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Introduce Aging and the Metrics of Aging - Assignment Example

The paper "Introduce Aging and the Metrics of Aging" is a delightful example of an assignment on nursing. A majority of healthcare attention and research shall go into the aging population which is expected to grow rapidly as a result of the increased life expectancy and improved healthcare.
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Key Messages Relevance To The Clinical Area Link To Previous Lecture/s Week One: Introduction to Healthy Ageing Aging population The aging population consists of the silent generation-born between 1926 and 1945 and the baby boomers-born between 1946 and 1964. Australia's population is aging due to medical advance, migration and a two decades' birth boom[Gra14]. With the enhancement of healthcare and the subsequent increase in life expectancy, the aged population is largest now than it ever was[AIH17]. A majority of healthcare attention and research shall go into the aging population which is expected to grow rapidly as a result of the increased life expectancy and improved healthcare. According to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (2014), 14% of the Australian population was aged 65 years and over. There is the projection of a possible deficiency in the health care professionals with the diverse skill sets in the next 30 years[Aus14]. Lecture 2 links with lecture 1 Health differences among Australian populations Indigenous Australian is aging at a quicker rate then non indigenous Australians. There is a health gap between the silent generation and the baby boomers. With the difference in the social, economic, and intelligence statuses, the baby boomers shall demand specialized care and also save the money to pay for their demands (Hugo, 2014). Meeting such demands shall be the problem. There is the need for further research on the healthcare of aging populations and the reason why some people age faster than others. Stages of aging: There are three stages of aging. 1. Young old-65-74 years 2. Middle old: 75-84 3. Old old-85 years and above The three stages of aging are characterized by less dependence and health and more complex physiological complications. Grouping the aging populations into age groups increases the understanding of the RNs of their patients, their demands, expectations, and lifestyles. The social factors of aging determine the responsiveness to treatment and medical instructions. Expectations of different generations The stages of aging determine healthcare needs, understanding of the essence of their healthcare, and the demands of healthcare. Understanding the stages of aging prepares the RNs for the application of the most appropriate approaches for various conditions. Ageism and its Impact. Pervasive stereotype reinforces ageism and can affect health care delivery and quality. Ageism is also detrimental to the chances of good health, seeking health, and recovery because their self-esteem of the victims is shattered. There are also instances when the healthcare needs are ignored as a result of ageism. Aronson (2015) states the negative concept of ageism among doctors as that which depicts them as non-human because of the problems associated with age and the exaggeration of the complications experienced by the extremely elderly. The perspective of the elderly as unsalvageable or unworthy of such strain in the maintenance of their health may cause such a nurse to focus little attention towards the elderly patients and consider it a waste of their energy[Hig12]. Such negative treatment causes the escalation of the adversities of a condition such as stress and high blood pressure among the elderly patients[Kar152]. Week Two: Normal Changes of Ageing The Physiological that come with aging: All organs are affected by aging. Some organs experience the effects of aging less than others. Physiological processes limited-such processes include healing, digestion, flexibility, The normal processes must be differentiated from the abnormal experienced and treatment approaches also have to be modified concerning the state of the old person. Link to week 1 The concepts of the previous lectures in week one Introduce aging and the metrics of aging. The lectures of week one connect with those of week two where there is a continuation of the concept of aging by the explanation of the different categories and processes of aging such as the biological and chronological aging. Chronological aging vs. biological aging Chronological aging: Chronological aging is quantified in years and months. Biological aging is related to the physiological processes that come with the advancement in age. Functioning of the body. The knowledge is relevant in the nursing field because the nurse knows what is considered normal and what consists of abnormalities. Understanding the chronological and biological aging factors gives the nurses insight on how to treat patients with the specialized care they need. For instance, the understanding of the threat of pneumonia among the old people should be incentive enough to encourage the nurse to respond to with the urgency it deserves [Kat29]. Modifiable risk factors in aging and other factors in aging