational accomplishment with the ability to become a professional, blue-collar laborer, or a vagabond is a personal choice and another expression of freedom. Even though as an individual working for a living to survive is a requirement of the human experience choosing how to do it and at what personal cost is still a choice and not one dictated by stringent government mandates.
The concept of true personal freedom is a debatable concept and one that is non-existent in some human experiences, but any state of freedom is an individual choice. Individuals can choose to be enslaved mentally, emotionally, and economically by creating limits and shifting the responsibility to choose by not exercising their human rights to express themselves as individuals. ...Download file to see next pages Read More