There are the modifiable and unmodifiable factors in aging. For instance, the old people lose a lot of water. The old are also vulnerable to trauma, Nurses get to know the difference between the normal effects of aging and the risky effects that need attention. For instance, cognitive effects include the likelihood of depression and trauma. Short term memory is also affected subtly where the old people have the tendency to However, severe Differentiation of the normal aging signs and the problems that need medical attention Aging is a process where body processes deteriorate. It is normal. However, there are abnormal occurrences that need special attention as in all other people from other age groups. The normal processes must be differentiated from the abnormal experienced and treatment approaches also have to be modified in relation to the state of the old person[Tim14]. It is essential to the understanding RNs because of the additional psychological stage of the older people which may have an impact in their social interactions which may not be a result of physiological and biological aging. Biological Aging Biological aging includes changes in temperature, respiration, and blood pressure, skin fragility, thinning of hair thins, melanin decreases, nails thicken, decreased tasting and smelling abilities, hearing loss-usually gradual. The lungs also get a decreased elastic recoil. The understanding and differentiation of the impact of normal aging and the identification of complications are important for the accurate determination of complications as pathology or as a normal reaction of aging. Week Three: Assessment of the Older Adult Assessment of the older adult The specific things to take into consideration and some modifications required to improve nursing care. The assessment method is essential, especially since the special consideration of the nature of the ages people in relation to giving information about their condition might be difficult to assess. RN’s must be able to discern the different aged persons and give the Link to week 1 and 2 Upon the introduction of the concept of aging and the various groupings of aging, there are further details of the assessment of older adults with a better understanding of the nature of their health. Careful listening and consideration of the history of the patient are especially important at this stage because some of the patients are incapable of comprehensive communication, Person-centred care Person-centred care revolves around: V: Value for the patient despite his/her cognitive and physiological capabilities. I:individualized approach. P: Empathy. S:Encourage a social environment that supports the client. This brings forth the element of quality nursing care for the older adults. Benefits of assessment They are outlined as the essential for the delivery of top-notch healthcare where the patient feels comfortable and receives the correct diagnosis and treatment. Proper assessment also prevents the back and forth references and trial treatments. It is helpful to the RN where they improve their abilities and professionalism Lack of assessment Comes with inaccurate assessment Mistakes that the RN should avoid. It is important for the RN to practice the skills of listening in relation to dealing with over adults. The theories of aging: Biologic Theories, Sociologic theories; Psychologic. These theories com with the attachment given as a reading. It works to explain the composite of the various concepts that work to explain on aging. Biologic theories: Stochastic (error, cross-linkage, wear and tear, free radical) theories; Non-stochastic (the possibility of errors in the transcription of the DNA). Sociologist theories: (Disengagement, developmental task, age stratification, person environmental fit) theories. Psychologic theories: Marslow’s needs hierarchy, Theory of individualism by Jung, Erickson’s 8-stage Peck’s theories of development. Week three works on the incorporation of a holistic approach towards the theories of aging. It helps in the understanding that aging is different among different individuals despite the similarity of their chronological ages. An understanding of all the theories gives RNs the option of using various approaches in the assessment of the patients and the approach of the diagnosis and treatment. Week Four: Healthy Ageing Principles and PHC What constitutes healthy aging? Although accompanies by illness and physiological failures, healthy aging consists of a person that is well. Wellness is the main focus of healthy aging. RNs must learn the different ways of enhancing the same among the older adults[Sio13]. Wellness helps with coping and further increases the life expectancy. Link to week 1 and 2 and 3 Analyse and evaluate the concepts of the previous week’s lecture/s and link them to the concepts outlined in the next lecture. Write an academically structured paragraph (250 words each) outlining how the concepts are related, supported by academic research. The principles of healthy aging A positive mindset. Social inclusion and social participation. It focuses on the maximization of the potential of the aged populations. Proactive healthcare. Good nutrition, long-term plans, and access to services to enhance independence are important if incorporated to ensure a healthier aging process. This calls for increased knowledge in geriatric nursing. Impact of aging Dependence. Chronic diseases. Disability. With the right attitudes there is also: Satisfaction. Motivation. Functional ability. Counteracting the impact in the best ways possible calls for professionalism, s genuine relationship with the aged person, the correct diagnosis, and specialization in the areas that need medical attention such as dementia. Primary healthcare requirements for the older people: Primary healthcare vs. acute care Healthcare focuses on maintaining wellness because illnesses are a part of aging. Wellness helps the people deal with the challenges that come with aging. Preventive interventions and regular check-ups for: Bowel cancer, PAC/DRE, Pap smears, Mammograms, blood density checks, fluvax, pneumovax, heart check-ups. It is important to consider the current RN rate of turnover and the need for enhanced retention in the future. Need for PHC services above the norm Such includes specialized references. Clear and communication teams are essential for the maximum benefit of the patient. An understanding of the complications of the patient ensures the use of the best approaches. The RNs must learn to construct the most effective team for effective coordination of medical care. Readiness for emergency responses is one of the most important elements of RNs. Such is seen in older adults suffering from conditions such as periodontitis[Rey14]. Week Five: Pharmacology and the Older Adult OTC medications directed towards the treatment of the older adult They are the diverse and specialized and directed to the right problem. Proper subscriptions are essential for the success of the treatment. RNs must take precaution to avoid misdiagnoses. It is even more important among the aged whose resilience to disease and misdiagnoses and wrong medications is weakened. The previous lectures take us through aging as a concept. They expound on the various experiences that come with aging which are observed with the subsequent advancement of the chronological ages. That ushers the lecture into lecture two. Whereas lecture one introduces the concept of aging, the statistics of aging in Australia, and the additional demands of healthcare and RN practice, lecture 2 gets into the depth of the concept of aging. It goes ahead to describe the various categories of aged people and the expected extent of biological aging among them. It expounds in the specific attributes of the aging process and what the RNs should take into consideration before making diagnoses of health anomalies. Lecture three is the detailed explanation of the assessment of the older adult where the various concepts of proper assessment are detailed. It graduates into week four where the personalized healthcare is illuminated, and the roles of the nurses highlighted. Quality healthcare comes with personalized healthcare. Finally, lecture five graduates into the technical details of the healthcare where the various recommendations of treatment approaches are presented. Anti-cholinergic syndrome Consists of anti-psychotics, anti-depressants, anti-Parkinson drugs, anti-spasmodic, anti-histamines, cold and flu medications, and eye drops. The subscriptions are mostly done during emergencies. A first aid skill during emergencies and in cases where some of the mediation is not immediately accessible is essential. Initiatives to help with the management of medication DC plan to GP, involving other people, thinking about the ability of the patients, involving others, and UTD medicine lists. Teaming up in cases of complex medical conditions is essential in the prevention of wrong diagnoses and treatment. Focus on the patients is also essential to promote wellness in the cure of the medication. NCOA on Pharmacokinetics The following consists of pharmacokinetics: Reduction of the rate of renal excretion; slowed down metabolism reduces the removal of waste from the system and the rate of clearance goes down to almost 40%; there is a difference in the rates of absorption with an increase in gastric PH, slow gastric system emptying process, and the reduction of the surface area of the bowel which causes frequent visits to the toilet and feeling bloated[CGS03]. Understanding the differences that come with renal excretions among the old people and the need to take such differences seriously. It is important for nurses to understand that some of the named issues are experienced at different levels by different people. Adherence This covers other ranges such as intentional non-adherence, unintentional non-adherence, and communication problems. The relevance in the nursing practice lies in the method applied in the interaction with the patient for the collection of the most relevant data. References Gra14: , (Hugo, 2014), AIH17: , (AIHW, 2017), Aus14: , (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 2014), Hig12: , (Higashi, 2012), Kar152: , (Ouchida & Lachs, 2015), Kat29: , (Hebert, Moore, & Rooney, 325–329), Tim14: , (Watt, 2014; Registered Nursing, 2017), Sio13: , (McMahon & Fleury, 2013), Rey14: , (MA., 2014), CGS03: , (Swift, 2003), Read More
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